Sam Green At BTME

Sam Green At BTME: The Chief Operating Officer at Aqua-Aid, Sam Green, will be presenting ‘Thatch Reduction and Root Mass Development using WormPower’ as part of BIGGA’s renowned Continue to Learn at the upcoming BTME exhibition in Harrogate.

The presentation takes place on Wednesday 24th January from 16.00 to 16.45 and is free to all who are attending the exhibition. Sam will be focusing on the effect vermicompost and microbes have on thatch reduction and root development, as well as how to select the correct micro-organisms.

Sam Green At BTME

Sam is a graduate of Virginia Tech University with a Degree in Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences and has 27-years experience in the turf industry. He has been on the superintendent side of the business most of his career and was most recently Golf Course Superintendent for Eagle Point Golf Club in Wilmington, NC. Eagle Point was ranked in Golf Digest as a Top 100 course three consecutive times during his tenure.

He is now the Chief Operating Officer for Aqua Aid Incorporated, Aqua Aid is the parent company of Aqua Aid Wetting Agents, Verde Cal Calcium and Potassium products, WormPower Turf Extract, and the North American importer for Campey Imants equipment lineup.

WormPower has been a massive success in America and Sam has been an instrumental part of that, with his experience using the product greatly contributing to its growing use on golf courses across the USA.

A large part of using WormPower is understanding how it works, and the aim of the presentation is to focus on what the product is, the effects it has on the root zone and soil composition and what the results of using it are.

For anyone desiring to learn about WormPower before the seminar, information is available at and on the Aqua-Aid EU stand B37.

For more information on the range of products please visit the

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