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SALTEX Attendance Announced

SALTEX Attendance Announced: An independent audit has confirmed that the combined attendance over the two day exhibition at the NEC totalled an impressive 8,909 – the highest ever since SALTEX moved to the Birmingham venue.

After two successful days, the 72nd SALTEX exhibition came to a close on 2 November and by all accounts it was a resounding success. Over the past two years the exhibition has recorded an encouraging and consistent flux of visitors on each occasion, but this year a boom of visits seemed to be apparent.

SALTEX Attendance Announced

The show’s debut year at the NEC in 2015 saw 8,714 attendees, 2016 recorded 8,754 and this year saw a record 8,909 – which didn’t go unnoticed by exhibitors.

“An excellent show in 2017,” said Jeremy Hoyle, director at Earlsmere. “Enquiries on the stand were up 15% on last year, and we gained a number of significant leads with sports turf professionals, schools and colleges featuring heavily within our stand attendee list.”

Nathan George, contracts manager for MJ Abbott, said: “Having the opportunity to speak to potential new customers – as well as current customers – is invaluable when continuing growth into a new market, and that is why such an emphasis is placed on attending shows, with the large number of attendees and decision makers a particular highlight for the company at this year’s SALTEX.”

“We were really impressed with the amount of customers visiting our stand this year!  SALTEX TV was excellent too, perfect for promoting a new product,” said Holly Jones, marketing manager for Reesink Turfcare.

After a 16 year absence from SALTEX, LWS Irrigation returned this year and director Simon Edginton, confirmed that it was the correct decision. “We were delighted with the huge amount of leads we received from a wide sector of the industry including football, golf, cricket and bowls facilities. The large number of visitors created a great atmosphere and we were also able to catch up with many existing customers and industry colleagues to share news and developments. Needless to say we certainly won’t be waiting so long to exhibit again.”

Price Turfcare, a newly established business founded by Ransomes Jacobsen’s former sales director, Rupert Price, was another exhibitor that achieved all of its objectives. “As a start-up business which has only been in existence since the beginning of the year, our first visit to SALTEX has been a very positive experience. One of our aims at SALTEX was to look for new dealer partners and this worked well for us. I can safely say that SALTEX ticked all the boxes,” said Rupert.

With more than 300 exhibitors showcasing their products and services, SALTEX visitors were treated to an impressive line-up of world-class innovation.

“I’m like a kid in a toy shop,” said Stuart Kerrison, Essex CCC head groundsman. “There are so many fantastic products and it’s nice to be able to see them and have a good close-up look before you make any purchases.”

“We are always looking for new ways to do things, looking for new products and new machines that may be able to help us and SALTEX gives us this opportunity,” said Hannah Richards, gardener for the National Trust.

Chris Wood, pitches consultant at England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB), suggested that SALTEX is a place where some of the greatest industry ideas are born. “The value of a show like this is being able to talk to colleagues from other codes of sport and share ideas. Not only that, it is a place to challenge exhibitors about new technology and that is how new innovation comes about.”

He continued; “I’ve been in this business for 50 years and the opportunities for young groundsmen now, compared to when I first started, are profound.”

Indeed, there were plenty of opportunities at SALTEX 2017. Learning LIVE, SALTEX’s all-encompassing education programme, featured over 100 high-profile speakers and 26 hours of free seminars; Pathology and Soil Science LIVE enabled visitors to solve any problematic soil profiles; career advice was on hand through the all-new Job Clinic and turf management advice from IOG regional pitch advisors was readily available through Ask the Expert.

SALTEX 2018 will take place at the NEC, Birmingham on 31 October and 1 November.

To view show highlights and key interviews please visit www.youtube.com/MyIOG

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Bright Future Ahead After SALTEX College Cup

Bright Future Ahead After SALTEX College Cup: The SALTEX College Cup returned to the NEC once again at this year’s event and highlighted just how well young grounds staff are academically prepared for careers in the industry.

The SALTEX College Cup, sponsored by Ransomes, is a national student-led sports-turf challenge. It is an academic test of turf management knowledge for student competitors who are enrolled at colleges throughout the UK on relevant courses of study.

Bright Future Ahead After SALTEX College Cup

Askham Bryan College, Bridgwater & Taunton College, Myerscough College and, last year’s winners, the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Greenmount Campus competed for a chance to have its name engraved on the trophy in support of their respective turf programmes.

In teams of four, the colleges embarked on the two-hour competition consisting of paper-based multiple choice and short answer questions on turf management, plus a case study which required a more in-depth written answer. The students were also presented with live test samples in which they had to identify potential threats to the health of turf.

CAFRE, from Northern Ireland, claimed the top prize for the second year running although Askham Bryan were only one point behind in what was a closely fought competition between all of the colleges. CAFRE was awarded the trophy, a £500 cheque for the college’s turf department, and each student received a £50 Amazon voucher. The team was also presented with a prize that money can’t buy – the chance to get involved with pitch preparation at the 6 Nations, Scotland vs England, at BT Murrayfield Stadium.

Results were announced on the first day of SALTEX and CAFRE’s senior tutor, Paul Campbell, revealed his delight at picking up the trophy for a second successive year.

“A combination of excitement and disbelief ensued among the squad as they emulated the achievement of 2016 – particularly for team captain and rugby fan Michael Dundee as he realised he was on his way to BT Murrayfield – and he didn’t need a ticket!

Paul continued: “CAFRE staff and students fully support the concept of the SALTEX College Cup – it provides a forum for showcasing and acknowledging the skills of young people making a career in the industry and allows college staff to benchmark how their programmes are performing against other specialist colleges in the UK. The excellent organisation of the event, the generous sponsorship and the once-in-a-lifetime experience afforded to the winners will mean healthy competition for next year`s team and guarantees CAFRE will return to defend the title in 2018.”

Commenting on the sponsorship of the 2017 SALTEX College Cup, Ransomes senior director Alan Prickett said: “The SALTEX College Cup was another success this year, and we were delighted to have sponsored it for the second year running. Ransomes has a commitment to educating the next generation of groundscare professionals, and we aim to support this in a variety of different ways, including sponsoring the SALTEX College Cup competition. CAFRE, based in Northern Ireland were deserved winners again this year.

Congratulations to CAFRE and we look forward to seeing if the college can retain its title for a third time next year!”

For more information visit www.iogsaltex.com

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Winners Of SALTEX Innovation Award

Winners Of SALTEX Innovation Award: The best in brand new grounds care technology was celebrated in the very first SALTEX Innovation Award at the NEC, Birmingham on 1 and 2 November 2017.

Making its debut, the Innovation Award attracted a number of high-quality entries from various exhibitors from across the globe. There were 24 entries in total spanning a wide variety of products, services and equipment.

Winners Of SALTEX Innovation Award

The entries were judged by an independent panel of industry experts who based their decisions on a number of factors including what the entry offers the industry and how it makes life easier for the person using it.

The standard was incredibly high, resulting in a tie for first place.

Backed by unanimous support by all judges, during the first day of the exhibition, Rigby Taylor’s Intelligent One autonomous robotic line marker and Fleet Line Markers’ MAQA line marking machine were announced as joint winners of the SALTEX Innovation Award 2017.

The Intelligent One (iO) is said to be the world’s first fully autonomous robotic line marker. It can mark out a standard sized football pitch in 35 minutes, using just 3.3 litres of ready to use Impact XP paint. The iO eliminates the task of stringing out for the first markings and operates hands-free. Once the pitch template has been entered into the supplied tablet, the iO is placed at the corner of the pitch and will mark out all the outside and inside straight lines, the ‘D’, centre circle, corner angles and penalty spot without any direct operator involvement.

The MAQA line marking machine uses GNSS technology to reduce the time it takes to mark by a massive 75 per cent. Initial marking that might have taken two men up to four hours can now be completed by one person in 20 minutes.

Winners Of SALTEX Innovation Award

The standard of all Innovation Award entries were of such high calibre that the judges chose to award second and third place awards as well.

Second place went to Oregon’s Gator Speedload, which judges said was a quick and simple device which negated the need to dismantle the head each time to re-load/wrap new strimmer cord. Third place went to the Etesia Hydro 80 MKHP4 E-Connect, due to its ability to set up multiple users and record data – allowing organisations or clubs to monitor the amount of use and user’s ability.

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SALTEX 2017 – The Best Yet

SALTEX 2017 – The Best Yet: SALTEX 2017 has been hailed as a huge success.

A year’s worth of meticulous and strategic planning from show organisers culminated in what is being hailed by many as the best ever SALTEX.

SALTEX 2017 – The Best Yet

The two-day exhibition has quickly grown to become the premier annual grounds care event in Europe and on 1 and 2 November, the halls of the NEC, Birmingham were a hub of innovation, inspiration and opportunity.

Ahead of the 9am opening, a huge queue of visitors stretched beyond the three mighty halls of 6,7 and 8 and it wasn’t long before the show floor was packed with grounds care enthusiasts from all over the globe.

More than 300 exhibitors showcased their products and services; Learning LIVE, SALTEX’s all-encompassing education programme, featured over 100 high-profile speakers who tackled a number of key issues, and other show features – including Pathology and Soil Science Live, Ask The Expert and the Job Clinic offered invaluable free advice and career progression opportunities. The Outdoor Demonstrations area enabled visitors to see some of the latest equipment in action and attendees also had the chance to see every entry in SALTEX’s new Innovation of the Year Award.

Exhibitors reported constant engagement with a high calibre of attendees across the two day event as visitors immersed themselves in the vibrant atmosphere and unparalleled interaction. The SALTEX buzz was captured by all and social media channels became a frenzy of show photos, selfies, videos and positive comments – so much so that at 11am on 1 November, #SALTEX17 registered as the third most trending topic in the UK.

Furthermore, not a moment was missed through the all new SALTEX TV. Learning LIVE discussions, panel debates and presentations, as well key interviews with visitors, experts and exhibitors were all broadcasted live on four large screens throughout the show floor.

Despite a turbulent year of economic uncertainty, SALTEX successfully united every corner of the grounds care industry. As the only independently-audited show of its kind in the UK, the IOG has never shied away from being transparent with visitor numbers and the official figure will be released as soon as the audit has been completed.

For more information visit www.iogsaltex.com

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Inside the Webb

Inside the Webb: Scott MacCallum catches up with Geoff Webb, the IOG’s Chief Executive and the man who steered Saltex to its new Birmingham home.

With two successful editions of the new NEC Birmingham-based Saltex under his belt you would think that Geoff Webb would be relaxed heading into the third version of the new Saltex. Not a bit of it.

“No, the short answer is no.” Is Geoff’s response to the assumption that there must be less stress now than there was in the lead up two years ago.

“Knowing that the success or failure of the show rests heavily on your shoulders and that the responsibility lies with me means that I’d love the answer to be yes. But it is no.”

Inside the Webb

It is that sort of honesty and commitment to ensuring that each Show is an upgrade on the one before which means that Saltex is in very good hands.

The decision to move from its long-standing home at Royal Windsor Racecourse at the beginning of September each year to the NEC in Birmingham at the beginning of November, was not one taken lightly by the IOG Board but they also took the decision backed by evidence of a downturn in attendance at Windsor and an underlying feeling that perhaps the Show had run its course in that little corner of Berkshire.

“I do think that the move (to NEC Birmingham) has proven to be a wise decision and I also think that it has elevated the grounds care sector and given us a Show that people seem to like.

“It is in the middle of the country with good transport links, while the new date seems to have fitted in much better with visitors’ schedules. It must also be recognised that we are never going to keep everyone happy but I do think that the endorsement has been the size of the exhibition itself which has grown year on year and visitors are coming back.”

Outside of expansion in exhibitor and visitor numbers, identifying the success of a Show can be very much a subjective thing but, prior to moving success criteria were identified. Judging by the success of the first two editions most of those boxes must surely have been ticked?

“Very much so. In fact, we are ahead of expectation of where we are to be honest. But the key thing is never to be complacent. We work on the basis that we are driven by improvement so at the end of every Show we go through and analysis everything. We look at visitor returns, we look at exhibitor returns, we pick up on issues and try to find a way to improve on them. That’s the responsibility we have got.”

And it seems to be an effective strategy with the 2017 Saltex going to break through the 300 exhibitor barrier which represents a year on year improvement while we are anticipating something like a 15% growth in visitor numbers as well.”

So what other elements go towards a successful Show?

“It’s a whole host of things. I think it’s the feel of the Show. The judge and jury on whether we’ve got it right or wrong is the general public and their reaction, thanks to social media, can be pretty much immediate.

“The first thing for us, prior to moving to Birmingham, was to manage successfully the transformation of the Show, which, let’s not forget, had been outdoors for 33 years in a row. There were a number of doubters, while a lot of other people stayed on the fence and more can along to the Show out of curiosity in year one, less so in year two.”

With those doubters having to reappraise their views the new look Saltex is offering much on many fronts.

“We’ve added value with attractions and features not least the wealth of products and information you will see and pick up at the event. We’ve also got the Industry Awards which sold out last year and look like being a complete sell out before the event this year. That’s 800 people and an event of which we are immense proud.”

Having spent a great deal of time reviewing feedback for all the Saltex stakeholders what tweaks have been carried out to improve the Show experience?

“Our team manages the transition of people going to the event and we have ring fenced the car park charges so that’s not going to rise, which is happening at other Shows. We’ve also got that discounted for IOG members. We’ve also discounted ground travel costs to get to the NEC and if you go to the Virgin website. We are also working with the NEC about improving the catering and refreshment facilities,” explained Geoff.

“Those are the logistical aspects to the Show but there are other areas within who learn by experience and being at the event. For example if the first year every theatre was outdoor but one of the issues we had was noise – either presenting of listening. So for the second year we sound proofed, and closed off the rooms but then we got feedback that it took away some of the atmosphere. So this year we are opening the theatres up again but we’ve got wireless headphones which we will give to all the delegates so that they will be able to hear the speaker. People will turn up put on the headphones and listen to the presentation while the exhibition is going off around them.”

That’s a prime example of looking at something which was perceived to be a downside and finding a solution.

“We are also having our own Show TV channel for the first time as well and will be carrying out pnm the spot interviews. It will also be the second year of the College Cup which proved to be such a hit last year and we have more colleges involved this year. Added to that, and again for the first time, we have an Advice Clinic for those interested in career development which will be managed by Frank Newberry.”

One of the main selling points for the new location for Saltex was the opportunities it created to open the doors to many more people to get to the Show.

“A really good example of this is Paul Burgess who, everyone knows is at Real Madrid and last year he came to me and said ‘This is great, Geoff. I’ve flown in from Madrid on a direct flight, got off the plane and walked to my hotel within 10 minutes and five minutes after that I was in the Show.’

“We had representatives from 43 countries last year. Before that it was predominately a UK-based Show. I do believe that Saltex is probably the largest sports turf ground management Show anywhere in the world.”

Hearing what Saltex 2017 has in store for us I don’t know about you but I think Geoff is being a little too harsh on himself if he feels as stressed now as he did two years ago before the first NEC Birmingham-based Saltex.

I’m not telling you to sit back and relax but just give yourself a bit of credit for two very successful Shows and the knowledge that Show Three looks well set to continue a very positive trend for Saltex.

Etesia Launch New Bahia Model At SALTEX

Etesia launch new Bahia model at SALTEX 2017: Taking centre stage on the Etesia UK stand at SALTEX 2017 was the new Bahia Hydro 80 MKHP4 E-Connect ride-on mower, which also won the SALTEX 2017 innovation award.

Visitors to the show were able to get a first glimpse at the new model ahead of its official 2018 release.

Etesia Launch New Bahia Model At SALTEX

Thanks to a series of clever technological innovations, the new E-Connect Hydro 80 is even easier to use and a pleasure to work with.

Featuring a membrane keypad and a new LCD display, the control panel on this machine is intended to be as simple as possible to work with while giving you all the information you need at your fingertips. Another innovation is the RFID antenna, with the key ignition replaced by the use of RFID cards for simple, touch-sensitive starting. This also means you can set up various user profiles to give particular people the right to use the machine, while it helps guard against theft, too.

Benefiting from a full shut down system, the battery can be protected and saved during extended machine stops. This also allows you to work on it in safety, and transport the machine without worry. An app is available to allow you to recognise and display nearby machines with Bluetooth, while additional information about the machine, instruction manuals and available accessories, straightforward ordering of parts and accessories, as well as easy monitoring of maintenance periods and costs are all close at hand.

The Hydro 80 is a versatile machine that can collect in all conditions, also benefiting from a mulching insert included as standard. The 80cm cutting width, 240 litre collecting box and impressive Kawasaki FS481H 11.7 kW engine give it the cutting performance and raw power to impress while operating. Thanks to a range of additional accessories, users are able to extend the versatility of your machine so that you are ready for any scenario when working.

Commenting on the launch of the Bahia MKHP4 E-Connect, Etesia UK operations director said: “This machine will appeal to fleet managers, who wish to keep accurate records on what the machine has been doing in terms of maintenance, costings, performance, and output. It can also be fitted with a range of attachments for a wide range of applications.”

For further information, please contact Etesia UK on 01295 680120 or visit www.etesia.co.uk.

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