Entries by Louise Challiss

Charterhouse Doubles Aeration Regime

Charterhouse Doubles Aeration Regime: Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty in Berkshire, Goring and Streatley Golf Club offers a challenging 18 holes over a half downland and half parkland course. Despite the challenges this brings to Course Manager Matt Aplin and his team when it comes to maintenance, the greens are renowned for being […]

Reading Switch To Johnsons

Reading Switch To Johnsons: Switching to a brand new grass seed after 10 years of using the same mixture is a big step, but one that Grounds Manager Adam Grantham made at both the Madejski Stadium and Reading FC’s training ground, Hogwood Park. Now into his second season, the switch to Johnsons Sports Seed J Premier […]

Arb150 Ticks All The Boxes

Arb150 Ticks All The Boxes: Wiltshire Countryside Services have become the latest company to purchase an Arb 150p from GreenMech. For Owner Adam Lonsdale, his decision was made easier not only by the build quality and back-up service that GreenMech provides compared to the alternatives available in the current market, but also by the superior performance […]

Headland Bring Greens Back To Life

Headland Bring Greens Back To Life: Over the autumn and winter of 2016/17, Basingstoke’s Test Valley Golf Club was hit with a serious Fusarium attack which left their greens weakened and scar damaged. Course Manager Dave Ross turned to Alex Hawkes of Headland Amenity to help with the creation of a recovery programme – applied it […]

Charterhouse Open Day A Success

Charterhouse Open Day A Success: Charterhouse Turf Machinery, in conjunction with dealers Ben Burgess GroundsCare, recently entertained over 80 groundsmen and greenkeepers at an open day at Thetford Golf Club.  The day featured a technical talk from the STRI and gave Turf Managers the opportunity to share best practices with other professionals in the industry, as […]