Cabrio The Number One

Cabrio The Number One: Cabrio Ultra Fine Ryegrass has again been announced as the number one variety in the BSPB’s Series L Table 1 for perennial ryegrasses in 2018.

Formally introduced as a new cultivar in 2016, Cabrio Ultra Fine Ryegrass went straight to the top of the BSPB’s Table L1 for 2017 thanks to a fineness of leaf scoring of 8.8.

Cabrio The Number One

In the new 2018 listings, Cabrio once again occupies the same chart-topping position thanks to another fineness of leaf scoring of 8.8 – still half a point clear of its nearest rivals.

“At 8.8, Cabrio easily outperforms its nearest rivals in terms of fineness of leaf,” explains Richard Brown, Germinal Amenity Sales Manager.  “Cabrio also gives groundsmen, greenkeepers and turf growers an excellent opportunity to produce a harder wearing sward that can not only tolerate a close mowing regime, but which will also give good ball roll or bounce and will be very attractive aesthetically.”

Cabrio is recommended for use on golf tees and golf green aprons as well as tennis courts and cricket squares where it is ideal for repairing baselines and wicket ends.

Cabrio is exclusively available from Germinal: in Germinal’s A5 Cricket, Tennis and Tees seed mixture it is paired with Escapade, the “number 6” perennial ryegrass variety in the Turfgrass Seed booklet’s Series L list for 2018.

Cabrio is also included in Germinal’s A10 Golf Tees and Divot Repairs and A28 Ultrafine Ryegolf mixtures.  In all three mixtures, the inclusion of Cabrio creates a seed mixture which gives a high density, wear tolerant sward with rapid repair capability.

Cabrio: cultivar characteristics*

  Table L1

(mown at 10-15mm)

Shoot density 7.9
Fineness of leaf 8.8
Slow regrowth 7.2
Visual merit 8.0
Mean 8.0
Resistance to Red Thread 3.8
Cleanness of cut 7.1
Winter greenness 5.2
Summer greenness 6.1

*Source: BSPB Turfgrass Seed booklet 2018

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20/20 Vision At Golf Club

20/20 Vision At Golf Club: Manor of Groves Golf Club in Hertfordshire has purchased its first fleet of Toro machinery and resolved to be exclusively Toro by 2020, having seen a number of benefits including time-saving, ease of maintenance and noticeable results.

The club invested in a Toro Reelmaster 5510-D, two TriFlex 3400 mowers, a Workman complete with a Multi Pro 200 sprayer, and a ProForce debris blower to update its front line cutting fleet (greens, fairways, tees and approaches).

20/20 Vision At Golf Club

Course manager Lee Brinkley explains why they opted for Toro: “Having worked at other clubs that used a mix of Toro and competitor brand machines, Toro has always stood out to me as the most reliable turfcare brand.

“So when [Toro UK distributor] Reesink Turfcare representative Richard Freeman came on course to demonstrate the machines, it made me and general manager James Barker certain that Toro’s machinery is the best quality and value for money.”

Aftersales service was also an important consideration in the investment, explains Lee: “We knew we were buying more than just machines. I now have peace of mind that if I call Reesink with a query, our local representative Richard will be at the other end of the phone to help within minutes.”

Lee’s favourite addition to the new fleet is the Workman complete with a Multi Pro 200 sprayer. He says: “The sprayer is so easy to use and I love that it is such a time saver. This is down to the huge 700 litre tank, which rarely has to be refilled during a cycle and cuts operation time by half.

“Before we did granulised fertiliser for fairways, tees and approaches that had to break down over time and was reliant on the right weather conditions. Now, with the Multi Pro, we can apply foliar based fertilisers which are absorbed through the leaves, making nutrients more readily available to the plants. Another great feature of the Multi Pro is consistent and accurate coverage thanks to the sprayer’s digital display and self calibrating system.”

Out of the new mowers, the TriFlex 3400 model stands out to Lee: “Maintenance is so easy! With our previous greens mower you had to forever pump grease into the bearings to keep everything lubricated, but the 3400 has sealed steel bearings which don’t need greasing – it makes maintenance far easier for us, and saves on time.”

The new machines have certainly won the approval of Lee’s colleagues. He says: “The six greenkeepers in my team think the Toros are a huge improvement from previous machines. Even the Head PGA Professional has noticed and commented on how much better the cut on the greens and approaches is looking.”

According to Lee, Toro has transformed the club: “This is the first time in years we have purchased more than one machine at a time. To have brought five in at the same time means the improvements are really noticeable. We’ve seen the difference Toro can bring to our course and as a result the club’s approach to machinery investment has changed – we now plan to buy new Toro machines every three years and hope to have an all-red fleet by 2020!”

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New Golf Course Apprentice

New Golf Course Apprentice: A green keeping apprenticeship at the internationally-renowned Castle Stuart Golf Links is the ideal job for Ethan Ramsay due to his love of golf and of working outdoors.

Ethan, 17, started his new role this month at the four-time Scottish Open venue, but is already very familiar with the famous links.

New Golf Course Apprentice

The former Millburn Academy pupil has spent time at Castle Stuart on work experience and was also part of the bunker squad during the 2016 Scottish Open. In addition, the 13-handicap golfer has played and caddied on the course several times.

“The Scottish Open was an amazing experience and gave me a taste of what it would be like to work full-time on this great course”, said Ethan. “I like playing golf and enjoy physical, outdoor work so I am delighted to get a chance to start my apprenticeship here.

“I hope I can have a career in the golf industry and that the job will also help my golf, at least on this course.”

Ethan joins a team of 11 full-time green keeping staff at Castle Stuart who are preparing for the 2018 season opening on 23 March. They will be joined by two seasonal staff between April and October.

While receiving on-site training at Castle Stuart, Ethan will also be studying for Scottish vocational qualifications in sports turf maintenance at SRUC, Scotland’s Rural College, in Fife, for three years.

Head greenkeeper James Hutchison said: “Ethan is really enthusiastic and has a real get-up-and-go attitude. He is keen to learn and is always asking questions which shows he wants to progress.

“At Castle Stuart he will be involved in all aspects of the course so he will develop a wide range of skills. If people impress here there will certainly be opportunities to move up the career ladder.”

Apprentices have a world-wide career opportunity with Caste Stuart as it offers placements and exchange programmes with other courses. In the past greenkeepers have visited Europe, Australia and the US as part of their learning experience.

James added: “Greenkeeping is a great career for young people. We have a fantastic working environment here and provide apprentices with the right tools and on-site training to prepare them for whatever they want to achieve.”

The quality of the Castle Stuart links has been praised by the likes of Phil Mickelson, who won the Scottish Open in 2013, and the 2016 winner Alex Noren. It is regarded as a model for modern course design by testing the best but being playable and enjoyable for players of all abilities.

Castle Stuart has also won awards for its environmental management, the course having been created from an area of former farmland and a site rich in wildlife.

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