Entries by Natalie St Hill

Robot Ball Tackles Winter

Robot Ball Tackles Winter: AMS’s automated ball management system a success with driving ranges during the winter season. The robotic ball collector distributed by AMS (Automated Managed Services) is part of their outfield maintenance solution for driving ranges. Tasked with the collection of range balls on the outfield, its purpose is not only to allow for […]

Automated Managed Services at SALTEX 2017

Automated Managed Services at SALTEX 2017: Cut your operational costs in half with Automated Managed Services (AMS) by introducing robot technology into your turf care regime. The robot mower BigMow, distributed by AMS has been revolutionizing grass maintenance at 600+ fields/outfields across Europe. A single BigMow robot mower can cut 2.5 hectares 3 to 5 […]