Entries by Noortje van Loo

Sustainable launch from SGL

Sustainable launch from SGL: In the midst of the worldwide transition to a sustainable society, SGL sets a new standard for efficient pitch management. The past years their agronomy and R&D team worked closely together, to bring together over a decade of agronomical research and technological innovation, and transformed that into the biggest and most […]

SGL TurfPod makes grass monitoring accessible

SGL TurfPod makes grass monitoring accessible: Data driven decisions usually result in a higher grass quality and more efficient use of resources. Yet, many clubs do not have the budget to make big investments in monitoring equipment. Over the past years SGL have been working towards a solution to make monitoring technology accessible to everyone. […]

Grow Lights At The Allianz Arena

Grow Lights At The Allianz Arena: Although LED technology isn’t new, there haven’t been any sports surfaces grown on a large scale successfully with the help of LED light yet. After extensive research, development and testing, Allianz Arena are convinced they will now be the first, by using the SGL LED grow lighting system. Allianz Arena […]