Pitches Ruined By Tyre Damage: A Renton football club were left devastated this weekend after Scottish Power vans ploughed through their pitches – leaving them unplayable.
A coach of Renton Craigandro FC spotted the vans from Scottish Power Energy Network on Friday as they drove through the grass at Tontine Park leaving large muddy tyre tracks behind them.

Club coach Joe Mulvenna told the Lennox Herald: “One of our coaches was passing by and saw the Scottish Power vans on our pitch.
“They decided to traipse vans and machinery over our land without even asking us.”
The damage to the turf forced the club to relocate a weekend match, as they feared the pitch damage could lead to injured players.
Joe said: “One of the pitches could not have any spectators and we couldn’t risk the kids falling through the ditches and breaking an ankle.
“Scottish Power have a pylon at the top and they have authority to access it. Their only way of getting at the work area is through our land.
“Obviously we have no problem with them going in – if there is a problem or there is a power cut in the Vale then they have to fix it.
“We are just asking for them to be a bit more considerate.”
Scottish Power left a digger machine on the land which the club had said they would hold until remedial work to repair the turf is carried out.
Joe said: “I have since met with their regional manager and they have given their word that they will make it right again.
“It was positive. We shook hands and he promised to get the pitch fixed.
“They left a machine on our land and until we got agreement that they would come to do remedial work, we would not be giving their digger back – it was a bit of a Mexican stand-off.”
Scottish Power, have now been in touch with the club and offered to mend the grass while also making a donation to the club.
Joe said: “Scottish Power have confirmed they accept responsibility for damages to grounds.
“They have agreed to make good any damage at their own cost and make a donation to club for inconvenience caused.”
The firm, who run a pylon from the site, have gained access via the pitches in the past.
However, Joe said previous vans have always put down matting to ensure the grass is preserved.
This is not the first time the club, which has almost 300 young players, have had their pitch damaged.
We previously reported how Renton Craigandro was targeted by vandals who set fire to their pitches. The club were forced to foot the bill and fix the damage themselves as well as relocate their matches.
Joe said: “We have had a history of vandalism on the pitch and, if we had not seen the Scottish Power vans, I would have thought it had been joy riders ruining the pitch.”
A Scottish Power spokewoman said: “We apologise for the damage caused to the playing field, which was unfortunately exacerbated by the recent spell of bad weather. Work still needs to be carried out to an underground cable on this site which is critical to the overall reliability of the network in this area.
“We have assured Mr Mulvenna that we will reinstatement the playing field to the original condition and will meet with him shortly to discuss the works going forward.”
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