Entries by Coral Clark

Hose pipe ban exemptions

Hose pipe ban exemptions: The Turfgrass Growers Association (TGA) which represents turf growers nationally is pleased to see that water companies are including watering of newly laid turfgrass within their hose pipe ban exemption. The current exemption allows for watering of newly laid turfgrass for up to 28 days after installation. Freshly laid turf needs […]

Turfgrass Growers Association demo day

Turfgrass Growers Association demo day: The Turfgrass Growers Association are pleased to announce that the Turfgrass Summer Show is returning for 2022. Following on from the success of the 2020 event, we are pleased to now announce the date for this year’s event Thursday 28th July. Turffit have very kindly offered to host the 2022 […]