Gold standard for the white cliffs: With a patch that covers 123 square miles, it’s no surprise that Dover District Council opted for Reesink Turfcare’s ReeAssure maintenance scheme for ultimate peace of mind.
Dave Terry, supervisor at Dover District Council, simply couldn’t afford to have his Toro fleet out of action – especially since each mower was required to be in operation for 25-30 hours each week.

Gold standard for the white cliffs
Having Gold cover meant that Dave could expect routine maintenance and servicing along with unlimited call outs for vehicle breakdowns or repairs.
Dave explains: “When you’re working with machinery it’s inevitable that from time to time you’ll experience glitches or need to make repairs – it happens. Yet whenever I need assistance, I know I’ll have a Reesink representative on the doorstep the next day.
“We probably rely on them a couple of times each month and the security of having dependable, high-quality support more than pays for itself.
“If you don’t opt for cover then you could be subjected to hundreds of pounds of maintenance on a totally ad-hoc basis and we can’t take that risk or threaten having machines out of action for long periods of time.”
This is why the Reesink maintenance plan is so integral to large grounds teams or estate management organisations, as Peter Clarke, service manager at Reesink’s Sheffield Park branch, explains: “A monthly fixed-cost means there’s no hidden extras and with three packages to choose from – gold, silver and bronze – there is something to suit all budgets.”
Dave and his team at Dover District Council opted for the Gold maintenance plan and they continue to value the relationship they have with Reesink more than four years on.
Dave continues: “Reesink is a proper dealer. They don’t cut corners and they’re reliable and professional. When you have lots of public space to take care of, be it green spaces around housing estates or parks in the district, it’s important for us to partner with an operator we can trust.”
Thanks to Dave’s relationship with both Peter Clarke and Peter Biddlecombe, aftersales manager at Reesink’s Sheffield Park, he has peace of mind that his teams are able to do their job as efficiently as possible.
Reesink take care of everything from winter servicing, replacement parts or general upkeep. Knowing that components such as labour and parts to consumables and disposal fees are all covered within the cost of the Gold package provides straightforward cost managing and budget control.
With Reesink’s ReeAssure plans there’s the option for warranty programmes and the guarantee that buying Toro comes with buying into a support network like no other. The parts backup is second-to-none and as a Toro customer you are never more than a maximum 72-hours away from the part you need, for minimum downtime and maximum productivity.
Call 01480 226800 or go online at to find out more.
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