Entries by Colin Hoskins

Rigby Taylor At Brighton Racecourse

Rigby Taylor At Brighton Racecourse: If Richard Langley has any secrets to his success as head groundsman at Brighton Racecourse “then it must be the benefits of continually feeding the track all year-round”, he says. As Richard now looks forward to “really ramping up” track maintenance in March, in preparation for the 2019 flat season that […]

R Grass Seed From Rigby Taylor

R Grass Seed From Rigby Taylor: Two new cultivars will ensure that Rigby Taylor’s R14 perennial ryegrass blend remains the number one choice for sports pitch construction and renovation. Fast establishment and high wear tolerance come high on the list when choosing a perennial ryegrass but, of equal importance, the 2019 version of R14 also delivers […]

IOG Recommend 2.5% Pay Rise

IOG Recommend 2.5% Pay Rise: The Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) is recommending a 2.5 per cent increase in grounds staff’s national minimum salary bands for 2019. The IOG say the recommendations have been made against a backdrop of economic uncertainty over the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, which is likely to impact growth; GDP growth is expected […]

Rigby Taylor Praised At Rotherham

Rigby Taylor Praised At Rotherham: 2018 IOG Industry Award winner Dave Fellowes certainly has his work cut out at Rotherham United FC. Because, as head groundsman, not only is he and two assistants charged with looking after the stadium pitch but they are also tasked with maintaining the training ground which has two pitches, including one […]

Rigby Taylor Centenary Celebrations

Rigby Taylor Centenary Celebrations: Rigby Taylor will be making a major golf industry announcement at BTME in Harrogate to herald the start of a year of celebrations for the company’s 100-year anniversary.  While details of the exciting initiative in conjunction with BTME organiser BIGGA will be released at the show, there is a host of additional […]