What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens

What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens: This is one of the statements made by the Amenity Forum Chairman in the Voluntary Initiative’s recently released Annual Report.

It covers the 12 months running up to June 30th 2018 and demonstrates the wide range of activity and development of this unified voice for the sector on all aspects of weed, pest and disease management. Organisations signed up to the Forum and committing themselves to best practice continues to grow and covers all areas of this diverse but highly important sector. http://amenityforum.co.uk/resources/2018-annual-report/

What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens

In reporting on key achievements, John Moverley, the Chairman, is keen to focus on what lies ahead and the need for everyone to embrace the Forum’s objectives. In the report, he says, ‘This has certainly been a year full of change, challenge and opportunity and all is set to continue at even greater pace. There is much going on at policy level with the Government publishing its 25 year environmental plan and ongoing consultations about its implementation and impact’.

In looking forward, the Forum identifies the following key priorities:
• Continuing activity to further increase understanding of our sector, not just by the public but by key stakeholders and all involved
• Further developing understand of Integrated approaches and what they really mean
• Ensuring the sector can maintain its current ability to manage weeds, pests and diseases and maintain the high standards and safe use of all sports surfaces and amenity areas
• Continuing to increase those engaged in continuing professional development and develop and promote strongly the importance of Assured standards

John says ‘The UK amenity sector sets a very high standard and is proud of its achievements. The Forum will continue to seek that all involved are at such standard and that everyone understands the importance and vital nature of this sector’

This year’s Forum annual conference and exhibition has the theme ‘Change, Challenge and Opportunity’. It has become very much a must attend event for all involved in or with an interest in amenity management and well known for the high quality of its speakers. It will be held once again at the Pirelli Stadium, Burton upon Trent, on Tuesday, October 9th. Delegate rates are kept as low as possible at £75 + VAT for supporter organisations and £85 + VAT for others. However there is a £10 discount for early bird registrations before September 1st.


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