Online offering for BASIS training & assessment: BASIS is offering candidates the option to complete courses and exams online, to ensure standards are maintained in the industry and training can continue.
Having worked with the HSE Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) and accreditation partner Harper Adams University throughout the process, a number of our BASIS exams are now fully digital. Written exams are completed using online exam and invigilation software, followed by viva examinations via video call.

Online offering for BASIS training & assessment
Sue Mason, BASIS exams and training manager, explains that the new invigilation software, QMark, enables BASIS to deliver examinations under stringent conditions, akin to being held in traditional exam format without the need to meet face-to-face or in groups.
“We’re pleased this is now in place,” says Sue.
“We know a number of candidates have either completed their training, or were near finishing earlier in the year, so this gives everyone the opportunity to finalise training and undertake the exams to gain the qualification.
“The online exams will mirror the format of a formal written test. We’ve worked closely with Harper Adams to ensure the software is quality assured so we’re delivering exams in the same conditions,” she adds.
Should candidates have halted training mid-way through the course due to lockdown, BASIS is still offering this online alternative, with the new exam format taking place once the course has been completed.
Stephen Jacob, BASIS CEO, says this online offering means important training and certification can still go ahead, despite the current restrictions, to maintain industry standards and customer or employer expectations.
“We want to ensure all those looking to complete exams and become accredited members of the Professional Register in 2020 can do so. The process hasn’t altered, we’ve just gone digital.
“I would advise those looking to take their exams to speak to their BASIS approved trainer to discuss the next steps to undertake their exams,” concludes Stephen.
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