Cleaner, Greener, Quieter Mowing With Toro

Cleaner, Greener, Quieter Mowing With Toro. Toro’s hybrid duo bring unparalleled results that don’t cost the Earth.

Cleaner, Greener, Quieter Mowing With Toro

To meet the demands of turf professionals across the UK wishing to reduce their carbon footprint, save fuel and cut operating costs, Toro‘s hybrid mower duo have been through years of thorough testing to deliver this while ensuring high performance remains unparalleled.

The two innovative mowers under the spotlight are the Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid 3420, the first machine to earn the EnergySmart label from Toro, and the Reelmaster 5010-H hybrid fairway mower – well-known as the industry’s first fairway mower with a true hybrid drive system.

Hybrid-electric vehicles combine electric motor and engine-based power sources, and the two Toro mowers are no different: both are propelled forwards by 24.8hp Kubota diesel engines, but their cutting units are battery powered rather than hydraulic.

This results in a reduction of fuel consumption, making an investment in a Toro hybrid mower not only cost-effective in the long run but more eco-friendly too. In fact, the 5010-H can save users up to an impressive 20 percent on fuel.

Such fuel-savings are down to the model’s unique PowerMatch technology, which couples the power from its diesel engine with its self-recharging 48-volt battery pack in order to produce the power needed for traction and cutting, depending on mowing conditions.

Therefore the 5010-H is capable of being very powerful, but only when necessary, which saves fuel and money. This model is proof that a mower can be economical to run, yet still perform as well as a higher horsepower machine.

While both mowers’ all-electric cutting units are as productive as hydraulically powered units, another benefit is that they produce less noise pollution. Due to the hybrid-drive system, there is less engine noise meaning players, guests and nearby wildlife are less likely to be disturbed.

In addition to this, taking away hydraulic units from the machines removes 100 potential leak points. There is no frustration like oil leaking onto freshly mowed turf. With hybrid mowers this risk is completely eliminated, meaning the duo are kinder on turf as well as the environment.

With Toro hybrid mowers money is saved thanks to reduced fuel consumption, so high-quality productive mowing doesn’t cost you, or the Earth.
To demo or simply learn more about these cleaner, greener, quieter mowers, please visit or call 01480 226800.


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