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BIGGA announces Festival of Turf dates

BIGGA announces Festival of Turf dates: The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association has confirmed that its first Festival of Turf will take place this summer, with a new date intended to provide an improved experience for attendees and exhibitors.

The Festival of Turf is a two-day event that will take place in the predominantly outdoor setting of the Warwickshire Event Centre and will bring together golf greenkeepers, groundsmen and many others for the first time since BTME 2020, over 18 months previously.

BIGGA announces Festival of Turf dates

BIGGA announces Festival of Turf dates

BIGGA had initially announced a June date for the Festival of Turf and was confident event could be hosted with COVID-safety measures in place. But with the Prime Minister recently announcing the Roadmap out of lockdown, BIGGA has explored the opportunity of rescheduling the Festival of Turf for later in the summer, when social distancing restrictions are anticipated to have been removed.

As such, BIGGA is delighted to reveal that the Festival of Turf will now take place on 21 & 22 July 2021.

The Festival of Turf will welcome BIGGA members and others in the turf industry to the 30-acre Warwickshire Event Centre, with a wide range of vendors and trade stalls and entertaining twists that bring to life the ‘festival’ element of the event.

COVID-safety measures will remain in place, such as enhanced cleaning regimes and hand sanitising, plus any other requirements as defined by government guidelines. However, limits on visitor numbers and social distancing measures will no longer be required.

BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: “The Roadmap out of lockdown announced by the Prime Minister provided incredibly welcome news for the country and the association’s members, not least because it provided a date for the reopening of golf courses in England and a potential return to normality for us all. It also presented an opportunity for BIGGA to host the Festival of Turf as the spectacular of sports and amenity turf maintenance that we had hoped for when we first announced this event last year.

“We entered into negotiations with the Warwickshire Event Centre and were delighted to come to an arrangement with regards new dates for the Festival of 21 & 22 July. On this date England is anticipated to be at Step 4 of the COVID-19 roadmap, which will see legal limits on social contact removed. Although the published roadmap only serves as a guideline and the timings are subject to change, everyone at BIGGA is excited about the opportunity to provide an improved exhibition experience for our attendees.

“We always intended the Festival of Turf to be an opportunity for BIGGA members and their colleagues in the turf industry to reunite after so long apart and I’m delighted that these new dates will allow even more people to attend what promises to be a fantastic few days of exhibitions and entertainment.”

For more information about the Festival of Turf, head to the BIGGA website.

Keep up to date with the latest announcements and updates on Twitter by using the hashtag #FestivalofTurf

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BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI

BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI: The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association has revealed the 20 ambitious greenkeepers who will participate in the Future Turf Managers Initiative 2021. 

Each year Jacobsen, which celebrates its 100thanniversary in 2021, opens the doors of its headquarters in Ipswich to 20 BIGGA members who have earned a place on the groundbreaking course by demonstrating their commitment to the profession and eagerness to learn.

BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI

BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, BIGGA and Jacobsen have created a new format for FTMI that will give the delegates a hybrid learning experience. The majority of the education and mentoring sessions will commence in April. An in-person event is then scheduled to take place in the autumn, which will enable delegates to meet in person and enjoy a tour of the Jacobsen factory. There will also be a learning session and formal graduation ceremony.

Each year FTMI pushes 20 BIGGA members out of their comfort zones, but in return they receive access to professional development experts and experienced mentors who provide them with a wide range of knowledge and skills that will prove invaluable as their careers progress.

FTMI was hosted first by BIGGA and Jacobsen 2013 and since then has expanded around the world, with similar programmes being introduced in Spain, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand.

Sami Strutt, Head of Learning and Development at BIGGA, said: “FTMI 2020 was one of the last in-person events hosted by BIGGA before the pandemic really hit and all our worlds changed. Since then BIGGA members have come to realise just how important continuing professional development can be for your own mental health and how it helps provide a platform where so many of us can come together as a community, albeit in socially-distanced manners.

“We’re told that the coronavirus pandemic will impact the economy for years to come and as part of that, competition for jobs is going to be fiercer than ever. I’m proud that these 20 successful candidates will be equipped with the best tools available to them to make the step up and achieve their career ambitions.”

BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI

BIGGA and Jacobsen to host FTMI

Will Carr, Jacobsen UK Sales Director said: “We are a proud member of the turf industry and work daily with greenkeepers, grounds people and volunteers who all share a passion for their turf asset. That overarching passion has always been there, but in recent times it has been highlighted.

“The level of dedication from professionals through to volunteers is always outstanding and we have tried to match that in our own way with educational programmes such as the Future Turf Managers Initiative and by sponsoring various industry events and awards that recognize great work and dedication.”

The members of the FTMI Class of 2021 are:

  • Leon Brant, greenkeeper, Wexham Park Golf Centre
  • Christopher Clark, first assistant, Prince’s Golf Club
  • William Curran, assistant, Crowborough Beacon Golf Club
  • Daryn Curtis, assistant, Royal Mid-Surrey Golf Club
  • Vincent Demarzo, deputy head greenkeeper, The Belfry
  • Anthony Dineen, deputy head greenkeeper, Thorndon Park Golf Club
  • Paul Fowkes, deputy head greenkeeper, Rothley Park Golf Club
  • John Hockley, deputy head greenkeeper, Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club
  • Conchobhar Kerr, first assistant, Royal Portrush Golf Club
  • Stephen Lawlor, first assistant, St Andrews Links Trust
  • Stephen Lindsay, deputy golf courses manager, The Gleneagles Hotel
  • Jason Norwood, greenkeeper, Reay Golf Club
  • Simon Parmenter, deputy head greenkeeper, Sunningdale Golf Club
  • Liam Pigden, first assistant, Burnham and Berrow Golf Club
  • Mark Reid, first assistant, Lanark Golf Club
  • Joseph Spadaccini, greenkeeper, Stoneham Golf Club
  • Andrew Weeks, deputy head greenkeeper, The Wisley Golf Club
  • Craig Woodman, greenkeeper, Bramshaw Golf Club
  • Jamie Wright, first assistant, Huntercombe Golf Club

Kimberley Yeldham, deputy head greenkeeper, Barnham Broom Hotel Golf Club

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GKB Machines teams up with BIGGA

GKB Machines teams up with BIGGA: The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association has welcomed GKB Machines as its latest Educational Supporter.

GKB Machines was founded in 2015 and offers sustainable, reliable and robust maintenance machinery for natural, synthetic and hybrid turf. A part of the GKB Group, the family-owned company has a commitment to sustainability, which it backs up with the production of energy neutral machinery since the company began in 1946.

GKB Machines teams up with BIGGA

GKB Machines teams up with BIGGA

During a difficult 2020 for everyone, continuing professional development became more important than ever and BIGGA hosted significant opportunities for education for the greenkeeping industry through various online formats, including the Continue to Learn Extra webinars, National Regional Conference and, most recently, the Continue to Learn education programme that took place as an entirely-online event across two weeks during January.

These opportunities for BIGGA members to develop their professional skills and knowledge despite the ongoing coronavirus health crisis are made possible thanks to BIGGA’s Education Supporters and Partners.

BIGGA Head of Business Development Lauren Frazer said: “The efforts of the GKB Machines team mirror many of the priorities that BIGGA and its members are striving towards, with an emphasis upon sustainability and more efficient working practices and an awareness that the only way to achieve these aims is through education and a proactive broadening of knowledge. Our two organisations share significant synergy in these and many other ambitions and I am delighted that we are able to welcome GKB Machines on board as our latest Education Supporters.”

GKB Machines UK Sales Director and Operations Manager Tom Shinkins said: “It’s great to be able to support greenkeepers in this way and to give something back to the industry I came into as a 16-year-old apprentice.”

Head to the BIGGA website to find out more about GKB Machines and its commitment to sustainability and reliability.

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Lockdown update from BIGGA

Lockdown update from BIGGA: Following the rapidly-escalating situation regarding a return to full national lockdown restrictions for England, which followed on the heels of similar restrictions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) has sought clarification regarding the level of course maintenance work that is able to take place on golf courses and other facilities.

BIGGA has reviewed the UK Government guidance and liaised with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf and The R&A and can confirm there will be no limitations placed on maintenance activities able to be undertaken by the greenkeeping teams at golf facilities, driving ranges and other venues where golf and shorter forms of the game take place.

Lockdown update from BIGGA

Lockdown update from BIGGA

While golf courses in Scotland are able to remain open, golf courses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are closed. Taking place primarily outdoors with limited opportunities for cross-contamination, greenkeeping teams have adapted well to ensure staff stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff at all facilities should continue to be aware of social distancing requirements and ensure any activities are undertaken in a manner that minimises interaction with others.

Golf clubs may choose to take advantage of the extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which is expected to run until at least April 2021, and BIGGA is asking facilities to consider the mental health and wellbeing of all staff, both those who have been under significant pressure to work with reduced staff levels for an extended period and those who have been asked to remain at home. Rotation of staff may be deemed appropriate, as is enabling all team members to take part in professional development opportunities, such as BIGGA’s Continue to Learn online education programme that is taking place during January 2021.

BIGGA is also appealing to the operators of golf clubs to use common sense when assigning tasks to the greenkeeping team and reminds club managers of their responsibility to provide a COVID-safe working environment for all members of the team.

BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: “With widespread vaccinations taking place across the country, our hope is that this is the final hurdle and golf courses will take the opportunity presented by reduced playing levels to prepare their courses for what we hope will be a busy and prosperous summer season out on the fairways. In the meantime, the focus must be on safety and not putting anyone at risk. Course managers should have an awareness of what work is considered a priority during this period of the year and advise senior management as to these requirements, adjusting staffing levels to suit the needs of the golf facility and to ensure the continuing safety of the entire team.”

BIGGA will continue to monitor this situation and provide addition guidance as appropriate.

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BIGGA unveils new outdoor festival

BIGGA unveils new outdoor festival: The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association has unveiled a brand new outdoor festival and exhibition, taking place in June 2021.

The event, called the Festival of Turf, will bring together the greenkeeping and turf management industry for two days of innovation, exhibition and entertainment.

BIGGA unveils new outdoor festival

BIGGA unveils new outdoor festival

Taking place in the COVID-secure setting of the Warwickshire Event Centre on 8 & 9 June 2021, the Festival of Turf will feature two full exhibition days with a wide range of trade stalls and opportunities to interact with vendors and meet face-to-face with industry peers for the first time since before the coronavirus pandemic took hold.

The Warwickshire Event Centre is located on the outskirts of Leamington Spa, close to Coventry. Centrally-located, the venue enjoys easy access to all transport networks, along with 2,000 free parking spaces.

The Warwickshire Event Centre can accommodate up to 200 exhibitors and is capable of welcoming 3,000 visitors a day through its doors. Set in a 30-acre site with both indoor and outdoor exhibition areas, the venue provides countless opportunities to make the Festival of Turf an innovative and exciting new event for the greenkeeping and amenity turf management industry.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic BIGGA has been in regular conversation with regulators, golf’s governing bodies and central government and there is widespread confidence that a successful event can take place in June 2021. Importantly, there is also a keen desire among commercial partners and industry professionals to provide an event that enables the industry to move forward and begin the process of rebuilding so many key relationships that have been eroded through the distance imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

BTME, BIGGA’s annual trade exhibition that was due to be held in January 2021, has been cancelled due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the Association remains proud that the event’s spiritual home, the Harrogate Convention Centre, continues to be utilised as an NHS Nightingale Hospital.

BIGGA’s world-renowned education programme, Continue to Learn, has moved to an entirely-online format and will be held across two weeks during January 2021. More information can be found on the BIGGA website.

BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: “I’m excited that BIGGA is finally able to launch the Festival of Turf to the industry and bring some much-needed hope for a brighter future. The Festival of Turf is a hugely welcome opportunity to reunite our industry, which will have been forcibly separated by the global pandemic for nearly 18 months by the time this event takes place.

“The industry has survived brilliantly despite all the challenges it has faced, due in no small part to the resilience and adaptability of BIGGA members and the network of commercial partners and who have supported us all throughout the pandemic. There has been a clear groundswell of opinion that members, other turf professionals and commercial supporters want the opportunity to celebrate our achievements and put this whole terrible ordeal behind us – and that’s where the Festival of Turf comes in. The event will be an opportunity to reconnect at a time when personal connections have never been more vital.”

For more information about the Festival of Turf, head to the BIGGA website, www.bigga.co.uk

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BIGGA unveils largest-ever learning programme

BIGGA unveils largest-ever learning programme: The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) has unveiled its programme of education for January 2021, with members offered access to BIGGA’s world-renowned Continue to Learn via an entirely-online platform for the first time ever.

With the cancellation of BTME 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the continued use of the Harrogate Convention Centre as an NHS Nightingale Hospital, BIGGA’s Learning & Development team, alongside lead supporter The R&A, has put together an incredible two weeks of online learning, available to members of the sports turf profession wherever in the world they may be based.

BIGGA unveils largest-ever learning programme

BIGGA unveils largest-ever learning programme

Continue to Learn 2021 is testament to BIGGA’s commitment to enabling members of the association to continue their professional development despite the difficult global situation that has had a negative impact on the lives of so many.

The education programme will be split into two distinct sections, with Continue to Learn: Conference taking place from 19 to 21 January 2021 and Continue to Learn: Classes being held from 25 to 29 January 2021.

The Conference will feature three days of sessions on a wide variety of topics relating to all things turf management and professional development. Among the key note speakers will be Dr Frank Rossi of Cornell University and world-renowned golf architect Augustin Pizá of Pizá Golf.

The 24 Classes being offered by the association will enable BIGGA members to focus on an individual topic of interest with a wide range on offer, from developing personal confidence to the control of leatherjackets and other pests or the writing of reports and proposals.

Full details of the education programme, include more information about speakers and a special Golf Course 2030 session that will be taking place during the event, head to the BIGGA website, www.bigga.org.uk.

Continue to Learn usually takes place in the week of BTME, beginning the Sunday before the trade exhibition and featuring a range of workshops, seminars and major conference events. With 3,000 delegates attending the education programme in a normal year, Continue to Learn is hugely influential in shaping the direction and future of the golf greenkeeping and wider golf industry.

Continue to Learn 2021 follows a summer of online learning opportunities provided by the association, with the regular Continue to Learn Extra webinar series held since the start of the first Full Lockdown in March and featuring guest speakers who count among the most influential names in the industry. Turf professionals have also been able to access most of this learning in an audio format via the Green Room Golf Course Podcast, hosted by BIGGA and available on most podcast platforms, while BIGGA’s website also provides a vast library of exclusive learning opportunities.

In November, BIGGA hosted its first entirely online education event, called the National Regional Conference, which brought together the association’s regular regional conference sessions into a single day of learning. The event was widely praised and gave encouragement to BIGGA’s Learning & Development team that they could pull of an event as ambitious in scale as Continue to Learn 2021.

Registration for the programme is on three levels – individual, team or group – and BIGGA hopes that members utilise the excellent discounts on offer by clubbing together with their peers. For example, a group of 10 greenkeepers can experience the entire conference and have access to all of the content online for three months for less than £100 per person.

BIGGA’s Head of Learning & Development, Sami Strutt, has been involved with the organisation of the Continue to Learn education programme every year since 1994, taking up the management and delivery of the event in 2009.

Sami said: “After what has been for many the toughest year in living memory, the team at BIGGA was unwavering in its commitment to provide our members with an event that instils hope that things will soon get better and so I’m delighted that we’re able to present this extraordinary programme of online learning in January. With fewer job opportunities and increased pressure on greenkeeping teams to present golf courses in excellent condition following the surge in popularity experienced by golf this year, Continuing Professional Development has never been more important for greenkeeping teams, given they are responsible for the presentation of a golf club’s most important asset, the course itself.

“My immense gratitude goes to our headline supporter, The R&A, for their backing of this project and my thanks go out to all the speakers who have taken time out of their own lives to offer these learning opportunities for our members. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everybody’s lives, but events such as Continue to Learn are a reminder of what an incredible, close-knit community this is. I’m excited to meet you online via our virtual conference platform and hope to see you all there.”

For more information about Continue to Learn 2021, head to the BIGGA website, www.bigga.org.uk. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the BIGGA Learning & Development team by emailing education@bigga.co.uk or by calling (01347) 666 580.

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BIGGA and R&A’s updated advice

BIGGA and R&A’s updated advice: The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association and R&A have updated their guidance after the lockdown for coronavirus was extended

Greenkeepers have been given updated advice on what counts as essential maintenance during the coronavirus pandemic.

BIGGA and R&A's updated advice

BIGGA and R&A’s updated advice

The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) and R&A have issued new guidance after the Government extended the lockdown period, aimed at stemming the spread of the virus, for at least another three weeks.

Their new position was put together in order to take into account the “changing seasonal climactic condition and the need to utilise the time of reduced greenkeeping teams most effectively”.

The association were clear that the directions were not a justification to increase staffing numbers at clubs.

Here is their new statement in full…

Essential Maintenance update – 17 April

The following update (Version 2) to the Essential Maintenance Statement for Golf Courses is published in view of the extension of the UK Government regulations, the changing seasonal climatic conditions and the need to utilise the time of reduced greenkeeping teams most effectively.

These updates are not a justification to increase staff numbers beyond those currently utilised. Any substantive updates from Version 1 are highlighted by an asterisk * in the text below.

Essential Maintenance Statement for Golf Courses during COVID-19 Outbreak

The following industry statement, produced in association with BIGGA, sets out a reduced, essential maintenance regime for greenkeeping that limits activity on the golf course while protecting workers, jobs and securing the playing surfaces at golfing facilities. When a resumption in play is allowed, this will be vital to get the millions of golfers back onto our courses, benefiting their physical and mental wellbeing.

The UK’s £2bn GVA golf industry is only sustainable if greenkeepers continue to work, but it is paramount that this is done in a safe and secure environment.

Our industry statement outlines those treatments considered essential for the safe maintenance of a golf course during the current government restrictions. It is accepted that golf courses exist in many different forms, on many different soil types and in differing landscapes and that this guidance may require adaptation.

Working Practices

The primary consideration must be the health and wellbeing of greenkeeping staff. All golf facilities should implement stringent measures to ensure staff members are not at risk. The number of greenkeeping staff and the amount of time they are at work should be kept to a minimum and be tailored to fit with the agreed essential maintenance programme.

Measures should include but are not limited to:

  • Focus on hygiene and social distancing
  • Ensure staff members work separately
  • Allocate individual machinery to one worker only
  • If multiple staff are on site, then stagger working hours and break times
  • Limit or prohibit use of communal areas
  • Regularly disinfect any surface that is contacted e.g. door handles, fuel pumps, communal machinery
  • Ensure there is a robust lone working policy


Greens should be mown according to the rate of growth to a maximum of three times per week. Dew removal should be considered on non-mowing days as required to prevent disease spread.

Tees and green surrounds should be mown according to the rate of growth to a maximum of twice per week.*

Fairways should be mown according to the rate of growth to a maximum of once per week.

Managed roughs and grass paths should be mown according to need to a maximum of once per week.*

Only roughs considered to be in direct play should be mown allowing for naturalisation to areas largely out of play.

The height of cut adopted for all these areas is site specific but the elevation of the cutting height on fine turf areas is advised to minimise unnecessary stress on the turf. The application of plant growth regulators during periods of excessive growth is acceptable.* The aim of the above operations is to maintain uniformity, density, texture and health to allow surfaces to be quickly brought back to an appropriate playing standard once play resumes.

Irrigation and Nutrition

Irrigation and nutrition should be carried out as necessary but with the objectives of keeping the turf alive, maintaining a full sward and preventing turf thinning. Avoid excesses of either input, which will only serve to promote unnecessary growth and necessitate more maintenance.  Utilise best practice methods where available, such as wetting agent application, use of moisture probes and surface aeration, to optimise efficiency of water use on key playing surfaces.*

Construction and Renovation

Starting construction or renovation projects is not considered essential at this time. The completion of unfinished winter projects that are already underway is permissible but only if this can be done safely by greenkeeping staff, and without increasing staffing numbers.*

Machinery and Equipment Maintenance

This should be carried out as required to ensure that essential equipment is kept safe and operational.

Other Maintenance

Operations such as maintaining bunkers, penalty areas and wider practice facilities and aerating, top dressing and spraying on a routine basis are not considered essential at this time. However, it is conceivable that occasional spraying or the application of a cultural practice, such as aerating, top dressing and overseeding, may be considered essential at certain times and in some circumstances (for example, to control or manage acute pest, weed or disease issues or other localised disorders).*


Given the fluidity of the current situation there may be a requirement to update and re-issue this guidance in respect of future government advice.

Click here to read the original article

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BIGGA members’ opportunity to shape education launches

BIGGA members’ opportunity to shape education launches: The British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association has launched the Members’ Choice survey for 2021.

The survey offers BIGGA members the opportunity to shape the education that is on offer at the Continue to Learn 2021 education programme, which is due to return in January as part of the BIGGA Turf Management Exhibition.

BIGGA members’ opportunity to shape education launches

BIGGA members’ opportunity to shape education launches

The link to the Members’ Choice survey will be sent to all greenkeeper members of BIGGA. Prospective topics have been gathered through BIGGA’s annual ‘Proposal to Present’ system, where individuals and companies can submit their ideas for future programmes.

The Members’ Choice survey distinguishes the job role of the respondent, thus enabling BIGGA to create programmes suited to their members, wherever they may be on their career journey.

Continue to Learn at BTME is the most comprehensive education programme for greenkeeping professionals outside of the USA and attracts in excess of 3,000 attendees each year.

Sami Strutt, BIGGA’s head of member development, said: “In these strange times we are living in, it is all the more important to focus on the future. Planning for Continue to Learn at BTME 2021 is in full force, but needs the help of our members to shape the programme content. We want the learning to be relevant and to further enhance the knowledge and professionalism that is demanded by greenkeepers and we can only do this by asking our members what they want to see from the Continue to Learn offering.”

Continue to Learn at BTME 2021 will take place at Harrogate Convention Centre from Sunday 17 to Wednesday 20 January 2021, running alongside BTME, which runs from Tuesday 19 to Thursday 21 January 2021.

The Members’ Choice survey is available to complete online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MCC2L2021

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Going for the buzz at Sawgrass

Going for the buzz at Sawgrass: Each year John Deere, in association with the British & International Golf Greenkeepers Association and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of Ireland, sends seven association members to Ponte Vedra Beach in Florida to join the agronomy team on the Stadium Course at TPC Sawgrass for the duration of The Players Championship – the unofficial fifth men’s Major tournament.

It’s an incredible experience, where the volunteers get completely immersed in the hosting of the PGA Tour’s flagship event with flights, accommodation and other costs all thrown in. Representing the British and Irish associations, the successful seven selected to join the John Deere TPC Sawgrass Volunteer Programme in March 2020, working alongside the home greenkeeping team as part of the volunteer course maintenance force of over 90, are:

7 BIGGA and GCSAI volunteers stand together in front of the John Deere Stand at BTME 2020

The BIGGA and GCSAI volunteers on the John Deere stand at BTME 2020 in January (left to right): Eddie Irvine, Alex Brougham, Mark Tucker, Peter Lewis, Dean O’Connell and Ben Hunter. (Inset) Yannick Weber on his home course in New Zealand.



  • South East: Ben Hunter, deputy course manager, The Richmond
  • South West & South Wales: Mark Tucker, head greenkeeper, Neath
  • Central England: Alex Brougham, deputy head greenkeeper, Trentham Park
  • Northern: Peter Lewis, greenkeeper, Royal Liverpool
  • Scotland: Eddie Irvine, deputy head greenkeeper, Trump International Aberdeen
  • International: Yannick Weber, assistant superintendent, Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand


  • Ireland: Dean O’Connell, greenkeeper, Grange Golf Club

Previous successful applicants of the scheme have described the experience as life changing and overwhelming. One of BIGGA’s 2019 delegates, Welshpool Golf Club course manager Jon Gamble, said: “TPC Sawgrass is an amazing venue and is out of this world. The presentation of the whole site is fabulous, from the condition of the course to the flowers and grandstands that sit very high on 17.

“They really do gear the tournament up so that everyone who goes has an awesome time, from a spectator point of view. Going to Sawgrass has made me want to go back every year now, just to get that buzz from what you experience. I would encourage and push anybody that wants to go there, to do so.”

This year’s tournament dates are March 12-15, 2020; the John Deere sponsored group flies out to the US on Friday March 6 and returns on Tuesday March 17.


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Michael Davie wins BIGGA award

Michael Davie wins BIGGA award: Greenkeeper Michael Davie – who set up a mental health support group to help his fellow professionals in the turf industry – has picked up the top award at the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association’s annual convention.

Davie, the course manager at Hazel Grove Golf Club, in Stockport, has tirelessly supported many BIGGA members and other greenkeepers, having overcome periods of depression in his own life.

Michael Davie wins BIGGA award

In recognition of the incredible effort he has put in to supporting his fellow greenkeepers, Michael was awarded with the Outstanding Contribution of the Year Award, sponsored by Jacobsen.

After receiving the award, Michael Davie said: “I’m exceptionally humbled to receive this. It’s totally unexpected and really amazing.

“I’m retiring from greenkeeping in a few months and I hope the extra time that gives me will allow me to develop the mental health side of things.

“I’m looking into how I can try and help as many people as possible, so this is just the start!”

Michael established the ‘Greenkeepers mental health support group’ on Facebook so his peers could come together to support each other.

Michael also hosts a regular meet-up in Manchester, where greenkeepers discuss issues and provide a helping hand.

The UK’s best and brightest greenkeepers were recognised at a dazzling awards ceremony hosted by the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association at the opening night of BTME 2020.

BTME is the UK’s leading exhibition for those in the golf greenkeeping and sportsturf industries, with more than 5,000 BIGGA members, industry leaders and influencers expected through the doors of the Harrogate Convention Centre for the duration of the three-event.

The traditional curtain-raiser of the exhibition is the BIGGA Welcome Celebration, sponsored by Campey Turf Care Systems and hosted by television presenter Naga Munchetty.

A number of awards were handed out to BIGGA members who have done extraordinary things throughout their careers.

The Outstanding Contribution award is one of three BIGGA Awards given out to members during the event.

The other two are the Championship Greenkeeping Performance of the Year – sponsored by Rigby Taylor – and the Greenkeeping Project of the Year sponsored by Baroness and Kubota.

Grant Peters and the team at Parkstone Golf Club in Poole were winners of the Championship Greenkeeping Performance of the Year Award after successfully hosting the Ladies’ European Amateur Championship, in July, which was won by Berkhamsted’s Alice Hewson.

Also nominated in the same category were Craig Haldane’s Gleneagles team for the hosting the 2019 Solheim Cup, and Graham Brumpton and the team at Ipswich Golf Club, which staged the English Ladies’ Open Amateur Championship at Purdis Heath last summer.

The Greenkeeping Project of the Year Award was won by Darren Anderson MG and the team at Cheshire’s Bromborough Golf Club.

The team replaced a 46-year-old irrigation system, alongside rebuilding greenside bunkers. Completing the work in-house, it is estimated that the greenkeepers saved the club around £150,000.

Also nominated in the same category were Master Greenkeeper Andrew Kerr’s team at Surrey’s Surbiton Golf Club and Robert George’s team at Essex’s Thorndon Park Golf Club.

For the first time, a new set of prizes were introduced at the BIGGA Welcome Celebration.

The BIGGA Excellence in Communication Awards sponsored by Campey Turf Care Systems seek to recognise those BIGGA members who have embraced communication as a vital tool available to the modern greenkeeper.

Awards for the best use of social media and work in the community will be handed on the second day BTME on the Campey Turf Care stand, but at the BIGGA Welcome Celebration, the winner of the Innovation and Thought Leadership Award was unveiled.

The award is given to the BIGGA member who had written the most thought-provoking article for BIGGA’s monthly magazine, Greenkeeper International, with Ryun Holden, of Switzerland’s Golf Club Wylihof, claiming the inaugural prize for his feature discussing the importance of conveying a positive message from the greenkeeping team to golfers at their club.

Ryun received a £750 cash prize and all-expenses paid trip to Florida, where he will visit the Campey Air2g2 factory, Daytona International Speedway, TPC Sawgrass and TIAA Bank Field, the home of the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars.

BIGGA chief executive Jim Croxton said: “I take immense pride in the BIGGA Welcome Celebration as it is the opportunity for our association to recognise the unbelievable hard work and dedication that BIGGA members all over the world demonstrate every day of their working lives.

“As we saw once again through the story of Michael Davie, it can become all too easy to get caught up in all the negativity that surrounds the golf industry.

“Yet there are many passionate and hardworking greenkeepers who have dedicated their careers to ensuring this great industry has a strong and vibrant future.

“BIGGA is nothing if not a community where members can come together to support each other through the bad times and the good.

“Thank-you to all our sponsors and to everyone who came along to support this brilliant event.”

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