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Dennis & SISIS Kick-Start Bowls Season

Dennis & SISIS Kick-Start Bowls Season: In preparation for the new season, an overwhelming number of greenkeepers made their way to the recent Dennis and SISIS Bowling Green Maintenance Seminar, in order to gain advice and tips on best practice.

The popular seminars, which are designed to educate greenkeepers on how to maintain and look after bowling greens, have been credited for improving the greens at numerous bowls clubs throughout the country. Combining insightful seminars and practical tips, a number of industry experts take to the stage to discuss a wide range of key topics.

Dennis & SISIS Kick-Start Bowls Season

Held at the Herts Bowling Club in Watford, this most recent seminar attracted a phenomenal 80 greenkeepers.

After an introduction from Dennis and SISIS’ Robert Jack, the seminar welcomed the extremely knowledgeable sports turf consultant Alan Lewis, who drew upon his wealth of experience to deliver a presentation entitled ‘Spring Maintenance on a Bowling Green.’

Grass seed was the next topic of the day when Luke Hunt from Barenbrug UK advised delegates on how to choose the correct seed for their greens.

A refreshment break allowed attendees to soak up and discuss the advice they had just received before John Noyce from Collier Turfcare took to the stage to offer an insightful look into ‘Chemical & Fertiliser options.’

The ever popular Turf Clinic followed and enabled all of the greenkeepers to ask their own questions to the panel of expert speakers.

After a complimentary lunch, an on-green demonstration took place in which delegates got the opportunity to see a number of turf maintenance techniques in action.

Kev Brazier, a contract greenkeeper working in partnership with Harpenden Bowls Club, felt that the seminar was a great opportunity to enhance his greenkeeping knowledge.

“It was a really informative seminar. The speakers had great knowledge and they presented it in a way in which everyone could understand. I was particularly interested in hearing that there is actually a place for Dwarf Ryes on bowling greens in certain situations.

Dennis & SISIS Kick-Start Bowls Season

“It was brilliant for networking and there was a broad range of subjects discussed. They were all incredibly relevant and I took a lot away from the spring maintenance tips.”

John Hay, Hertfordshire bowls greens co-ordinator, worked alongside Dennis & SISIS in arranging the seminar and felt that the day was a huge success.

“The seminar had a fantastic response and it was very timely because it has helped greenkeepers prepare for the season ahead. It was invaluable to all of the clubs that attended; the speakers were amazing, there were a few myths put to bed about what should and shouldn’t be done and there was a nice turf clinic which gave the greenkeepers the chance to speak their minds.

“Most of the people who attend these seminars are people who work voluntarily to support their clubs and therefore seminars like this can really make a big difference.”

Forthcoming seminars can be found below:

Tuesday 9 April – Hykeham Bowls Club, North Hykeham, Lincolnshire.

Wednesday 10 April – Ashbourne Bowls Club, Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

Thursday 11 April – Hewell Bowls Club, Redditch, Worcestershire.

To register for the FREE and highly informative seminars, please contact Roger Moore on 01332 824777 or email roger.moore@dennisuk.com.

Further information about the range of bowls maintenance products available can be found by visiting www.dennisuk.com / www.sisis.com.

For more news, reviews and insightful views, you can follow Dennis on Twitter and Instagram @DennisMowers and SISIS @SISISMachinery. You can like the Facebook page – www.facebook.com/DennisMowersUK and www.facebook.com/SISISMachinery. You can also view the latest Dennis videos by visiting www.youtube.com/DennisMowers and www.youtube.com/SISISMachinery

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Dennis & SISIS Seminar A Success

Dennis & SISIS Seminar A Success: St. Albans School, Woollam Trust Playing Fields played host to the Dennis and SISIS Groundcare Seminar on Tuesday 19 February with delegates labeling the event a huge success. For a number of years, the Dennis and SISIS pre-season indoor seminars have toured up and down the country and have successfully seen over 1800 ground staff in attendance. As they continue to grow in both size and reputation, the seminars are continually evolving with the people of the industry in mind.

Designed to educate those involved in groundcare on a variety of sports turf topics, this seminar signalled an exciting new chapter in the series and it certainly didn’t disappoint the two hundred and fifty strong audience which consisted of volunteers and professionals representing schools, sports clubs, local authorities and contractors.

Dennis & SISIS Seminar A Success

The seminar was well supported by the industry and welcomed a number of key sponsors which included Bernhard and Company, Consolidate Turf, CricketWorld.com, Garside Sands, Harrod Sport, Headland Amenity, Limagrain UK, Poweroll, RT Machinery and SIS Pitches.

After an introduction from Dennis and SISIS’ Robert Jack, former Rugby Union star Kyran Bracken, arguably best known for his heroics in England’s victorious 2003 World Cup win, took to the stage to relay some highly interesting and humorous stories about that memorable campaign in Australia.

It was then straight to business with back-to-back presentations from key speakers Rob Kendle (ATB Sports Solutions), Dr. Iain James (TGMS Ltd) and Alex Vickers (IOG consultant).

Rob started proceedings by discussing best practice in renovating and rejuvenating a surface; Iain followed with a plethora of advice on how to get the most out of a sportsground construction project and Alex gave the audience a fantastic insight into drainage on sports pitches.

A complimentary lunch signalled the halfway point and attendees had the opportunity to network with one another and discuss individual projects with event sponsors.

Once refreshed, delegates settled into their seats for an afternoon feast of knowledge served by Chris Wood (ECB pitch consultant) and Keith Kent (RFU head groundsman, Twickenham).

Keith drew on his wealth of experience as a groundsman to explore the transformation of winter sports pitches into cricket outfields and Chris reflected on 50 years in cricket groundsmanship in which he focussed on vital techniques before discussing emerging trends which could become essential in the not too distant future.

The day concluded with a special recognition award by Tim Lamb, former chief executive of the ECB, to Chris Wood for his outstanding contribution to the game of cricket over the past 50 years, which also saw a standing ovation from the crowd.

Commenting on the event, Alison Davenport, general manager of the East London Community Sports Association said:

“We are currently having drainage issues with one of our pitches and fortunately today’s seminar has covered this at length,” she said. “In fact, we are in the process of trying to persuade our council to let us take over a contract for some grounds maintenance work and the knowledge we have gained today will only help our cause because we now feel confident that we can go back to them and showcase that we have the ability to do the work successfully. We have taken something from every element of this seminar and it has been invaluable.”

Nick Lockhart, cricket professional and head of grounds and gardens at Felsted School in Essex, brought two members of staff along with him and believes the Dennis and SISIS seminars are essential for anyone who wants to take their sports surfaces to the next level.

“It has been thoroughly enjoyable, informative and thought provoking. I would go as far as saying that it is a must-attend event for people in this industry. It has been incredibly interesting listening to all of the speakers who have all raised great points that we can take away with us and put into practice. Speakers aside, the networking opportunities are also important because it gives us a chance to speak to other delegates, find out what they might be doing differently to us and hopefully learn from them too.”

Echoing Nick was Andy Mackay, head groundsman at Sussex CCC, who said that the line-up of speakers was just too good to ignore.

“The quality of speakers at this particular event was a huge draw in my decision to come. I’ve been in turf for over 20 years and I still learn something new every single time I listen to Alex Vickers. The general atmosphere of the event was worth coming for and the whole programme was spectacular.”

Keith Kent may well be responsible for one of the most prestigious stadiums in world sport but claims that every day should still be a learning day.

“I think that as part of everybody’s education every day should be a school day and a seminar such as this, where there are such high-quality speakers, is a vital opportunity to progress. For me, it is all about the education and that is why I’ve brought my staff along. I like them to see what I do because I don’t want to be the boss who just disappears. They have come along, enjoyed the day, picked up new ideas and met lots of people from a range of different sports.”

Further information about the range of cricket maintenance products available can be found by visiting www.dennisuk.com / www.sisis.com.

For more news, reviews and insightful views, you can follow Dennis on Twitter and Instagram @DennisMowers and SISIS @SISISMachinery. You can like the Facebook page – www.facebook.com/DennisMowersUK and www.facebook.com/SISISMachinery. You can also view the latest Dennis videos by visiting www.youtube.com/DennisMowers and www.youtube.com/SISISMachinery

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Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At GIS

Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At GIS: Dennis & SISIS will be at the San Diego Convention Center on February 6-7 to exhibit at GIS (Golf Industry Show) 2019.

GIS is one of the largest dedicated golf shows in the world and offers everyone involved in the industry an opportunity to network, enhance their education and learn about the latest innovations which could ultimately improve their work.

Dennis & SISIS To Exhit At GIS

There will be a formidable line-up of turf maintenance equipment being showcased on the British Manufacturers’ stand (Booth No 1644) and company representatives will be on hand to offer an expert insight into the globally acclaimed turf maintenance machinery.

The new Dennis PRO 34R was the machine that everyone was waiting in anticipation for – and now it is here. Officially launched at the end of 2018, this 34″ (860mm) rotary mower has been designed to help turf managers achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance and desired playing surface.

Versatile, precise and comfortable: The Dennis G860 cylinder mower comes with an extensive range of unique features and benefits. With the interchangeable cassette system; the user has the option of fitting 11 quick changeover cassette including de-thatchers, verticutters, brushes, spikers, and slitters as well as 6 or 8 bladed cutting cassettes.

For ultimate aeration look no further than the SISIS Javelin Aer-Aid 1500. This tractor mounted vertical action aerator injects air directly into the root zone speeding up the aeration process, moving air uniformly throughout the root zone for complete aeration and not just where the tines have penetrated the surface. Those operating the Javelin Aer-Aid have the flexibility to alternate tines for other operations such as hollow coring prior to top dressing.

Also featuring on the stand will be a leading range of tractor mounted and pedestrian equipment which have been expertly designed for the removal of thatch.

The SISIS Veemo HD is a tractor-mounted de-thatcher used for removing thatch from large areas of turf, such as golf course fairways. The Veemo’s strong cutting blades are designed for minimum surface disturbance and maximum thatch removal via three floating heads which are independent from the main frame.

For clean, consistent performance with a selection of blades to suit key seasonal tasks, the SISIS Auto Rotorake MK5 works on the successful contra-rotating principle. This self-propelled heavy duty de-thatcher is ideal for removal and control of thatch on fine and other quality turf.

Last but certainly not least, the SISIS Rotorake 600HD and 600HDX will be featured on the stand. Both models are superb thatch removers for regular routine use when used at a shallow setting, but also have the capacity to work deeper where severe thatch problems occur. A range of interchangeable blades are available for year round use. The HD and HDX incorporate the well proven SISIS Rotorake contra-rotation principle, whereby the reel rotates at high speed against the direction of travel. The blades therefore cut upwards continuously throwing the thatch forwards rather than pushing it into the surface.

Further information about the range of maintenance products available can be found by visiting www.dennisuk.com / www.sisis.com.

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Dennis & SISIS Launch New Seminar

Dennis & SISIS Launch New Seminar: Dennis & SISIS have confirmed the launch of an exciting new free-to-attend Groundcare Seminar, focusing on education for those involved in groundcare on a variety of sports turf topics.

The seminar, which will take place at St. Albans School, Woollam Trust Playing Fields on Tuesday 19 February, is expected to attract grounds staff from all over the UK including volunteers and professionals representing schools, sports clubs, local authorities and contractors.

Dennis & SISIS Launch New Seminar

With a variety of high quality speakers and insightful topics, the seminar aims to connect like-minded people where they can learn new skills and techniques as well as offer fantastic networking opportunities.

Registration will start at 9am in which delegates will get the chance to meet their fellow colleagues before Robert Jack from Dennis and SISIS provides an introduction at 9.45am.

The following seminars will then take place:

  • Renovate & Rejuvenate a surfaceRob Kendle (ATB Sports Solutions)
  • Getting the most out of a sportsground construction projectDr Iain James (TGMS Ltd)
  • Drainage – Managing sports fieldsAlex Vickers (IOG Consultant)

A complimentary lunch will signal the halfway point at 12:30pm and attendees will be able to network and meet with event sponsors.

After lunch the following seminars will commence:

  • Winter sports pitches to cricket outfields – what do we do next?Keith Kent (RFU Head Groundsman – Twickenham)
  • 50 years in cricket – Looking to the futureChris Wood (ECB Pitch Advisor)

Following presentations, informal discussions will commence where all delegates will get the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to a host of industry professionals including the seminar’s guest speakers.

To register your interest please contact Roger Moore at Dennis & SISIS on 01332 824777 or email Roger on roger.moore@dennisuk.com.

Further information about the range of maintenance products available can be found by visiting www.dennisuk.com / www.sisis.com.

Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At STMA

Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At STMA: Dennis and SISIS will be heading to Arizona in January to showcase an all-star line-up of equipment at the 2019 Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Conference and Exhibition, including the recently launched Dennis PRO 34R rotary mower and the Syn-Pro SVR 1500 synthetic turf cleaner.

As Dennis and SISIS continue to fly the flag for British turf maintenance equipment, it is no surprise that many of the machines are being relied upon by a large number of turf managers in the states. The British manufacturers have been regular exhibitors at the annual STMA Conference and Exhibition and have reported great success over recent years.

Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At STMA

When the 30th STMA Conference and Exhibition takes place January 22 -25 in Phoenix, Arizona, Dennis and SISIS will be looking forward to continuing this trend as they introduce new products to existing and new customers.

One of which will be the hotly anticipated and newly launched Dennis PRO 34R rotary mower. This unique 34” (860mm) rotary mower has been designed to help turf managers achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance and desired playing surface. It is ideal for sports pitches producing the enviable ‘Dennis Stripes’ while a powerful vacuum flow collects debris quickly and efficiently. The angle of the cutting deck and twin blades can be easily adjusted using a single ‘click adjuster’ ensuring the mower is suitable for changing conditions and meeting groundsmen’s requirements.

The PRO 34R features 5 forward and 1 reverse selection for speed of operation, a front brush for standing grasses upright and a 2 section cast aluminium rear roller for that all-important presentation.

Visitors to the Dennis and SISIS stand will also be pleased to see the new SVR 1500 synthetic turf cleaner which is the latest product to be added to the Syn-Pro range. The SVR 1500 deep turf cleaner is a tractor mounted system that removes not only large debris from the infill but also finer dust particles before returning the ‘cleaned’ infill back to the surface.

Designed for use on either sand or rubber filled surfaces, the SVR 1500 is ideal for deep cleaning and aiding de-compaction. Operators will notice that this process allows water to permeate through, which can help to reduce bacteria, algae and moss and minimize the risk of player injury.

Dennis & SISIS To Exhibit At STMA

No doubt many visitors will already be familiar with the SISIS Javelin Aer-Aid 1500 tractor mounted vertical action aerator, which has gained plaudits from turf managers, organisations and independent research institutes. This popular machine injects air directly into the root zone speeding up the aeration process, moving air uniformly throughout the root zone for complete aeration and not just where the tines have penetrated the surface. Those operating the Javelin Aer-Aid have the flexibility to alternate tines for other operations such as hollow coring prior to top dressing. Other benefits include a fast forward speed for excellent productivity, minimal maintenance and a smooth and quiet operation.

Also featuring prominently on the stand will be the SISIS SSS1000 – a tractor mounted sweeper which can be pulled by any machine. There are no tools required for the adjustment of the brush or the angle of the draw bar and to make storage easy the draw bar lifts to an upright position. With an aluminium hopper with stainless steel mesh, any infill that is collected when using the machine is returned back down to the surface leaving it free from contamination of debris.

Last but certainly not least is the Dennis G860 cylinder mower which is used at many high-profile stadia. The mower features a large diameter front roller with an adjustable scraper which has been designed for a precise height of cut control, giving an excellent finish.

Weighing just 166kg, it is light and extremely versatile due to the interchangeable cassette system. With a simple one minute changeover, users have the option of fitting eleven different types of heads including scarifiers, verticutters, brushes, spikers, slitters and cutting cylinders.

Further information about the range of maintenance products available can be found by visiting www.dennisuk.com / www.sisis.com.

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