Entries by Graham Paskett

STIGA handlebar system

STIGA handlebar system: STIGA is rapidly becoming known as the innovators in garden lawnmowers and equipment and its latest development is a handlebar system that moves to the side to avoid shrubs and trees and allow easier mowing against a hedge or wall. The STIGA Fulcrum handlebar system is fitted to a number of STIGA […]

If you mowed in May – that’s ok

If you mowed in May – that’s ok: If you didn’t follow the no-mow May advice don’t be alarmed.  One of Britain’s foremost lawn experts confirms that regular mowing is good for both the lawn and the environment.  Richard Salmon (photographed below), the founder of ProLawnCareUK, is adamant that simply adjusting the mower and using […]

Revolutionary garden tractor

Revolutionary garden tractor: The garden tractor world is about to be revolutionised with the launch of the first fully button operated machines that boast the largest mowing area on a single charge for battery power. The simple to use STIGA Series 7 machines are smartphone compatible with a simple one pedal drive system. The two […]

‘Green’ lawncare key for environment

‘Green’ lawncare key for environment: There are more than 20 million domestic garden lawns in the UK and one man is driving a campaign to ensure that British gardeners get the latest and best possible ‘green’ advice on lawncare. “There is a place for the occasional use of chemicals in lawncare but there is also […]

The electric armchair that cuts grass

The electric armchair that cuts grass: We have the electric car, scooter, and bicycle – all of which are battery powered – now it’s the first drive-by-wire lawnmower for domestic gardens that offers the comfort of a favourite armchair while cutting the grass. The STIGA Gyro sets the standards for battery powered mowing.  It employs […]