Tag Archive for: Terrain

Effective swale treatment by Terrain Aeration

Effective swale treatment by Terrain Aeration: When Pennyfarthing Homes called on Land Products (Wessex) Limited to help resolve an ongoing problem, MD Roger Attrill knew exactly who to bring in. It may look to be not much more than a dried-up pond, but this swale plays an important role in the Alexandra Meadows estate in Lymington.

Swales should hold water briefly, then soak away, but this water was retained for weeks after rainfall since the site was completed two years ago as part of the Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS. This is effectively the housing estate’s holding pond to help stop downstream flooding following heavy rain and storm conditions. It was not draining as it should.

Effective swale treatment by Terrain Aeration

Effective swale treatment by Terrain Aeration

“Naturally occurring hard gravels underlying these swales have proved too slow to drain,” says Roger, “we took the opportunity to experiment with Terrain Aeration’s machinery which in a very short period improved permeability greatly.” Land Products provides a comprehensive soft landscaping and grounds maintenance service to Local Authorities, County Councils, the construction industry and commercial clients.

Having called on the services of Terrain Aeration they used their speciality of deep penetration aeration to relieve compaction. The principle works on the basis of penetrating the very hard subsoil with a probe and fracturing it with a blast of compressed air to a maximum of 20Bar (280psi). The process is repeated in spacings so the fissures created interlink and allow full drainage. In this instance, the effect could be seen immediately with a 50mm drop in the standing water in minutes. Within two days, the water had gone completely.

“I’m confident we can make the whole SUDS system work as planned with a bit more time.” Roger says. “I have worked with Terrain Aeration before when they treated compacted gardens for us and they did exactly what they said they would, very straightforward.” Increasingly, Terrain Aeration are called on by housebuilders and landscapers to treat gardens where during construction heavy machinery has compacted the sub soil around new-build properties.

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783 www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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Two Corvus Terrain 4×4 UTVs for Nick Skelton

Two Corvus Terrain 4×4 UTVs for Nick Skelton: Nick Skelton CBE, the equestrian and former show jumper, has taken delivery of two Corvus Terrain DX4 PRO EPS 4×4 utility vehicles in green livery. Nick, who won his team Olympic gold medal in 2012 and Individual Olympic gold in 2016, aged 58 at his seventh Olympic Games, bought the vehicles for his Alcester farm.

The property is the home of Team Skelton, which comprises Nick’s son’s Dan Skelton Racing team, and is set across two yards, Lodge Hill and Badbury Hill Barn. Dan Skelton trains racehorses which have enjoyed outstanding success at the highest level in National Hunt racing.

Two Corvus Terrain 4x4 UTVs for Nick Skelton

Two Corvus Terrain 4×4 UTVs for Nick Skelton

“We have had numerous 4×4 utility vehicles,” says Nick, “and when they came up for review, we tried a number of UTVs. We had not heard of Corvus, so we had one on test loan on the suggestion of Murray Boss at Ace ATV, who has been our dealer for many years. Lots of owners come to the yards and we use the 4x4s to ferry them up and down the gallops as well as pulling chain harrows. They are good for all sorts of uses. We like the feeling of them, they are bigger than the others we considered and feel more robust.”

The Terrain is powered by a normally aspirated, inline 3-cylinder 993cc Yanmar Diesel engine, which gives excellent fuel efficiency and range. The above mentioned models are Stage V emission compliant, as an homologated diesel tractor to T1b tractor regulation and have a top speed of 40mph/65kp/h. Corvus is building the Terrain for work primarily in agriculture, livestock, forestry, turf care and construction, but they are highly adaptable vehicles ready for any demanding off-road workout.

For more information about the Corvus Terrain range, you can call 01597 810188

E-mail: sales@bossorv.co.uk Web: www.bossorv.co.uk

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New dealers for Corvus Terrain 4×4

New dealers for Corvus Terrain 4×4: A further two more new dealers have joined the fast-growing Corvus dealer network to bring a total of seven additions in the first quarter of the year. The latest partners in selling and supporting the Corvus Terrain range of 4×4 utility vehicles are Scotland’s W.M. Rose & Sons and JG Paxton & Sons in Lancashire.

W.M. Rose, with roots dating back to 1923, is an established family-run business directed by brothers William and Ian Rose. The company has two depots in Peebleshire and East Lothian supplying a wide range of agricultural, construction and industrial machinery. Their stated aim is to provide a quality driven service through their After Sales support and Parts Department.

New dealers for Corvus Terrain 4x4

New dealers for Corvus Terrain 4×4

Phil Everett, MD of BOSS off-road vehicles, the sole UK Corvus distributor says, “we’re delighted W.M. Rose can give the Corvus range such a presence in Scotland, selling to customers the Terrain UTVs are very much built for. It is great to partner with a company that invests so heavily in product training and support.”

Moving south of the border finds another family-owned agricultural machinery dealership, Paxtons, with their head office in the unusually named Durham village of Pity Me. They too have pride in their heritage, dating back to 1853, while today they are main dealers for a wide range of leading brands. With depots in Northallerton, Alnwick, Bentham and Lancaster, they are serving the requirements of farmers, contractors, local authorities and equestrian customers across Northumberland, Durham, North Yorkshire and Lancashire.

“Paxtons have everything we’re looking for in a Corvus dealer,” says Phil Everett. “They are all you would expect of such a progressive business providing high-quality service backed by highly skilled technicians. We know the Terrain range of UTVs is in excellent hands and welcome Paxtons to the Corvus family.”

For more information about the Corvus Terrain range, you can call 01597 810188, E-mail: sales@bossorv.co.uk or visit www.bossorv.co.uk

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Home from home for Terrain Aeration

Home from home for Terrain Aeration: The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) is an independent social change organisation working to solve UK poverty. The founder, Joseph Rowntree, of the famous York sweet manufacturing family, was a visionary Quaker businessman and social reformer.

The origins of the organisation’s financial resources lie in a major donation of shares in the original Rowntree Company he gifted in 1904. In the same year, Joseph’s son, Seebohm made available fields behind his Homestead House to children attending York Elementary Schools for outdoor activities. Today, at just under 15-acres, Homestead Park is a beautiful garden owned, managed and maintained by JRF for visitors to enjoy. There are various tree-trail walks around the park and the heavy footfall over time has led to severe compaction and waterlogging, causing the trees to suffer.

Home from home for Terrain Aeration

Home from home for Terrain Aeration

“The areas had never been aerated,” says Senior Gardener Paul Sarginson, “and we were finding the semi-mature cherry trees, around a hundred of them, as well as the mature chestnut and mature oak trees were becoming distressed. Terrain Aeration were recommended to us for their deep aeration treatment and they came to us for two half-days in October to do the work.”

Terrain Aeration’s Tree Division, headed by David Churchyard, has been formed out of the company’s work over twenty-five years of treating trees in all types of situation, from back gardens to large estates right through to Royal Parks. Trees may become stressed as a result of a number of factors such as nutrient shortages in the soil, surface compaction due to foot traffic and waterlogging where water drains off hard surface pathways.

The Terrain Aeration Terralift machines comprise a probe which reaches one metre depth, deeper than the roots of trees (other than the major tap roots which grow straight down). Breaking up the soil around the roots, and beyond, means that excess water will drain away from the roots to help stop anaerobic conditions and rotting of the root system. The probe is then used to inject dried seaweed, which helps keep the fissures open and backfilling the probe holes with aggregate provides a semi permanent aeration/ventilation shaft. Terrain Aeration aerates around the roots using two-metre spacings – on most occasions one-metre inside and one-metre outside the canopy drip line, as this is where the growing roots lie.

Decompacting around the roots and injecting air into the soil increases the percentage of uptake of oxygen into the root system. Using the Terralift’s ability to inject granular material via its seaweed carrier, forcing it upwards into the root zone of the trees, it is also possible to inject a tree feed mix containing slow release general nutrients and magnesium.

“Treatment of the main lawn areas this year was part of JRF’s management plan,” says Paul, “the Terrain Aeration lads who came were great and the plan from here is to have them back every year for a rolling programme of treatment.”

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Terrain Aeration for London garden square

Terrain Aeration for London garden square: The award-winning Earl’s Court Square Garden was originally laid out as part of the Edwardes Estate in the 1870s, and construction of the properties of Earl’s Court Square began.

It was well-managed with professional gardeners until the Second World War, when the original cast-iron railings were removed and five emergency water tanks filled the southern half of the garden. Post-war it became much neglected and remained more like a building site until the mid-seventies when the present layout was designed. A children’s playground was added in 1980 and the mature London plane trees were pruned and maintained. The Earl’s Court Square Garden is one of the 37 Garden Squares in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Terrain Aeration for London garden square

Terrain Aeration for London garden square

The garden is much used by residents and hosts neighbourhood social events which ultimately led to the ground becoming severely compacted and dried out in summer, while in winter it became heavily waterlogged. Aeration was done regularly, and the grass re-seeded, but the problems remained.

“We learned of the work done by Terrain Aeration in Hyde Park after Winter Wonderland,” says Katrina Quinton, Chairperson of the garden management sub-committee, “and we thought the principles would apply here. They were scheduled to come to us in 2020, but a period of heavy rain and then Covid-19 intervened. The garden was a godsend for the community during lockdown, but the pooling was still a major problem.”

As soon as they were able, Terrain Aeration treated the area using their Terralift Tracker, which is designed for access in tight spaces. It works in the same way as the full-size Terralift machines used in Hyde Park. The Tracker hammers a hollow probe one metre into the soil, releasing a blast of compressed air to fracture the compaction and create interlinked fissures. They simultaneously injected dried seaweed into the fissures, and this expands and contracts with the moisture content in the ground. The probe is inserted in equal spacing on a grid pattern, to ensure the underground fracturing overlaps. The resulting holes are top-filled with Lytag, lightweight aggregate, to provide a long-term aeration and ventilation shaft which will encourage air and water into the root zone. The result is a healthier soil structure; the compaction is relieved and a stronger root growth is promoted. The areas in the garden around the trees, which are greedy for water, were also treated to a depth of eighteen inches.

Katrina says: “the wonderful collection of people from Suffolk and their strange-looking machine came and worked without fuss, leaving the area clean and usable immediately. The following day it rained heavily and we’re delighted to say there was no longer any pooling. A great job.”

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