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Invasives Science Live A Success

Invasives Science Live A Success: Invasives Science Live was recently attended by over 60 contractors and invasive weed eradication specialists, with the unique event showcasing the latest research and technological innovations in invasive weed control.

The event, held in Cardiff, was hosted by ICL, Complete Weed Control and Green-tech in association with Advanced Invasives and provided education for delegates to gain a better understanding of chemical performance and various control methods, focussing primarily on Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam.

Invasives Science Live A Success

Complete Weed Control Managing Director Ian Graham introduced the event by offering an insight into the recent trial work with Advanced Invasives – something which the delegates would later explore in more detail at the impressive private trial facility.

Roundup Technical Development Manager Barrie Hunt from Bayer was the first speaker to provide an update on legal and best practice information of glyphosate to help plan ahead of their 2019 weed control programmes.

Next was Dr Dan Jones, Managing Director of Advanced Invasives, to give an insight into their seven year-long field trial on Japanese Knotweed control – the largest in the world. The ai:LAB is the company’s 12 acre field-testing site in South Wales where research has been undertaken into how to best tackle invasive plants in real-world conditions. The research tested 19 methods over 3 years of treatment and sets a new standard for evidence-led research.

Following Dr Dan Jones was Business Director Dan Clugston to explain the dangers of Japanese Knotweed, how it is best dealt with, and the impact it can have on property.

After lunch, delegates were transported to the nearby trial site where they were separated into three smaller groups in which they visited three specific work stations.

Invasives Science Live A Success

Station One

Beyond Balsam Bashing

Physical and herbicide control of Himalayan Balsam

Iván Martin from Advanced Invasives explained how a number of land managers are reluctant to use herbicides to control this plant, and that ‘Balsam Bashing’ - physical control, is a popular treatment for many conservationist groups. He went onto reveal research which consisted of benchmarking the four most commonly used balsam treatments in 5×5 m (25 m2) commercial field trial plots.

Of the treatments tested, herbicide spraying was not only fastest but also was the only treatment that does not create plant waste - and Iván claimed it is an advantage that needs to be considered when weighing the environmental benefits of treatment options.

Station Two

Life After Knotweed

Using plant functional traits to enhance recovery of invader-dominated habitats

Sophie Hocking from Swansea University and Complete Weed Control’s Ian Graham were on hand to explain how re-invasion by knotweed and secondary invasion by other plant species can often hinder future development. Sophie and Ian stated the necessity of a shift from a single, target species approach to a whole ecosystem view of recovery. This station highlighted the ongoing research which investigates the role of the functional traits of plants in habitat restoration, and the broader, long-term dynamics of Japanese knotweed invasion in field conditions.

Sophie and Ian concluded by claiming that the work will create a better, more scientifically informed framework for habitat restoration and give a clearer picture of Japanese knotweed dynamics and the habitat legacy effects of invasive species dominance.

Station Three

From Crown to Underground

Bayer Stump Treatment Trial

ICL’s Henry Bechelet and Dr Gareth Bruce from Advanced Invasives firstly discussed how stump treatment can be extremely effective as the distance the herbicide has to travel to reach the underground rhizome — the target of all herbicide treatments — is dramatically shortened.

They went on to reveal research in which three stump treatments were tested against Japanese knotweed, in triplicate 5 x 5 metre (25 m2) plots, with a control plot and also a single out-group comparison to stem injection treatment. All of the stump treatments tested were statistically comparable in effectiveness to stem injection. Results concluded that Ecoplug Max® treatment is by far the safest of the stump treatment application methods.

Invasives Science Live A Success

Commenting at the event, Ian Graham said: “We feel that this is one of the first steps in what will be a very long process in establishing facts relating to invasive weeds and we look forward to inviting guests back to the site and ensuring the work started continues.”

Professor John Moverley OBE, Chairman of the Amenity Forum commented: “Today has been very interesting. The control of Japanese Knotweed is a major issue. It’s been a great opportunity to see first-hand different approaches and some of the complexities that are involved in this level of control.”

Tony Saunders, Area Manager for JSD Rail, said: “I found the day very insightful. It introduced some new ideas that we don’t necessarily come across on the railway as we are not looking at remediating the land; we are looking at removing Japanese Knotweed. There are a number of processes that are being trialled here which added to the knowledge we have learned we are able to take back with us.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

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SALTEX Reveal Learning Live Details

SALTEX Reveal Learning Live Details: The all-encompassing Learning LIVE education programme will once again be a prominent feature at this year’s SALTEX exhibition. The CPD-accredited seminars are free to attend and registration is now open for all sessions that are due to take place in four purpose-built seminar theatres on the SALTEX show floor in Halls 6, 7 and 8 at The NEC, Birmingham on 31 October – 01 November.

Last year’s Learning LIVE programme was the biggest one yet and featured more than 100 industry experts who took to the stage to address a variety of topical issues and highlight best practice case studies within the turf care industry – and feedback gathered from seminar delegates has helped organisers to create an even better line up of speakers and learning opportunities to suit the needs of all SALTEX visitors at this year’s event.

SALTEX Reveal Learning Live Details

Day one will feature an interesting panel debate featuring Professor Colin Fleming (Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute), Neil Stubley (AELTC), Tony Bell (Middlesbrough FC) and Andy Gray (Southampton FC), who will discuss a chemical-free alternative to clean up your soil. Adam Witchell (Forest Green Rovers FC) and Roy Rigby (Manchester City FC) will be among those highlighting emerging trends in groundsmanship and a panel of professional groundsmen including Anthony Facey (Colchester Utd FC), Dave Mitchell (Carlisle Utd FC) and Stuart Vause (Castleford Tigers) will be discussing groundsmanship on a budget and sharing valuable money-saving tips.

Elsewhere on day one HR consultant Frank Newberry and Scott Tingley (Watford FC) will be on hand to provide career development tips and reveal how to secure the top jobs, while delegates will get the chance to ask questions to a panel of pest and disease experts in a session run by the Amenity Forum. There will also be plenty of technical advice on offer within Dr Ruth Mann’s (STRI) presentation on how technological advances are helping to improve turf grass quality on playing surfaces.

On day two, Phil Garrod (Advance Grass Solutions) will be sharing new ideas that have had successful outcomes in preparing pristine turf for multi sports on a single site and Ted Mitchell and Corin Palmer from the RFU will explain how the RFU and Premiership Rugby are raising the standards of groundsmanship. Andy McKay (Sussex CCC), Gary Barwell (Warwickshire CCC) and Chris Wood (ECB) will also explain how to prepare a cricket wicket to world-class standards.

In addition, phosphite for cool-season turf grass management; sports pitch renovations; the benefits of topdressing and education in the sports turf industry will be addressed by expert speakers including Andy Spetch (British Sugar Topsoil) and Dr Stewart Brown (University Centre Myerscough).

This is just a snapshot of sessions available at this year’s show. Go to www.iogsaltex.com to check out the full programme, register your visit to SALTEX and book into your preferred sessions to avoid the queues.

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Lawn Care Legends LIVE At SALTEX

Lawn Care Legends LIVE At SALTEX: A fantastic networking opportunity for landscapers and gardeners will be on offer at SALTEX 2018 – which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham on 31 October and 1 November.

Lawn Care Legends, a Facebook group which was created in July 2016, is a thriving online community with over 3,000 worldwide active members. It is primarily a group for all landscapers and gardeners to showcase their work and knowledge and ultimately support one another.

Lawn Care Legends LIVE At SALTEX

The majority of group members are based in the UK, Ireland, USA, Australia and Canada and the group sees, on average, 40-60 individual member posts and approximately 4,500 engagements every day from likes to comments.

“The kind of topics of conversation can be anything from recommendations on products, machines or brands, what people prefer to use – the pros and cons, or it could be to do with marketing your business or pricing a job. It is open to professionals and aspiring professionals and the group encourages the positive aspect of sharing information,” said group founder John Ryan.

Browse through the Lawn Care Legends group and you will see a stunning array of images and videos detailing all kinds of various landscaping projects, however, John believes that while social media is an important aspect of the industry, the group is far more than just social sharing.

“Social media is a way to feed on the passion for the industry but it is much more than just sharing pictures and talking about lawn mowers; it is a way of connecting with people who have the same interests as you, have the same passion as you, and ultimately face the same difficulties as you.

“One thing I have personally experienced and widely seen in this industry is mental health, and that has commonly derived from being a solo operator or a small business owner. The difficulties and the challenges we face can be overwhelming and if we don’t have somewhere to turn to for advice or for some encouragement, then it can be really tough going. Social media breaks down those barriers and can make you feel less alone. In between jobs, or in times of distress, group members can take out their phone, quickly hop on to Lawn Care Legends and instantly be in contact with people who specifically understand both the highs and the lows of being a small business owner.”

Lawn Care Legends LIVE At SALTEX

Lawn Care Legends LIVE will take place on the first day of SALTEX 2018 and John, who is hosting the event alongside other popular Landscaping ‘YouTubers’ Curtis Jones and Jason Groom, revealed his ambitions for the event.

“Ultimately we are trying to build on a positive movement that has driven many people to develop their skills and deliver a higher service to customers while at the same time gaining more passion and appreciation for their own businesses.

“The event is open to everybody – the solo operator, the small to medium business owner, anyone who is following what manufacturers are doing, or following what their peers and colleagues within the industry are doing. By bringing Lawn Care Legends LIVE to SALTEX, it creates a go-to event of the year that people, not just members of Lawn Care Legends, can look forward to in connecting with other likeminded individuals.”

Not only will Lawn Care Legends LIVE be fantastic opportunity to network and discuss relevant topics but John, Curtis and Jason will be also be hosting an awards ceremony at the event.

“We are running a competition where entrants can submit up to ten pictures which show the quality of their work. It might be beautiful stripes on a lawn, a crisp edge between a flower bed and a lawn or it could be a topiary cutting – anything at all.

“The pictures can be posted in the Facebook group or through Twitter and Instagram and then in September a shortlist will be created. Everyone who makes it onto the shortlist will be in with a chance to win as the winners will be selected by a random generator. The winners will be then announced on the first day of SALTEX at the Lawn Care Legends LIVE event.”

The prizes will include:

  • A shaft drive professional lawnmower
  • A professionally built website worth approximately £1500
  • Lawn Care Legends clothing

To enter the competition join the Lawn Care Legends Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/lawncarelegends or use the hashtag #LCLSALTEX18 on Instagram or Twitter.

Lawn Care Legends LIVE will take place on 31 October at 2:00pm in concourse suites 22 and 23 by the SALTEX entrance.

Visitors can register to attend SALTEX for FREE via the website – www.iogsaltex.com

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Future Of Disease Control Tracked With New Live Maps

Future Of Disease Control Tracked With New Live Maps: A new disease forecasting tool on the Syngenta Greencast turf management website is now giving a clear picture of disease pressure across the United Kingdom – and predicts where there risk of infection is set to occur and will enable more informed actions.

Live Maps combine accurate weather forecast information along with proven disease prediction models, to foresee and track risks for up to five days before they occur.

Future Of Disease Control Tracked With New Live Maps

Encompassing Google maps, users simply zoom in to their own area for a close up of detailed local information. The maps cover all key turf diseases, along with forecast changes in soil temperatures and a new feature for Grass Growing Potential.

Daniel Lightfoot, Syngenta UK Turf Business Manager, enthuses that one of the great advances of Live Maps for greenkeepers is the ability to visibly track conditions and risks progressing across the country – and giving time to assess action plans.

“Targeting preventative disease programmes during periods of infection risk, but before symptoms break out consistently maintains better playing surface conditions,” he advocated.

Daniel pointed out that STRI research had shown fungicide programmes based on proactive forecasting maintained better conditions using fewer applications over the course of the season, compared to routine application or treatment at the first signs of disease.

“Timing is the absolute key,” he advised. “Live Maps is a new way to better pinpoint the optimum application timing.” He believed that turf managers are going to have to get ever better at prevention in the future, to mitigate the impending loss of iprodione and to meet the increasingly stringent demands of today’s players

“Whilst products such as Instrata Elite have excellent curative activity on early disease stages with in the leaf, the results are consistently better and longer lasting if it can be applied before symptoms have broken out on the surface,” he added.

Danial believes the new Grass Growing Potential maps will be especially useful for aiding Primo Maxx application interval timing – enabling turf managers to focus on periods of peak growth and potentially ease off when conditions are less favourable.

“If you use Grass Growing Potential in conjunction with soil temperature, it could be highly beneficial for timing renovation or over seeding activities to get seedlings off to the best possible start,” he said. “It also has a role for predicting turf recovery and implications for the disease management programme.”

The Live Maps are available now free for all registered GreenCast subscribers, under the ‘Weather’ tab in the navigation bar.

For more information go to www.greencast.co.uk

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