Tag Archive for: Campey

Samantha Butler’s Travels With Campey

Samantha Butler’s Travels With Campey: It has been a long and mixed few months for Australians in Europe. The Socceroos put in a valiant but ultimately disappointing display at the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the Australian cricket team fell to a 6-0 one day international loss at the hands of England.

But, for one Australian travelling to Europe under the Campey Turf Care banner it’s been a positive experience – maybe even a winning one. Samantha Butler is a horticulturist and greenkeeper back in her native Australia based at the Sydney Olympic Park and wanted to extend her knowledge and skill set to progress her career.

Samantha Butler's Travels With Campey

Her desire to do this was such that she was happy to take time off work and travel halfway around the world and swap the heat of New South Wales for the  colder climate of Macclesfield, although the heat wave has been an unexpected bonus!

“It’s been a wonderful experience and a real eye-opener,” she said. “I work for a company called the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales which is based in Sydney Olympic Park. Being one of the only females working in a major sports stadium back in Australia and wanting career progression I originally reached out to Mike O’Keefe from the Ohio State programme.

“With 3 months at Campey I’ve been to a couple of countries because they never stop. I’ve been very well looked after, and they’ve made sure everything has been in place for me and it’s been wonderful.

“I wasn’t keen on focusing on just golf because I work in a stadium that has all sorts of sports from A to Z, so, I wanted to see how different venues do different things and with Campey I’ve been to football pitches, cricket pitches, golf clubs and a few stadiums like the Aviva Stadium and Croke Park where they host similar sports to us.

“It’s a lot different over here and a lot of that is down to the cold weather. it’s interesting to know situations change in different climates and how turf comes back from colder weather. When I was in Ireland the fog was so bad you couldn’t see 10 feet in front of you, so I went to some of the nicest courses, but I couldn’t see anything!

“You get to see through the eyes of different groundsman and get a feel for what they do as well as getting to speak to them and see their machinery and equipment.

“It’s given me a good idea of how other people operate and helped me make contacts in the industry, and helps to bolster my CV, which was one of the main points of the trip.”

Following her time with Campeys, Sam will join Steve Braddock at Arsenal Football Club for 3 months to get the first-hand experience of maintaining one of the most prestigious training grounds in world football.

For more information, visit: www.campeyturfcare.com

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AllGrass Put Trust In Campey

AllGrass Put Trust In Campey: Scottish turf contractors AllGrass Turf Care, part of the Allstone Glasgow Group, wanted to invest in the latest technology when starting their business, so decided on multiple Campey Turf Care Systems machines.

This purchase included a new 5th generation Koro FIELDTOPMAKER (Koro FTM) fitted with a Terraplane rotor, Raycam Uni-Rake and Dakota spreader to name a few. The new 2.5m Koro FTM with Terraplane rotor provides total surface clean up and removes organic matter using carbide tipped blades and leaves a level surface to work on as part of a high-quality renovation.

AllGrass Put Trust in Campey

Although the machinery decisions were made based on decades worth of experience, AllGrass director John Rushforth also listened to the needs of groundsmen and sought advice from others in the industry, such as Premier Pitches owner Carl Pass and director Russell Latham.

For a new company, the importance of picking the correct machines for a first fleet is vital and it was the trust in Campey as well as John’s own experience and the advice from others in the industry that made it an easy decision.

“I’ve got a massive amount of confidence in Richard Heywood, Richard Campey and Campey as a company,” he said.

“Throughout my career, it’s always been Campey I’ve dealt with and I knew the Koro FTM  was a good machine. “The 5th generation Koro FTM 2.5 model is phenomenal. It’s a breath of fresh air when you take a machine on a park and it leaves it clean regardless if the conditions are dry or damp.

“We came from using the old one but the new one is easier to set, it’s a better-balanced machine because it has the weights on one side, so it reacts better to the tractor. I’ve got a smile on my face every time I see it work because the pitch is always spotless and then I know we’re onto a winner.

“The machines have all been exactly what we wanted, we’ve not been disappointed in one bit of kit, we’re actually looking to purchase another Dakota spreader and probably a ShockWave.”

A strong part of AllGrass’ ethos is to expand on existing maintenance practices and offer effective alternatives to customers who operate on a smaller budget. A machine that fits this aim perfectly is the Raycam UniRake, which offers high-intensity grooming that can be calibrated in its severity.

AllGrass Put Trust in Campey

“I’ve been especially impressed with the UniRake,” John said. “I think a lot of clubs will have one in the future. Not everyone can afford decent scarification or to take the pitches back to bare-bones, so we need to come up with different ways to renovate pitches.

“When we first started AllGrass we got a lot of support from Scottish groundsmen which we are very grateful for. I was fortunate to shadow a number of grounds teams on match days and I learnt more about how to maintain and renovate from ground staff because everything from training grounds to stadium builds are different. That’s why we have to constantly keep up with what’s on offer and make sure we’re using the best.”

The forward-thinking approach of AllGrass doesn’t stop there. The company are also conscious of the impact their work has on the environment and have taken steps to ensure that all the waste products from the pitches they work on is recycled rather being dumped at a landfill.

For more information, visit: www.campeyturfcare.com

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Junior Football Club Picks Campey

Junior Football Club Picks Campey: Moss Bank Juniors Football Club have taken control of their own pitch maintenance for the first time and have chosen Campey Turf Care Systems machines to help improve pitch quality for the future.

The Bolton based junior football club was founded by current club secretary, Marcus Howarth, in April 2006 with just 25 players, and 12-years later the club has grown into a community hub with 350 children playing in 27-teams – including boys, girls and mixed teams – while also offering cricket, rounders, and kids clubs.

Junior Football Club Picks Campey

“Around two years ago we signed a lease on the land, this process was a first for Bolton council because they handed the pitches and maintenance over to us,” Marcus explained.

“Three to four years ago the FA, through their Pitch Maintenance Programme, carried out a survey on the land because it’s very flat and it holds water. This survey highlighted that the surface was compacted. The grassroots are only growing down to around three-inches and are then growing horizontally rather than vertically and that’s because of the compaction.”

For Moss Bank Juniors the pitches are their revenue and improving their condition was paramount to further growth within the community. Recognising compaction to be their main issue, the club sought funding to purchase equipment to rectify the problem.

Investing in the future of the club he founded was a step in a new direction for Marcus who sought expert advice through the FA before consulting Campey’s UK & Ireland sales manager, Ian Campbell, who recommended a New Holland Boomer 40, Trimax Striker 190, Sisis Quadraplay and Sisis Multislit to solve the turf issues.

Marcus has been impressed with the company from the moment he visited the factory whilst obtaining quotes and is full of praise for Ian and Campey for their continued support from purchasing through to installation.

“The drainage is completely fine on the pitches, so the work to be done is reducing the compaction. The council don’t have the time or the manpower to spend working on the pitches. That’s why we’ve bought a Sisis Multislit and the other machines because the experts have told us that by getting air into the ground the roots should start to grow down to ten-inches rather than the three-inches they are at just now.

“The contract started two-years ago and for the first 12-months we marked the pitches for match days while we got the funding through the FA, Football Foundation and the Premier League, but now we have the equipment we can have a very concentrated two-years of intense maintenance on them that will completely resolve the issue, and the pitches will be near perfect within that two-years.

“The pitches are our bread and butter. Even though we are a community asset we charge for using them so it’s our revenue. We are hoping to get deals with local schools and Educational bodies, so they can use them during the day because currently they aren’t being utilised.

“We have also got one local primary school, which is only 300-yards away with no grass facilities, so we are hoping they can also use them throughout the school year.”

Improving the quality of the pitches and increasing the revenue of Moss Bank Juniors will allow them to continue their work in the community and build on what they can offer with other projects, such as becoming Ofsted accredited to host a youth club, also ongoing for this ambitious club.

For more information, visit: www.campeyturfcare.com

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New Campey Launch At BTME

New Campey Launch At BTME: The new Koro FIELD TOPMAKER models (FTM) are being launched in 2018 with the smaller 1.6 -meter model designed for the purpose of working on golf courses.

The unequivocal success of the FTM across all sports surfaces, including golf, has helped produce healthier turf through greatly improved surface hygiene, but the enhancements to the machine take it further.

New Campey Launch At BTME

To make it more user friendly for golf the weight and balance has been analysed, resulting in a lighter, steadier machine. Solid locking pins now offer greater consistency, and the overall performance is improved due to the re-designed UNIVERSE rotor and angled cross conveyor.

The FTM will be joined on stand B28 by the industry leading Vredo DZ  Overseeder. This generation of overseeders provide a 96% germination rate by placing the seed in direct contact with the soil, with their small yet robust build making them the perfect choice for all golf courses.

These machines will sit alongside the Air2G2 Air Inject, an aeration machine that is becoming a stalwart of the Campey range. It uses pressurised air to target compaction deep at root zone level. Probes penetrate the soil and force air sideways to create fissures in the sub structure improving aeration and drainage throughout the soil.

Completing the line-up on stand is the Dakota 310, offering the accuracy expected from any Dakota 400 series spreader, but in a compact version. It spreads light to heavy and wet to dry, with easy calibration and no tractor or truckster required.

For more information, visit: www.campeyturfcare.com

For the latest industry news visit turfnews.co.uk

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