Taking Pride In Your Work

Taking Pride In Your Work: “Taking pride in what you do.” This was the closing message in an address given to the UK Lawncare Network conference by Professor John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Amenity Forum. He said ‘For too long the excellent work in our sector maintaining amenity surfaces has been under recognised. What is done every day keeps Britain moving, through weed control of our road and rail networks, our sports surfaces, our gardens and lawns and more. In many ways, Britain sets the standard and it is important that we shout about this a little more’. 

John was asked to give the opening address when he addressed the topic of ‘Policy change – promoting best practice, responding to the change and communicating the importance of what we do’

Taking Pride In Your Work

The Amenity Forum is once again running a series of free Updating Events at venues across the UK. This series of free Updating Events seeks to address topical issues of interest and relevance to all involved in the amenity sector and will comprise short presentations by speakers drawn from the Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE, BASIS Registration, the National Sprayer Testing Service, STRI, the various host organisations and from the Amenity Forum itself. They are timed to occupy half a day, normally mornings, and on dates between February and April 2018.

The series has been given the title of ‘Meeting the challenge’ and there will be adequate time for questions and discussion. Whilst the events are free, delegates are required to register in advance. There is sure to be a venue near you and so if you require further information, please email admin@amenityforum.net. These have proved extremely popular events in previous years and have been very well received.

Locations and dates confirmed are:

Belfast 8th February
Peterborough 15th February
Wales 20th February
Stoneleigh 6th March
Pontefract 1st March
London 14th March
Reading 21st March
Essex 22nd March
Edinburgh 10th April
Darlington 11th April
Devon 19th April

This year there will also be three events within the programme especially designed for grounds staff and greenkeepers and hosted by Forum members, IOG and BIGGA. Dates and venues are yet to be confirmed but will take place at locations in the North, Midlands and South. If you wish to register interest for these again contact admin@amenityforum.net

Professor John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Forum, said ‘’We offer these events as a convenient way for those involved in, or with an interest in, amenity to keep updated on current issues. The locations are spread across the UK and we are especially grateful to member organisations for providing venues and our speakers and supporters which make it all possible’’

The Forum has also announced the date for its popular annual conference and exhibition. In 2018 it will be held once again at the Pirelli Stadium, Burton upon Trent, on Tuesday, October 11th. The conference will be entitled ‘Change, challenge and opportunity’

For more information, visit: www.amenityforum.co.uk

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