Unique marathon completed

Unique marathon completed: Guinness world record was set at Boulby mine in east Cleveland on Saturday (Oct 10th) to mark World Mental Health Day.

Two Army Cadet National Ambassadors, Sally Orange and Jordan Wylie, alongside a small team of runners from ICL UK, ran a marathon at the bottom of the deepest mine in the country.

Unique marathon completed

Unique marathon completed

Running 26 miles in any circumstances is a challenge but doing it a thousand metres under the surface of the earth in temperatures which can reach 40 Celsius – while dressed in safety equipment – is not for the faint hearted.

On top of that, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, those taking part had to observe social distancing, wear face coverings and sanitise regularly. The masks only being removed briefly for photo opportunities.

Unique marathon completed

Unique marathon completed

“It was hot, sweaty, dark and very tricky,” said Sally. “We weren’t trying to set a record for speed so we took it steadily just to make sure we could complete the challenge and raise awareness of how mental illness can have hidden affects on people of all ages.”

Sally explained why the attempt was called ‘Beneath the Surface’:

“We thought it perfectly encapsulates the way we never really know what is going on underneath the surface of an individuals’ mind,” she said. “Not all injuries are visible. And problems with mental health often carry a stigma which we are striving to overcome,” she added.

A second Guinness world record was also set on the day as the Army Cadets Force delivered the largest ever online mental health awareness training course, breaking the previous record of 2,000 students set in India three years ago.

Unique marathon completed

Unique marathon completed

Scott Garnett, agronomist at ICL UK, organised the Boulby side of the event:

“We are very proud to be part of setting this world record at our mine,” he said. “Obviously it was a unique occasion which couldn’t have happened without so many of our staff getting involved. Proof positive that ‘team work makes the dream work’.”

The entire event was to raise awareness and funds for three charities; SSAFA, Young Minds and Frontline Children. You can still support the attempt at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=beneaththesurfacemarathon&pageUrl=11

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Report uncovers environmental impact of petrol tools

Report uncovers environmental impact of petrol tools: The UK’s most widely used petrol-powered outdoor power tools have been put to the test, as part of a new report published by EGO. Bringing together evidence, insight and expert opinion, ‘The Report’ uncovers the true environmental impact of petrol-powered tools – and outlines consumer attitudes when it comes to tackling climate change.

The research shows that more than 89% of tools used by councils in the UK are powered by petrol engines which collectively use more than 600,000 litres of fuel every year, and are used to maintain public spaces, parks and even school playing fields. When subject to emissions tests, however, these tools are proven to use significant levels of petrol compared to the average car and in some cases even exceed permitted levels of particulates.

Report uncovers environmental impact of petrol tools

Report uncovers environmental impact of petrol tools

The test results also show that, in just one second, the most widely used leaf blower recorded more particulates than the legal limit for road vehicles in a kilometre.

The Report has been launched to mark Clean Air Day (8 October) as part of EGO’s Challenge 2025 vision, through which a cleaner, quieter and safer environment is envisaged by encouraging the use of battery power over high-emission petrol-powered gardening equipment.

Emma Gayler of EGO, said: “The Report is our biggest research project to date and the startling statistics we’ve been able to uncover outline just how damaging petrol-powered equipment is for our environment. Despite using petrol engines, these tools are not subject to the same standards and testing as roadgoing vehicles, so we put them through emissions tests and found some alarming results.

“Knowing how damaging these tools can be in terms of pollution, it’s worrying that they remain in the hands of unassuming users and are still used to maintain outside space. This Clean Air Day, we want to make people aware of the dangers of petrol-powered tools, not just on our environment, but also on the health of ourselves and our communities.”

To gather the comprehensive results for The Report, EGO commissioned emissions and fuel economy tests, carried out a survey of domestic and professional power tool users and submitted Freedom of Information requests to analyse data from councils across the UK.

To download The Report and see the full environmental impact of petrol-powered tools, visit: www.challenge2025.eu/thereport

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Headland reduces costly fungicide applications

Headland reduces costly fungicide applications: The transition from the main growing season into the cooler, wetter autumn and winter months brings many changes to a turf maintenance programme.

For Stratford Oaks Course Manager James Cleaver, it’s no different – with October marking the switch of liquid fertiliser programmes over to monthly applications of the 20-20-30 Enhanced Plant Health (EPH) tank-mix from Headland Amenity.

Headland reduces costly fungicide applications

Headland reduces costly fungicide applications

Since James joined the club, located on the outskirts of Stratford-Upon-Avon, 18 months ago, the drive towards non-pesticidal turf management is something he’s been keen to continue. “Trying to achieve a sward that is healthy and strong enough to resist disease not only gives you better quality turf surfaces but reduces the need for costly fungicide applications” explains James. “The Headland 20-20-30 tank-mix of Liquid Turf Hardener, Turfite® Elite and Seamac® ProTurf Fe, and more recently with the addition of Mantle, has been a staple in the winter-feeding programme at Stratford Oaks for a number of years.”

“This tank-mix is easy to apply and gives us healthy growth and a stronger, denser, more resilient sward. The inclusion of the Seamac® ProTurf Fe (citrate chelated iron with Seaweed) delivers fantastic colour on our greens which is always pleasing for the members throughout the winter months.” The monthly applications over the winter of 2019/20 contributed towards a significant reduction in disease activity, meaning James and the team only required a single fungicide application – representing significant financial savings when compared to previous seasons.

To further increase the efficacy and effectiveness against disease occurrence, specifically Microdochium nivale, James will supplement the 20-20-30 tank mix with two applications of PPT114 – Headland’s water-soluble micronutrient formulation featuring Manganese, Zinc and Copper, alongside Harpin Protein Elicitor – between October and February. “Our Regional Technical Manager Andy Lane recommended we incorporate PPT114 to enhance our EPH programme and that really seems to have made a difference. He’s my go-to for all product and technical advice, all backed up with the facts from the numerous trials that Headland conduct.”

The tried and tested proactive plant health approach will be in place for James until the new growing season arrives in March, when he will switch to another Headland soluble tank-mix of Elevate Fe®, XTEND® 46-0-0 and TriCure AD™ across the fairways, tees and approaches.

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