Take on the ‘Aspen Challenge’ at GroundsFest
Take on the ‘Aspen Challenge’ at GroundsFest: Improving the working environment of landscapers and ground professionals for over 40 years, Aspen Fuel will be returning to GroundsFest 2024 to showcase the many benefits of their 2 and 4-stroke Alkylate petrol.
Stand OSA490 is the place to find out more and also the place where brave participants can partake in the ‘Aspen Challenge’ for the chance to win some awesome Aspen prizes!

Take on the ‘Aspen Challenge’ at GroundsFest
Aspen alkylate petrol is virtually free from sulphur, benzene and solvents making it much less harmful than regular petrol. The reduction in hazardous and toxic hydrocarbons contributes to a cleaner burn, improving not just the reliability of the engine but the immediate operator environment – freeing users from headaches and other health concerns associated with working in close proximity to petrol-powered equipment.
Standard E10 pump fuel now contains around 10% ethanol, the moisture-attracting properties of which can often be the cause of starting difficulties or engine failures in smaller equipment such as strimmers and leaf blowers. Ethanol-free Aspen 2 with its cleaner combustion leaves very little residue or carbon deposits, extending engine lifespan and retaining its original performance for longer.
The benefits for the equipment and the operator, together with a reduction in environmental impact, make Aspen a versatile and economically-viable choice for operators in all sectors looking to move towards more sustainable working practice. Those wanting to discover how Aspen can change their own working environments can also enquire about the risk-free, money-back trial which enables business owners to try Aspen without incurring any increase in their fuel cost, and the option to return the unused fuel if they don’t ‘experience the difference’.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to test their strength in the ‘Aspen Challenge’ which returns for another year – with the chance to win some fantastic prizes over the course of the two days!
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