New Cultivars Previewed By Limagrain At BTME: Visitors to the Limagrain stand (C39) at BTME 2018 can expect a sneak peak of two new innovative cultivars for the golf market whilst also having a chance to win tickets to a top international sporting event.
Ahead of their spring launch, two new cultivars from Limagrain UK will be showcased for the very first time at the show. Big things are expected of Aporina and Caldris when these exciting new cultivars are added to Limagrain’s grass seed mixtures.

Aporina is Limagrain’s new Slender Creeping Red Fescue. It is a very dense, superb all-round cultivar that performs well in both a golf green environment and fairways and tees. In both areas, Aporina has very good disease resistance and will be introduced into a number of Limagrain’s golf green mixtures – MM8 and MM10 and golf fairway mixtures – MM13 and MM22.
Caldris is a new Chewings Fescue which has very similar attributes to Aporina in that it performs extremely well in both golf greens and golf fairways. Caldris will be introduced into Limagrain’s main golf green mixtures and the non-Ryegrass fairways and tees mixtures.
Visitors to the Limagrain stand will also be able to find out more about how the MM mixtures can significantly improve golf courses. For a number of years, greenkeepers and course managers have been reaping the benefits by choosing the MM brand. All the varieties in the MM mixtures are thoroughly tested at the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) – ensuring that the finished product will meet your requirements for play, appearance and maintenance.
For greens, the traditional Chewings Fescue / Browntop bent mix, MM11, remains a popular choice in many cases and can be used from spring to autumn. It is ideal for new constructions and overseeding existing swards. A slight variation of which is MM10; both mixes are fine leaved, disease resistant and make good, dense putting surfaces. Where it is difficult to maintain fescue in the sward or where levels of wear are greater, many choose to use MM9 – a three way Browntop bent mixture – in late summer/early autumn for best results. For links style courses, sustainable golf or for early season overseeding, MM8 may well be the solution – a three way fescue mix with excellent disease resistance, drought tolerance and minimal fertiliser requirements.
If you are looking for a mixture ideal for tees then the all ryegrass MM50 should be considered. It is capable of rapid establishment and fast recovery from divot scarring. For large tees where play is less intense, MM22 is a viable option. Where damage and wear are minimal, use MM12 or MM13, both are suited to ‘Links style’ courses, are drought tolerant and have low maintenance requirements.
For fairways, adaptability is the key attribute because soil conditions, light and shade, contouring and wear will vary markedly in different areas of the course. Choose low maintenance, drought tolerant mixtures with creeping varieties where wear levels are low, such as MM12 or MM13 and select ryegrass mixes, such as MM22, on high divot or intense wear areas.
A selection of Limagrain’s greens and fairways mixtures will be on display on the stand for all to see, these include MM22, MM13 and MM10.
In addition, Limagrain will be running a free prize draw to win tickets to a top international sporting event in the summer.
For further information, please contact Limagrain UK on 01472 371471 or visit the company’s website – you can also follow the company on Twitter: @MM_Seed
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