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First 6” turntable chipper from Jensen

First 6” turntable chipper from Jensen: What is believed to be the world’s first 6” turntable woodchipper will be launched and on display at SALTEX this month, from the worlds original woodchipper manufacturer, Jensen.

Found on stand H190, visitors to the show are welcomed to come and see the new A530L turntable model for themselves and learn more about this brand-new innovation from the German woodchipper manufacturer.

First 6” turntable chipper from Jensen

The new woodchipper has also been shortlisted in the Saltex 2019 Innovation Awards.

Jensen woodchippers were the world’s first woodchippers, designed in Maasbüll in 1884, so it is no surprise that they have always led the way with innovation in the sector.

The new 6” A530L turntable is the latest in a long line of unique developments available exclusively from Jensen, including bespoke custom builds, touch-sensor safety buttons and turntable functionality on all chippers 8” and above.

With the ability to turn the turntable up to 270 degrees, users can load the A530L from a range of angles around the machine and directly from the verge, not only saving time and effort, but ensuring improved safety for both the operators and members of the public in the vicinity.

The 270-degree rotating chute also means that users can fully configure the input and output directions for maximum efficiency and safety.

Available as a road-towable woodchipper, the new Jensen A530L turntable can be towed behind the operator’s vehicle easily, and its galvanised steel chassis guarantees reduced maintenance, outstanding resistance to damage, corrosion and wear, and a hugely extended life expectancy compared to other woodchipper brands.

The 35hp petrol engine offers supreme power and efficiency, whilst ensuring less pollution and Nitrogen Oxides emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment. This is also recognised as a benefit for those working in Clean Air Zones and Low-Emission towns and cities or tendering for large scale projects where diesel machinery is unfavourable.

Offering the same power and performance as the standard A530L, our most popular model and highly favoured by the industry, the A530L turntable can process up to 15m3/h of timber and brash, with additional benefits including electronic safety sensors fitted as standard, comprehensive toolkit fitted to the machine, built in control box to record hours and servicing intervals, and incorporated storage box.

See the new Jensen A530L Turntable on display at Saltex between 30th and 31st October, on stand H190 and find out more about Jensen at www.jensenchippers.co.uk

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The New Shelton 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper

The New Shelton 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper: “Back-fill drainage trenches with both sand and gravel at the flick of switch!”

“One machine multiple capabilities”

The New Shelton 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper

Lincolnshire sportsturf drainage experts Shelton are launching their latest machine at the BTME: The 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper has been designed to fulfil a combination of different tasks associated with backfilling and sand spreading on sportsturf after drainage has been carried out. Its unique design means that customers can choose from a number of different combinations: The Universal base unit is available as standalone unit or is available with the addition of any or all of the following options:

  • Gravel Cart (Side Discharge Unit)
  • Sand Spreader
  • 6 Tonne Fast Flow (Centre Fill Unit)

The Universal differs from other hoppers in that it contains a moving floor in the main hopper in the form of a conveyor, which can feed a centre fill to place gravel or sand into the trench after drainage pipes have been installed. The hopper is longer and lower for easier loading and the conveyor can move material forwards or backwards depending on the job required; it will move forward for either a Side Discharge Unit (Gravel Cart) or in reverse to fill a Sand Spreader. The Universal comes complete with electro hydraulic controls including hydraulic motor speed control giving the option to speed up or slow down, depending on the material which is being used.  This can all be operated from the tractor cab and the addition of a hydraulic block, rather than valves means that one operation will not affect another, giving optimum control and performance. The ability to backfill both gravel and sand at the flick of a switch gives the added advantage that the backfilling operation is much quicker and can keep up with the trencher, reducing downtime.

The New Shelton 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper

Shelton Sportsturtf Drainage will be on stand 281 in the Red Zone at the BTME and The 6 Tonne Universal Sand and Gravel Hopper will be on display at the entrance to the show.

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Perfect Start For Terra Spike GXi 6

Perfect Start For Terra Spike GXi 6: Throughout his 26 years of service at Ashley Wood GC in Blandford Forum, head greenkeeper, Mark Sherwood, can count the snow days there on the fingers of both hands.  With high elevation and fast draining chalk soil, extreme weather rarely halts play at the Dorset club. Indeed during winter, Ashley Wood is a magnet for those looking for year round golf.

So in March, when Andy Frost from local Wiedenmann UK dealer,  EG Coles of Shaftesbury and Chas Ayres, Wiedenmann UK Sales Manager, pitched up to install a Terra Spike GXi 6 aerator, everyone was hugely surprised by a 3 inch snowfall.

Perfect Start For Terra Spike GXi 6

“The snow was gone in no time but it put a stop to the handover run,” recalls Mark Sherwood.  “However, that was the Monday, by the Wednesday we got on so well we were even hollow coring. It was an instant success.”

Ashley Wood’s GXi 6 was specifically chosen to deliver a clean finish to the greens, tees and aprons. Being busy with member and society golf leaves little down time and aeration can’t be allowed to cause disruption.

“We pushed it to see what it could achieve so we double hollow cored some greens,” continued Mark Sherwood.  “First pass, we used a two by one hole pattern.  We then cleared all cores. Next for the second pass, we slowed right down for maximum accuracy. Once we’d sanded the greens our golfers were straight back on without any issues.  Afterwards we got an endorsement I wasn’t expecting.  For the first time ever, several members came up to say they couldn’t believe the great finish the new machine had left, even with twice the number of holes we’d usually create!  Crucially, approval from our members, so we were as pleased as they were…”

Perfect Start For Terra Spike GXi 6

Mark and his team of four have kept to their planned programme and been out every three to four weeks, varying heave and depth as appropriate.

“Mostly we’ve been out with solids although at the end of August we went back for few single passes with hollow coring tines. We’ve lots of undulation, with several of the greens particularly full of humps and bumps.  The Wiedenmann follows these with no issues at all. The solid three part rear roller is a real benefit. There’s a good weight on it that puts the turf back ‘down’.  Previously we had to keep a very close eye with our last machine where we’d have had a few ripples in the ground where the tines enter and leave the ground but now it’s as smooth as silk.  Once it’s set it’s set.”

For more information, visit: www.wiedenmann.com

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