Tag Archive for: Amenity

Amenity Forum’s Recent Updating Events

Amenity Forum’s Recent Updating Events: The management of amenity areas is a vital and important task creating safe and healthy public spaces fit for purpose. It is vital that such tasks are undertaken to the highest professional standards but, as it stands, although there are a number of recognised assurance schemes, there is no overall standard which can easily be recognised as demonstrating those undertaking amenity management operations are professionally competent and using methods at the highest standards of best practice.

Given that, the Amenity Forum is developing a standard for the sector. This will inform the public, and those who place tenders or employ operators that the processes implemented are safe and healthy and fit for purpose. The standard will be akin to the Red Tractor logo which is widely recognised in the food sector. It will be instantly recognisable and will verify that the various assurance schemes in the sector are maintained at the overall standard.

Amenity Forum’s Recent Updating Events

In the current climate, cost will always be a key factor when considering amenity management plans but it is vital that quality and standards are an essential element in the final decision. The new standard and accompanying logo will give confidence to all involved.

Those attending London and Belfast recently as part of the popular series of free Amenity Forum Updating events organised welcomed the proposals. It was recognised that many do currently look to employ contractors and the like with assured credentials such as Amenity Assured, there remains others who operate outside such standards. The new Amenity Standard seeks to address this and ensure it is as widely recognised in the amenity sector as the Red Tractor is in food.

Professor John Moverley, Chairman of the Forum, said ‘’I would like to see this standard as an essential requirement when employing anyone involved in amenity management. If employing a gas fitter, I seek to ensure he or she is CORGI registered, a similar requirement should be essential in amenity management. There are a number of well recognised assurance schemes in our sector, this new standard seeks to embrace these and in a simple way, provide everyone of an assured standard and best practice. I would like to see the logo associated the standard to be proudly displayed across the UK in our parks, golf courses, sports grounds and indeed all our public spaces’’

The new standard is due to be launched later this year and in the meantime, everyone is urged to seek evidence of a recognised assurance scheme when employing those charged with amenity management in all its forms.

The Amenity Forum is continuing its free Updating Event series and for details please contact Admin@amenityforum.co.uk 

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Amenity Forum – Adapt And Survive

Amenity Forum – Adapt And Survive: In a recent presentation, our Chairman quoted the words of Charles Darwin as ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change’. There is certainly a high degree of uncertainty currently facing many organisations including those in amenity management. Our news is filled with stories of such uncertainty. However as our chairman said ‘’In such changing times, it is important to focus on opportunity – whatever the circumstances, it can exist to those prepared to embrace the change and seek to make it work for them.

I recently attended an Innovation Showcase event held at Jealott’s Hill. It provided a fascinating insight into current research and in particular new innovative approaches to weed, pest and disease management. Whilst the focus was on food crops, application to amenity was easily identified. Individual presentations included the future of biocontrols with an insight into how RNA based techniques could maximise the potential of this new paradigm in pest management. There were also presentations on technology foresight and innovation, including the power of robotics and drone technology and precision approaches. As our politicians look to promote more sustainable approaches, such innovation can offer solutions whilst still allowing operators to undertake their work effectively and efficiently’’

Amenity Forum - Adapt And Survive

In the period, February to April, the Amenity Forum will be running a total of 13 free Updating events across the UK. As half day events, they are open to everyone involved in or with an interest in amenity management. They will provide updates on topical issues and recent developments with contributions from policy makers and practitioners. With the review of the UK’s National Action Plan underway, these also provide real opportunity to hear your views and concerns.

The Events this year are entitled ‘Adapt and Survive’ with headline sponsorship from JSD Rail and with each event hosted by a member organisation. The full programme will be announced soon but you can register your interest now by emailing Admin@amenityforum.net As soon as the fullprogramme is available, it will then be forwarded for you to book a place at the location of your choice.

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‘Precise’ Sherriff Amenity At SALTEX

‘Precise’ Sherriff Amenity At SALTEX: Visitors to stand E060 at SALTEX 2018 will get the opportunity to find out how they could significantly improve their turf through Sherriff Amenity’s range of unique products and some new dedicated apps.

Sherriff Amenity, the UK’s leading turf and amenity suppliers, have announced the launch of two new apps, which are set to increase efficiency and improve operations for sports turf managers.

‘Precise’ Sherriff Amenity At SALTEX

PrecisionPro is a dedicated app for sports turf to measure any area, guide you in calibrating your spreader for any granular product and also help you apply fertilisers as accurate as ever. The slogan for the app is Measure. Calibrate. Apply – and in just three simple steps accuracy and precision is guaranteed.

The misjudgement of green size often results in over application or under application of fertilisers and both will have a negative effect on performance, disease and budget.

PrecisionPro allows turf managers to have an accurate measured area by simply opening the app and walking the perimeter of the green. Calibrating spreaders has always been a difficult task but with the Calibrate feature in the PrecisionPro app, users are guided through each step of the process. Furthermore, its advanced GPS functionality informs you when to start and stop the calibration process.

Accurate application is taken to the next level and no more guesswork is required. The app features a function to ensure that every operator walks at the same speed – if someone is walking too fast or too slow then they are alerted by colour coded screens. As well as calculating your g/m2 and your walking speed, the Apply feature ultimately ensures that you are applying the correct amount of product to your turf.

Also being showcased on the stand is Sherriff Amenity’s all new ParryMeter football app – which is the world’s first dedicated measurement device to accurately measure the ball roll performance of football pitches using a real football. The ParryMeter football app records thousands of measurements per run ensuring absolute accuracy of readings. Additional data can also be entered into the app and all measurements are saved and easily shared however the user wishes to.

Sherriff Amenity will be joined on the stand by Carbon Gold – the world’s leading biochar company. Sherriff Amenity are the exclusive UK distributors of Carbon Gold’s Enriched Biochar Turf Improver and visitors will be able to discover more about Biochar, which is a highly porous, high carbon form of charcoal used to improve soil nutrition, growing conditions and turf health. It is made from untreated waste woody biomass that has been charred at a low temperature with a restricted supply of oxygen, a process called pyrolysis.

Carbon Gold’s Turf Improver enriches biochar with optimum levels of beneficial fungi, bacteria and trace minerals for optimum soil and sward health. Where prevention rather than cure is key, adding enriched biochar to soil provides the foundation on which to build resilient, attractive, playable turf, as recent sports turf trials have shown.

One lucky visitor to the stand will also walk away with a free Accupro spreader as well as a Lenova tablet, which comes pre-loaded with the PrecisonPro app.

For further information, please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or visit www.sherriffamenity.com

For more news and insightful views, you can follow Sherriff Amenity on Twitter @SherriffAmenity

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Germinal’s New Amenity Website

Germinal’s New Amenity Website: A new, amenity specific website has been launched by Germinal, designed with the aim of making it easier for groundsmen to get the very best results from their pitches, training grounds and other sports facilities.

The new website, available here, contains all the information professional groundsmen and turfcare professionals need to optimise the performance of their sports facilities, including complete specifications and usage guides for Germinal’s Grade ‘A’ range of sports-specific grass seed mixtures as well as full details of its specialist fertilisers and range of general landscaping products.

Germinal's New Amenity Website

“As well as investing in research and development to bring new grass cultivars and turf care products seeds to the sports amenity sector, we are also conscious of the industry’s appetite for the latest advice in terms of making sports pitches perform to their best potential,” explains Richard Brown, Germinal Amenity Sales Manager.

“Our popular range of ‘Grade A’ grass seed mixtures is always evolving to ensure our sports specific products remain the best available.  The new website has therefore been developed to make it easier for new and existing customers to get ‘Sow Much More’ from their facilities by keeping them abreast of our evolving range of products and to enable them to specify the most appropriate products to suit each site’s specific needs.

“The new website also contains a collection of advice guides and video resources which cover a range of topics from over-seeding ‘how-to’ guides, to detailed explanations of the importance of soil pH and nutrient management.”

The website also contains downloadable fertiliser plans which have been designed by Germinal’s FACTS (Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme) qualified experts to enable everyone from novice groundsmen to professional stadium managers to get the best results from their facilities.

The new website also features a ‘Product Selector’ tool which makes it as easy for groundsmen to find the most appropriate products for their projects.

“Our sports specific seed mixtures contain only the very best quality cultivars,” Richard Brown adds.  “However, with such a wide variety of options to choose from, specifying the right mixture  of seed for individual site can be a daunting and time-consuming process.  Our new Product Selector streamlines this process, using step-by-step recommendations to help groundsmen to select the most appropriate seed mixture.  And, just as before, any orders placed before 2pm will be shipped and delivered the next working day.”

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Rigby Taylor’s Amenity Supplies Deal

Rigby Taylor’s Amenity Supplies Deal: Clive Liddiard is a grounds professional who knows what he wants, when he wants it and what he wants it for! It’s a vision that has underpinned his illustrious career, first as a greenkeeper and, more recently, as a groundsman – which has included winning an IOG Industry Award.

And it is a strategy that he is now successfully applying at Framlingham College in Suffolk.

Rigby Taylor's Amenity Supplies Deal

His expert outlook explains why he has signed a three-year preferred supplier deal with Rigby Taylor for all the amenity supplies, including line-marking machines and paints and aerosols, that he and his team of eight groundsmen will need to improve and maintain the standards of the college’s rugby, football and cricket pitches, as well as tennis courts.

The agreement – which he affirms “will bring the sports fields and horticultural areas up to scratch and consistently playable and well-presented” at the college’s two sites (the main college campus and the nearby junior school) is, he says, a win-win situation.

Clive, who in January 2018 was appointed head of grounds at the independent school’s sprawling 108-acre Suffolk site which accommodates pupils aged three to eighteen, adds: “Rigby Taylor get a firm, long-term contract for a set of products and I get all the best products at the best possible price – along with superb and reliable back-up from Rigby Taylor’s technical sales representative, Mark Keysell!”

Clive’s shopping list includes the R9 and R5 seeds (100% ultra-fine rye and 100% fescue blend, respectively), Crossbar selective herbicide and Chikara contact/residual herbicide, as well as Gallup Biograde Amenity foliar-applied herbicide and the Qualgex surface biocide, plus two iGo Advance and an iGo Mini Exclusive line-markers and Impact line-marking paint along with a variety of loams and dressings.

Speaking at an ‘Innovation, Education and Demonstration’ event of Rigby Taylor’s line-marking products at the college – which included GPS line-marking and the award-winning Impact paint technology – Clive commented:

“I haven’t got an enormous budget, but I wanted the best array of products possible to create the ‘perfect picture’ for an outstanding college estate that was founded in 1864 in memory of Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Consort.

“It embraces a Victorian school building and a lake, and it overlooks a 12th century castle. We also have a range of sports fields including 17 grass tennis courts and two astro turf pitches (both floodlit).

“The use of these products will not only improve the facilities but, in turn, will also enhance the work of the grounds team. They are a very experienced group and they know what to do and when to do it, but there’s no doubt that with Rigby Taylor’s help we will all see further improvements in the results of our efforts.”

For more information, visit: www.rigbytaylor.com

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Amenity Forum’s Glyphosate Statement

Amenity Forum’s Glyphosate Statement: The Amenity Forum have released a statement discussing the use of glyphosate after the outcome of a US judgement.

Managing weeds in amenity situations is a vital task – it impacts on every UK citizen every day providing safe and healthy environments. It really keeps Britain moving. As we move forward in this continually changing world, the need for decisions to be based upon proper evidence and science has never been so important. Chemicals used for amenity management are more rigorously tested than many household products. Not only are amenity chemicals thoroughly tested and approved but they are continually monitored.

Amenity Forum's Glyphosate Statement

In the case of the active glyphosate, it has only recently undergone a thorough review in Europe and been re-approved for use in amenity situations as a safe chemical. This review, conducted by the Expert committee of scientists in Europe and approved by vote of member states, took into account some concerns expressed about the active possibly having carcinogenic effects. Based on all the science and evidence available, it was concluded that these were unfounded and it was safe to use.

In that context, the Forum is very surprised to hear the outcome of the recent judgement in the USA relating to glyphosate in the product Round Up. We understand that an appeal is to be made by the manufacturer and so it is inappropriate to comment further on this.

The Forum seeks to work with everyone across the important sector of amenity promoting best practice in all aspects of weed management, chemical and non chemical. We support an integrated approach making best use of all tools available to ensure a safe and healthy environment fit for purpose whether it be streets and pavements, parks, railways, sports grounds and indeed all amenity spaces. Glyphosate has proved to be a very important and essential element in such management programmes as an approved, regulated and fully authorised chemical.

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Germinal’s New Amenity Website

Germinal’s New Amenity Website: Germinal has confirmed the launch of a brand new, amenity specific website aimed at making it easier for landscape architects and sports turf professionals to get the very best results from their amenity spaces.

 The new website, www.germinalamenity.com, contains all the information landscape architects and turf professionals need to optimise the performance of their amenity facilities: the website includes complete specifications and usage guides for Germinal’s Grade ‘A’ range of landscaping and sports grass seed mixtures as well as full details of its grass and wildflower landscaping mixtures for everything from low maintenance reclaimed land to saline road verges, shaded habitats, fine lawns and an array of natural habitats.  All product details can be easily cut and pasted into external documents, making it simple for landscape architects to insert them directly into the appropriate project specification.

Germinal's New Amenity Website

“As well as constantly investing in research and development to bring first class grass and wildflower seeds and turf care products to the landscaping and sports turf sectors, we are also conscious of the constant need to provide the industry with the latest news and advice,” explains Richard Brown, Germinal Amenity Sales Manager.

“Our popular range of ‘Grade A’ grass seed mixtures is always evolving to ensure our sports and landscaping specific products remain the best available.  The new website has therefore been developed to make it easier for new and existing customers to keep abreast of our developing range of products and to enable them to specify the most appropriate products to suit each site’s individual requirements.

“We’ve also populated the new website with a collection of advice guides and video resources covering a range of useful topics from simple over-seeding and sowing ‘how-to’ guides, to more detailed explanations of the importance of key success factors such as soil pH, the use and application of macro and micro nutrients and how to physically manage recently renovated and established swards and amenity landscapes.”

The website also contains a selection of standardised fertiliser plans – written and designed by Germinal’s FACTS (Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme) qualified experts – to enable everyone from novice gardeners to professional turf growers to get the best results from their amenity facilities.

The new www.germinalamenity.com website also features a ‘Product Selector’ tool which has been designed to make it as easy and simple as possible for landscape architects to find the most appropriate products for each project’s specific needs.  “As well as our extensive Grade ‘A’ range of landscaping specific grass seed mixtures, our portfolio also includes a wide range of ‘Regional Environmental’ and ‘General Landscaping’ wildflower mixtures.

“These products, which contain only the very best quality grass and wild flower seeds – including an extensive selection of 100% native species – enable landscape architects to choose the most appropriate wild flower and/or grass seed mixtures to suit their specific project,” Richard Brown adds.  “However, with such a wide variety of options to choose from, specifying the right products for each individual project can often be a time-consuming, and, at times, confusing process.  We’ve therefore developed an interactive configurator tool which streamlines the process and makes it fast and simple for landscape architects to select the best products for each project.  And, just as before, any orders placed before 2pm will be shipped and delivered the next working day.”

A new section, which contains details of a range of CPD resources and seminars, has also been added: landscape architects can contact their local Germinal technical specialist who will be happy to visit them to provide more detail on a range of topics such as how to establish and maintain wildflowers and understanding the latest plant nutrition protocols.

What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens

What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens: This is one of the statements made by the Amenity Forum Chairman in the Voluntary Initiative’s recently released Annual Report.

It covers the 12 months running up to June 30th 2018 and demonstrates the wide range of activity and development of this unified voice for the sector on all aspects of weed, pest and disease management. Organisations signed up to the Forum and committing themselves to best practice continues to grow and covers all areas of this diverse but highly important sector. http://amenityforum.co.uk/resources/2018-annual-report/

What Happens In Amenity Management Impacts UK Citizens

In reporting on key achievements, John Moverley, the Chairman, is keen to focus on what lies ahead and the need for everyone to embrace the Forum’s objectives. In the report, he says, ‘This has certainly been a year full of change, challenge and opportunity and all is set to continue at even greater pace. There is much going on at policy level with the Government publishing its 25 year environmental plan and ongoing consultations about its implementation and impact’.

In looking forward, the Forum identifies the following key priorities:
• Continuing activity to further increase understanding of our sector, not just by the public but by key stakeholders and all involved
• Further developing understand of Integrated approaches and what they really mean
• Ensuring the sector can maintain its current ability to manage weeds, pests and diseases and maintain the high standards and safe use of all sports surfaces and amenity areas
• Continuing to increase those engaged in continuing professional development and develop and promote strongly the importance of Assured standards

John says ‘The UK amenity sector sets a very high standard and is proud of its achievements. The Forum will continue to seek that all involved are at such standard and that everyone understands the importance and vital nature of this sector’

This year’s Forum annual conference and exhibition has the theme ‘Change, Challenge and Opportunity’. It has become very much a must attend event for all involved in or with an interest in amenity management and well known for the high quality of its speakers. It will be held once again at the Pirelli Stadium, Burton upon Trent, on Tuesday, October 9th. Delegate rates are kept as low as possible at £75 + VAT for supporter organisations and £85 + VAT for others. However there is a £10 discount for early bird registrations before September 1st.

Amenity Forum Speakers Named

Amenity Forum Speakers Named: The Forum has recently opened for booking for its popular annual conference and exhibition. This year it will be held once again at the Pirelli Stadium in Burton upon Trent, on Tuesday, October 9th. The conference will be entitled ‘Change, challenge and opportunity’.

Once again it has an impressive range of speakers and the full programme can be found at www.amenityforum.co.uk The speakers include Professor Michael Eddleston from the University of Edinburgh who is set to provide an entertaining and informative presentation on Human Health issues and Francesca Baylis from Royal Holloway who will report on her ongoing research into biological control for weed, pest and disease control.

Amenity Forum Speakers Named

There will be updates on policy matters from senior staff from both the Environment Agency and the Chemicals Regulation Directorate. These will be followed by a series of leading speakers looking at the current issues within their own areas of amenity. During the conference category winners for the Amenity Sprayer Operator of the Year Awards will be announced.

To book your place, contact Admin@amenityforum.net Delegate places are competitively priced thanks to our supporters who will be exhibiting throughout the event. For non-members, the rate is £85 + VAT or £75 + VAT if you book before September 1st. Member organisations receive a £10 discount on the above rates.

Professor John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said ‘’This conference has attracted an enviable reputation for the quality of its speakers and the opportunity to network with the key people in our sector. Early bookings are recommended.”

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Sherriff Amenity At BTME

Sherriff Amenity At BTME: Sherriff Amenity will be launching the unique InterMix Tank on stand B34 at BTME in January. Visitors will also be able to see a wide range of market leading products designed to help greenkeepers and course managers maintain their courses to the highest possible standard.

InterMix Tank enables the user to mix a variety of products in order to meet a wide range of nutrient requirements. This unique 1200 litre capacity tank is fitted with a high quality Honda GX engine and centrifugal high output pump which ensures rapid and thorough mixing.

Sherriff Amenity At BTME

The spray solution can then be transferred into the application sprayer using the 5 metre transfer hose which is fitted with a petrol pump type dispensing valve – enabling a much reduced spraying time when spraying large areas through a reduction in the refilling of the spray tank. To support the launch at BTME an extensive range of InterMix product options will be available.

The exhibition is also an ideal opportunity to find out exactly why Sherriff’s renowned Marathon fertiliser range should be incorporated into any maintenance plan. This impressive portfolio features a wide range of organic based controlled release fertilisers suitable for a number of amenity requirements.

With five existing products in the Marathon Sport range – Autumn, Pre-Seed, Spring, Summer and Lawn Mini Pack, and four products in the Marathon Golf range – TCR, Spring, Summer, and Autumn – there is a solution for every requirement.

Other fertilisers featuring on the stand are; Marathon Horti K – a patented blend of mineral and organic fertilisers for shrubs, hanging baskets, bedding and potted plants; VitalBase – a granular, organic soil improver that stimulates microbial activity and reduces thatch; Ferromel 20 – a water soluble formulation of iron sulphate that improves greens performance by managing water availability; and Marathon Allround – a versatile long release fertiliser for use on all outfield areas that provides a reliable growth response with good colour for up to 3 months.

The Sherriff Amenity team will also be joined by Terra Firma (Agrovista’s latest Scottish acquisition) and Irish based Oilean Glas Teo – manufacturers of the SeaVolution range, Rapid Root and Amino Turf, all of which are distributed in the UK by Sherriff.

SeaVolution is a range of liquids and granules manufactured from unique, cold process seaweed extract from fresh, hand-picked Ascophyllum nodosum which is collected from the sheltered bays and unpolluted waters of the Atlantic Ocean. An efficient anti-stress bio-stimulant, Amino Turf contains the maximum concentration of free amino acids and is enhanced with nitrogen for faster and more efficient recovery of grass after abiotic stress.

For those looking to reduce environmental stresses and relieve high-wear areas then Rapid Root may well be the solution. This soil conditioner and root enhancer contains natural humic substances and amino acids and acts directly to stimulate soil microbial activity around roots and promotes improvement in water and nutrient uptake.

For further information, please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or visit www.sherriffamenity.com

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