Hose pipe ban exemptions: The Turfgrass Growers Association (TGA) which represents turf growers nationally is pleased to see that water companies are including watering of newly laid turfgrass within their hose pipe ban exemption.
The current exemption allows for watering of newly laid turfgrass for up to 28 days after installation.

Hose pipe ban exemptions
Freshly laid turf needs water during establishment and that without an exemption communities and landscape contractors would suffer hardship as well as the turfgrass growers themselves. “In addition to that,” says Richard Owens, Chair of the TGA, “it would be perverse in the extreme to effectively curtail the planting of something which – apart from preventing soil erosion, preventing water run-off, and locking up CO2 – is of positive benefit to individuals and communities both in private gardens and in the public realm.”
TGA spokesperson, Stacie Rae is also keen to stress that turfgrass growers recognise that they have a part to play in helping gardeners and landscapers get through the current situation. “Short term, our members are preparing advice for both the amateur gardener and the landscape professional on how they can establish new-laid turf with the minimum of water usage. This includes using recycled water and observing timings of watering.”
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