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Terrain Aeration At Cambridge Uni

Terrain Aeration At Cambridge Uni: Cambridge University Botanic Garden welcomes 300,000 visitors a year, making it the most visited university botanic garden in the UK. Situated in the centre of Cambridge, the Grade II listed Heritage Garden covers 40 acres and is home to a collection of over 8,000 plant species to facilitate teaching and research.

Equally, since its foundation it has provided a beautiful and tranquil place for everyone to enjoy. The Garden boasts four show lawns and the combination of foot traffic, marquee trucks and ride-on mowers leads to compaction. The Garden has been using Terrain Aeration’s decompaction services since as far back as 2013 and chose the deep aeration treatment for the high-profile area of the Main Lawn in front of the majestic glasshouses.

Terrain Aeration Visit Cambridge University

“We know Terrain Aeration’s work from years ago when development had been done at the Station Road Entrance and the lawn at the back of Cory Lodge,” says Adrian Holmes, Landscape and Machinery Supervisor at the Garden. “The lawns had been re-built after the work but were found to be compacted and the soil was not good. We had a waterlogging issue for a couple of years. The Terrain Aeration treatment rectified the problem and we know from experience it’s a long-term solution.”

This year, the Garden’s Main Lawn area was cordoned off, the machine operation creating considerable interest amongst students and visitors, and Terrain Aeration’s Terralift set to work. The weather was very good and dry, and the ground was worked easily without the need to use the Terralift’s JCB hammer drill. The machine’s probe is driven down a metre deep and highly compressed air released up to a maximum of 20Bar (280psi) to fracture the soil, opening it up for aeration, drainage and to get oxygen to the roots of the plant. On the tail end of the air blast, dried seaweed is incorporated which sticks to the walls of the fractures and fissures created by the main air blast. As pressure drops, the seaweed is mixed in the hopper unit where it swirls around with the remaining air and is then released. The seaweed swells in wet weather and keeps the fissures open. On the Main Lawn the same process was repeated in two-metre spacings, so the underground fracturing is thoroughly linked. In some extreme cases this is demonstrated by water fountains appearing from previous probe holes. In this instance the ground was found to be not as compacted as expected and the 2,500sq metre area was completed in two days, not the original three as had been expected.

“The Terrain Aeration guys were very good, prompt and efficient and quite knowledgeable,” says Adrian, “they backfilled the probe holes with Lytag, lightweight aggregate and it was as if they had never been there. It was great to have everything back to normal so quickly.” The aeration treatment completed, the lawn area was immediately open for unrestricted access to the fountains, glasshouses and horticultural and National Plant Collections.

Terrain Aeration www.terrainaeration.co.uk  01449 673783

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Terrain Gets To The Core

Terrain Gets To The Core: A frequent problem facing building companies, contractors and landscapers on completion of a development is compaction. The movement of traffic and materials across the ground to buildings under construction leaves areas prone to waterlogging. Newly laid gardens, grassed and play areas in particular become susceptible, with compaction occurring far deeper than normal aerating will alleviate. Deep penetration aeration is the solution but how do you know what lies beneath the grass and to what depth the aeration is needed? Terrain Aeration have been treating such problems for over twenty-five years and work regularly with construction companies such as Taylor Wimpey, Barrett Homes, Laings and smaller developers to provide a long-term solution.

The Terrain Aeration Terralift machines penetrate the ground to a depth of one metre, releasing a blast of compressed air which fractures and relieves the compacted soil, creating permanent aeration and drainage. However, before carrying out the aeration it is often necessary on old site layouts to determine what lies beneath and Terrain Aeration take a core sample using their specialist machinery. The plastic sleeve which slides out of the metal casing reveals what the soil is like, from the top soil down (in this example) to the clay structure beneath. The soil cores are taken to one metre depth and are also very good indicator to show where oil and diesel spillages have penetrated and how deep. The Terralift can then deal with the oil-bioremediation using specialist products in the area down to one metre depth.

Terrain Gets To The Core

Further down, flint is encountered and the Terralift probe is designed to break through the solid layers, employing a JCB hammer incorporated as part of the machine. Once the hard materials have been penetrated, the compressed air blast released creates fractures and fissures. These are injected with dried seaweed as part of the process, keeping, in this case, the clay seen in the core sample open and allowing surface water to quickly drain down one metre, before naturally percolating away into the flint area.

What is an ex-car park area has been transformed into a healthy soil structure with good root zone and ready for children to play on. Of course, not all compacted ground will have the same strata but the Terrain Aeration process is used to treat all types of waterlogging, from small gardens to parks, public spaces and sports pitches to bowling greens.

For more information, visit: www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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Terrain Aeration At Hyde Park

Terrain Aeration At Hyde Park: Terrain Aeration has provided services to relieve compaction of soil at Hyde Park. The company used its Airforce Terralift and SuperScamper machines. The latter works in conjunction with a towed compressor and is therefore a lighter machine producing less weight on the turf surface. The primary areas to be treated were north of the Bandstand, an area of 10,200 m2 with sycamores and elms, along with the ash tree circle north of Serpentine Road, an area of 892 m2

Before work started it was necessary to radar scan for underground services and mark out the areas to be treated. The Terralift hammers a hollow probe one metre into the soil, releasing a blast of compressed air to fracture the compaction and injecting dried seaweed which will expand and contract with the moisture content in the ground. The probe is inserted in spacings of two metres on a grid pattern, to ensure the underground fracturing overlaps. The resulting holes are top-filled with Lytag, lightweight aggregate to provide a long-term aeration and ventilation shaft which will encourage air and water into the root zone. The result is a healthier soil structure, the compaction is relieved and a stronger root growth is promoted.

Terrain Aeration At Hyde Park

This particularly applied in Hyde Park in the areas around the trees.Terrain Aeration have also treated the area around the Horse Chestnut group in Kensington Gardens to the east of Broadwalk and in Regents Park, the area beneath the canopies of the first and second line of trees between Chester Road and Ready Money Fountain. An area of two thousand five hundred square metres beneath canopies of Norway maples at the southern end of Marylebone Green has also had the Terralift treatment. “We have used Terrain Aeration’s services for a number of years now,” says Ian Roger, Royal Parks’ Arboricultural Manager, “and their programme of decompaction of the soil beneath some of our most stressed trees will have long-term benefits, extending their viable lifespan, and ensuring their continued contribution to the amenity of the park and the environment.”

For more information, visit: www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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New Life For Old Greens With Terrain Aeration

New life for old greens with Terrain Aeration: The original course at Hartley Wintney Golf Club dates back to 1891 when it was laid out as a traditional 9 hole parkland course.

An extra 9 holes were added in 2000 to offer a well laid out variation of both traditional and new designs. Whilst the new holes and six of the original ones have sand based greens three of the old soil greens, what became the 11th, 12th and 17th, were retained and these date back to when the course was first built. The 17th for example is a lovely Par 3 protected by a channel of trees and a small green.

As one of the original holes it is regarded as a gem and most peoples’ favourite hole on the course. The original greens however, did have a drainage problem and in winter particularly were holding onto too much moisture.

New Life For Old Greens With Terrain Aeration

To alleviate this, for both aesthetic and cost-effective considerations, Hartley Wintney GC called on the services of Terrain Aeration. The greens are cut using a John Deere 2500E, which reduces triplex ring with exclusive offset cutting units, and a Baroness LM55 Pedestrian. Prior to the Terrain Aeration treatment a Verti-Drain was used with 12mm diameter tines to a depth of 250mm to open up the surface and allow the compressed air to escape during treatment. A Toro ProCore was also used to remove thatch from the surface. Following preparation Terrain Aeration moved in with the specialist Superscamper Terralift deep penetration aeration system, working two metres apart, to blast air at 18 bar pressure to break up the compaction and panning. Where the ground is exceptionally hard the specially incorporated JCB hammer drives the probe down to the one metre depth, where it releases the air blast, followed by the injection of dried seaweed. This serves to maintain the aeration to get oxygen to the grass roots and continue to relieve compaction as the seaweed swells with moisture, keeping the fissures open. The compressed air exits through the previously created Verti-Drain slits.

“The greens were back into play immediately,” says Matthew Rolls, the club’s Course Manager. “One green needed a little levelling to deal with some high spots but that was to be expected. We then backfilled the holes with Lytag and topped up with rootzone. The two guys from Terrain Aeration were very good, exceptionally helpful and a pleasure to have on the site.”

Terrain Aeration have been treating golf courses, sports pitches, amenity areas, trees and gardens for over twenty-five years using the Terralift deep penetration aeration system and have a long history of testimonies to the effectiveness of the treatment.

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783 www.terrainaeration.com

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