Tag Archive for: Solution

Johnsons J Tee proves the solution to shade issues at

Johnsons J Tee proves the solution to shade issues at: A trial of J Tee from the Johnsons Sports Seed range has now been rolled out course-wide at Knutsford Golf Club in Cheshire, after solving a number of issues on their heavily shaded tees.

The combination of high footfall and a lack of sunlight caused by trees have previously posed a number of problems when it comes to the maintenance of the small tees, which Course Manager David Jones now claims to be a thing of the past thanks to the ‘second to none’ results from the J Tee mix.

Johnsons J Tee proves the solution to shade issues at

Johnsons J Tee proves the solution to shade issues at

Knutsford Golf Club, once part of National Trust site Tatton Park, is somewhat unique with a 10-green layout. While this enables golfers to play a different 9 and 18th hole, for David and his team of four, this means double the traffic on the tees which he admits used to let the overall course condition down. “We knew that removing trees to allow for better light and airflow was not going to be an option accepted by the members so we had to find another way” he explains. “I put an SOS call out to Stuart Yarwood, our Regional DLF Technical Manager, to see what we could do and the support and advice we’ve had has been brilliant.”

Stuart recommended Johnsons J Tee – combining 4Turf® tetraploid ryegrass along with traditional ryegrass and strong creeping red fescue. The additional inclusion of 5% Sabrena rough stalked meadow grass makes J Tee truly unique, creating a mixture that delivers exceptional disease resistance, rapid establishment and a hard-wearing sward even under heavy shade, making it ideal for golf tees and pathways. The fineness of leaf and shoot density of Sabrena is comparable to a high-quality bent cultivar, while its speed of establishment is akin to that of perennial ryegrass – enhanced further by DLF’s Growmax seed coating which enhances overseeding results in difficult conditions. In shade trials, Sabena is amongst the hardest wearing varieties on the market.

“We began a programme with J Tee in the spring, which has really come to fruition over the summer. The biggest difference has been the wear tolerance, the team and I have seen a noticeable improvement in sward density which is withstanding and the wear and tear.” David continues, “The 4th tee is the most shaded and even here, we’ve achieved outstanding coverage.”

The successes of J Tee come alongside three years of fantastic results with Johnsons J All Bent on the greens. “Our greens are over 100 years old and where other varieties have struggled with the drainage and poor soil profile, the strike we had from the J All Bent made this a no-brainer to continue.” He adds, “We’ve also noticed that we require less water and chemical inputs to maintain the greens, even in the difficult weather conditions we’ve all had these last couple of years, while still retaining good plant health and little to no disease.”

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Toro lease deal is cost-effective solution

Toro lease deal is cost-effective solution: Phoenix Sports and Leisure Club has secured a huge £200,000 worth of new Toro equipment in the club’s first ever lease deal with local dealer Cheshire Turf Machinery.

The multi-sport complex located in Rotherham houses golf courses, football pitches, bowling greens and more and when the time came to replace its existing fleet to be used across all its playing surfaces, a lease package was the most cost-effective solution.

Toro lease deal is cost-effective solution

Toro lease deal is cost-effective solution

Mark Smith, head greenkeeper, who manages a team of six, says: “Leasing is something that is new to us as a club. Until now we’ve bought outright, when we’ve needed things. This was the first time we’ve decided to just clear the cutting fleet and start again, which we’ve been able to do with the lease package. Working with Reesink ensured everything went smoothly.”

The club’s new Toro fleet consists of a Toro Reelmaster 3100, Toro Reelmaster 5010-H, Toro Greensmaster 3250, Toro Groundsmaster 4300, Toro Groundsmaster 1200 towed and a Toro ProCore 648 aerator.

Entering into a lease package was a cost-effective solution for the club, says Mark: “Normally we wouldn’t be able to replace all of the machines in one go, so you end up having equipment that is 10 years old and when you start having problems with it you have to argue your case for a new machine. With a lease package, that’s not really the case. When the lease is up, it’s accepted you replace it.”

Lease packages give clubs all the benefits of ownership without the initial capital outlay. Payments made up of capital and interest can be made quarterly, half-yearly or annually and are fixed for the full period of the agreement. Reesink makes it possible for clubs to design a tailored repayment pattern that matches its business income and expenditure cycles.

Even though this is the first time the club has gone down the route of leasing, it’s certainly not its first time using Toro. Having been at the club for over 23 years, Mark is plenty familiar with these machines.

He says: “When it came time to choose a new fleet, it was between the two big brands. The price point of the lease deal was a huge reason behind why we chose Toro, but so was the fact that we’re so familiar with the brand and everyone on the team knows how to use them so not as much training was needed, we could get them straight on the turf.

“Plus, we know the quality of the machines and that if anything does go wrong, we have the backup of Reesink,” Mark concludes. “Everyone is really happy.”

The deal was brought about through Tony Dodson from Cheshire Turf Machinery who is also a member of Phoenix Sports and Leisure Club. He says: “It’s great seeing Toro out on the course, and knowing the quality of the machines it’s a pleasure ensuring my club is in good hands.”

To discover more about Reesink’s finance packages and how Toro machinery can benefit your club and playing surfaces call 01480 226800, email info@reesinkturfcare.co.uk or visit reesinkturfcare.co.uk

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BODPAVE Provides the Ideal Stabilising Solution

BODPAVE Provides the Ideal Stabilising Solution: Barratt Homes Northeast acquired a parcel of derelict land opposite the North Shore Academy on the outskirts of Stockton-on-Tees. The land is of particular historical interest, being the site of the wagon works for the world’s first ever passenger railway line, from Stockton to Darlington. The works were later used during World War 2 for the manufacture of de Havilland Mosquito bombers.

The development comprised 300 new homes, with a combined direct and indirect investment of £160 million. As with most housing developments nowadays, care was taken to include sufficient green space area for residents to enjoy. Along with play areas, part of this included a large swale at the front of the development bordering North Road, to help cope with excess water runoff or flooding during heavy rain events.

BODPAVE Provides the Ideal Stabilising Solution

BODPAVE Provides the Ideal Stabilising Solution

Green-tech’s involvement:

Several areas around the main swale and service areas, although grassed, needed additional ground stabilisation to avoid the surface becoming rutted or worn. Green-tech has been working with Northeast builders’ merchants, James Burrell Ltd for 17 years, and they came to Green-tech to order 300 square metres of BODPAVE 85, to stabilise the grass top surface.

BODPAVE is an interlocking, porous, cellular plastic paving grid system used as an effective ground reinforcement solution, that can be backfilled with either gravel, hardcore or a soil/grass mix. The design of the units resists lateral movement yet allows for expansion and contraction.

It is an ideal base for sown grass, as the units both stabilise the ground and protect the roots, allowing the grass to grow through the cells and rendering the units practically invisible over time, especially if the green colourway is used. It is ideally suited for:

  • Car/Coach parking
  • Overspill grass car parks
  • Emergency Service (Fire access routes)
  • Walkways and access routes
  • Golf buggy paths
  • Driveways or on-grass parking
  • Grass aircraft taxiways and helipads

BODPAVE is made here in the UK from UV stabilised. 100% recycled waste plastic. Completely non-toxic, once backfilled the units can stand up to 400 tonnes/m2, transferring the load laterally across the surrounding units. With each paver having 18 ground spikes, BODPAVE can be used on slopes up to 12%/7°.

As well as BODPAVE 85, we also offer the slightly shallower, new improved BODPAVE 40, available in green or black, but with a load bearing capacity of 250 tonnes/m2. This provides a stable base car parks and it can be supplied with white markers for parking spaces.

The swale area was finished off with tree planting to soften the boundaries around the perimeter, and for which Green-tech supplied the necessary stakes and rubber ties and blocks.

Alasdair Innes – Green-tech Specification Advisor comments, “Although a fairly straightforward project, it is always nice to see the landscaping around new developments settling in. As time goes on, the BODPAVE will become less noticeable as the grass grows and covers the units.

For any further product information or to request a CPD in person or remotely on any of our urban or rural modules please contact Alasdair Innes at alasdairi@green-tech.co.uk  or telephone 01423 332177.

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Ecodresser delivers sustainable solution to topdressing

Ecodresser delivers sustainable solution to topdressing: Contractors W R Sandow have praised their recent purchase of an Ecodresser from GKB Machines as they join industry associations in encouraging more sustainable management of winter sports pitches.

The Ecodresser recycles material from the profile to improve drainage and play characteristics while reducing reliance on imported sands and dressing material – offering a solution that is both practical and cost effective.

Ecodresser delivers sustainable solution to topdressing

Ecodresser delivers sustainable solution to topdressing

Specialising in sports pitch construction and maintenance, W R Sandow work with facilities across Cornwall and West Devon and have been a Pitch Contracting Partner to the RFU since 2005. “Sustainability is really coming to the fore in our sector as we all look at our impact on the environment” explains Director Andrew Sandow. “We’ve been looking at recycling dressers for many years but specifically wanted one with a stone screen which comes into its own when working on grass roots pitches. The GKB Ecodresser ticked all of the boxes for us.”

When matches are played on wet ground, the action can disturb the profile and cause the soil to go into suspension. As it settles, the heavier particles like sand, settle faster while lighter particles like silt and clay will settle more slowly – capping the sand underneath the top layer which, over time, can destabilise the surface and reduce its natural ability to drain. The blades of the Ecodresser cut through the ground to depths of up to 200mm, breaking through the ‘crust’ and bringing the finer soil back to the surface.

“The linear aeration in itself brings multiple benefits to the surface, but for those venues with naturally sandy soils, the Ecodresser can hugely reduce the need for imported sports sand topdressing which is not only more environmentally-friendly, but better for the budget too!”

Together with Simon Johnson, GMA Regional Pitch Advisor for Rugby in the West, Andrew recently visited Redruth Rugby Club, where the Ecodresser left a lasting impression! “Redruth was the second venue we’d used the Ecodresser at and everyone who was watching it work was amazed by the results. Another great feature of this machine is its ability to store material which can then be redistributed into goal mouths or pitch hollows, eliminating the need to buy in non-native soils.”

“Alongside football and rugby, we can see demand for this type of machine on cricket outfields, even running tracks where it could be used to level and produce a more even surface.” Andrew adds, “The Ecodresser is already booked up for work at venues and we look forward to introducing it to more people at various educational events throughout the summer.”

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Redexim Rink proves a versatile solution

Redexim Rink proves a versatile solution: With approximately 80 acres of sports turf making up the 250 acre estate of Merchant Taylors’ School, the key word for Grounds Manager Richard Ayling when it comes to maintenance is ‘efficiency’.

Delivering that efficiency when it comes to topdressing is a Rink 2020 dropdresser from Redexim – purchased originally for the purpose of applying loam to the schools 11 cricket squares, but now demonstrating versatility for year-round applications around the site.

Redexim Rink proves a versatile solution

Redexim Rink proves a versatile solution

Richard and his team of nine are responsible for the upkeep of the surfaces, which alternate between summer and winter sports for use by both the pupils and a number of teams from the community. “It’s a high usage site and the equipment we use needs to be able to keep up with the tight turnarounds and renovation windows we have to work to” explains Richard, who has been at the independent day school for 26 years.

“Every cricket renovation season, we’re applying around 32 tonnes of loam dressing and our previous machine would only hold a quarter of a tonne at a time so we needed something bigger to make the job quicker and less labour intensive.” After researching the options available, it was a Rink 2020 that fitted the bill – accurately and evenly distributing dressings and offering a 2.0m3 hopper capacity, equating to two tonnes of cricket loam per load.

“What we didn’t want with a bigger machine is something that would result in increased compaction. The design of the Rink, with its large rear tyres, effectively spreads the weight so we pass over the squares and leave no marks. It’s incredibly easy to use and adjust meaning we can simply load it up and go – getting the operation done, quicker and with improved quality of distribution.”

Thanks to its ability to accurately adjust the spreading thickness, once cricket renovation season is complete in early autumn, the Rink will then switch to hold sand and/or topdressing soil for in-season dressing and repairs to the football pitches and lawned areas. “What was initially purchased as a solution to one specific problem, has become a versatile machine which we use in different ways throughout the maintenance calendar. It’s been a fantastic addition to our fleet.”

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