Entries by Louise Challiss

INFINICUT® Improves Presentation In Sweeden

INFINICUT® Improves Presentation In Sweeden: Home to Ik Oddevold and Rössö IF, the Rimnersvallen Stadium in Sweeden have recently purchased a Cub Cadet INFINICUT® 34” mower from local dealer Grasvardsmaskiner. Used on the main stadium pitch, including before matches, Rimnersvallen Grounds Manager Robert Adamsson has been particularly impressed with the improvement in the quality of […]

Powerline Services Purchase GreenMech Chippers

Powerline Services Purchase GreenMech Chippers: Running GreenMech woodchippers since 1999, Powerline Services MLJ Ltd and Director Ben Jones have recently taken delivery of their latest additions, two ArbTrak 150’s. A loyal customer to the tracked units since GreenMech launched their first model in 2003, the new machines on their fleet effortlessly traverse all terrains reducing transport […]

Headland Deliver Strong Fairways At Abridge GC

Headland Deliver Strong Fairways At Abridge GC: In what was a challenging year for Greenkeepers up and down and the country, Course Manager at Abridge Golf Club Geoff Smith had no complaints with the way the course emerged from the prolonged period of hot weather. The fairways, in particular, came out looking better than ever, which […]

Replay Operator Q&A

Replay Operator Q&A: A Q&A with Replay Maintenance operator Michael Kelly What is your current role at Replay Maintenance? How long have you been there and what was your route into the industry? I became part of the Replay team following a recruitment drive day that Replay held. I have now worked at Replay for two […]

Charterhouse Launch OxyShot At BTME

Charterhouse Launch OxyShot At BTME: Charterhouse Turf Machinery added the OxyShot into their aeration portfolio, launching the new machine at BTME 2019. Produced in response to industry demand for a machine similar to the popular ‘Robin Dagger’ air-injection unit, Charterhouse’s new machine promises to relieve compaction, improve drainage and revitalise growth. Ideal soil conditions should comprise […]