COMPO EXPERT Basfoliar®: COMPO EXPERT Basfoliar® ​​Ferro Top SL is a nitrogen-containing liquid fertilizer, rich in iron and sulfur. It also contains copper and manganese, two essential trace elements for healthy grass growth. ​​

Ferro Top SL is recommended for rapid greening of fine turf, but also on sports pitches and fairways.



In addition to the granular fertilizer, Basfoliar® Ferro Top SL is produced in the COMPO EXPERT Krefeld factory along with a full range of liquid fertilisers branded as Basfoliar® and a range of bio-stimulants under the name of Vitanica®. Strict quality control is observed at all times in the production of single 10,000L batches of each product before being shipped to all part of the globe. All raw materials for liquid and granule products are brought to the refeld factory via ship, rail and road before being made into one of over 1500

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