Tag Archive for: Aeration

Redexim to showcase aeration solutions at BTME

Redexim to showcase aeration solutions at BTME: While some maintenance practices come and go, aeration remains essential to retaining course condition and playability – arguably more critical than ever following a year of record rainfall across many parts of the UK!

With that in mind, aeration solutions are set to take centre stage for Redexim at BTME 2024 – with stand 532 featuring the iconic Verti-Drain® alongside a vast selection of other equipment from the Redexim fine turf portfolio.

Redexim to showcase aeration solutions at BTME

Redexim to showcase aeration solutions at BTME

The flagship high-speed Redexim Verti-Drain 2519, with its 1.9m working width and ability to accept a wide range of tine options promises to be a stand highlight, delivering unrivalled versatility – powerful enough for year-round operations on the fairways, and precise enough for work on greens and tees.

Also on show will be the Redexim Carrier equipped with Verti-Drain 1513, set up to show impressive capability for hollow coring. With a working depth of up to 6” (150mm), this combination is ideal for sensitive or soft areas, offering a fast, efficient and reliable solution for soil exchange programmes or maximum compaction relief with minimal ground pressure.

Besides effective aeration solutions, visitors can also expect to find the highly versatile, and highly popular, 6m wide Top-Brush. A true multi-tasker, the Top-Brush 6000 features three rotating brush rollers which lift and agitate the sward, removing moisture, debris and lateral growth and standing the plant up for improved air flow and a cleaner cut.

Redexim will also be launching a new cost-effective tool designed to tackle multiple maintenance tasks around the golf course, introduced to address the economic pressures currently facing facilities and maintenance budgets. While details ahead of the show are being kept closely under wraps, stand 532 will be the place to find this alongside the latest developments and promotions across the Redexim seeder range.

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10% off Terralift aeration at Futurescape

10% off Terralift aeration at Futurescape: Terrain Aeration, the one-metre deep aeration specialists, are offering 10% off their Terralift aeration treatment for visitors at Futurescape.

The Terralift system is used in areas where panning and heavy compaction have caused the ground to flood and hold standing water. Treatment is also carried out around trees where heavy footfall or vehicle movement has occurred, leaving the surface hard with reduced permeability. Affected areas Terrain Aeration treat range from sports pitches, amenity areas, racecourses and bowling greens, to parks, National Trust gardens and the private gardens of new-build houses. In fact, in any area where normal aeration cannot be fully effective because of the depth of the compaction.

10% off Terralift aeration at Futurescape

10% off Terralift aeration at Futurescape

The Terralift machine drives a probe to a depth of up to one metre where compressed air is released, breaking the underground compaction and causing a network of cracks and fissures to form. The work is done on a grid system so the fissures interlink. As the probe exits, dried seaweed is injected which expands and contracts with moisture to keep the fissures and probe holes open. This allows both drainage and air to get to turf or tree roots. The probe can also inject water-storing polymer, mycorrhizal funghi, bio-char and slow release tree feed nutrients and magnesium. The probe holes are filled with aggregate so areas can be used immediately. There are various types of Terralift machine to enable access to most areas. The system is unique to Terrain Aeration and has been proving itself since 1985. Visitors to Futurescape and the Terrain Aeration stand can take advantage of 10% off the normal cost of Terralift deep aeration. Stand number L60.

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Terrain Aeration hitches a lift

Terrain Aeration hitches a lift: Devonshire Homes has been committed to building high quality new homes across the West Country for more than thirty years. As a wholly owned subsidiary of London and Devonshire Trust, they have built over 1500 new homes and created over thirty new communities.

One such development at Gwallon Keas, St Austell, is built on clay laden soil and they encountered a common problem facing new build developers. During construction, the use of heavy machinery can unavoidably cause compaction panning in areas designated to be the gardens of new houses. Even with land drainage installed and soil ripped, the compaction can reach such a depth normal treatment will not relieve it and provide the natural drainage needed. Consequently, with seven gardens of the new houses, severe waterlogging was occurring. To rectify it, they were given what they called ‘some silly quotes’ with no guarantee the solutions would work. A ground works contractor recommended compaction specialists Terrain Aeration and Devonshire Homes decided to proceed with them. However, there was just one further problem, how to get the Terrain Aeration’s Tracker Terralift machine, compressor and aggregate backfill material into the gardens with limited access.

Terrain Aeration hitches a lift

Terrain Aeration hitches a lift

The solution was a crane presented itself with the arrival of a crane to lift bags of topsoil into the gardens. Whilst Terrain Aeration has had machines lifted before, they have never been this high. The fences between the seven gardens had been taken down, so the Tracker Terralift could move along the gardens to do its work. This comprises the machine’s JCB road hammer and probe driving down to a depth of one metre. At this depth, a blast of compressed air is released to a maximum of 20Bar (280psi). This has the effect of fracturing the compacted soil and creating fissures. The treatment is worked on a grid system at two metre spacings so the fissures interlink. As the probe withdraws, dried seaweed is injected which expands when it rains and keeps the fissure open to allow normal drainage. The probe holes are then backfilled with aggregate It is a solution Terrain Aeration has specialised in for over thirty years, treating areas ranging from back gardens to sports pitches, golf courses, bowling greens, race courses, parks, trees and public spaces. For Devonshire Homes, it provided a timely solution, albeit one which, on this occasion, needed a crane to carry it out.

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783 www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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Terrain Aeration injects polymer

Terrain Aeration injects polymer: While it may be wet, water everywhere at the moment we will soon be heading into the summer months. That’s when the problems begin for turf and trees. Increasingly, year on year, we are seeing the effects of global warming across our landscape as droughts persist.

Sports pitches, golf courses, trees in parks, amenity areas right through to lawns in private gardens will all suffer from the lack of rainfall. Ground becomes hard and compacted to considerable depth and when the rains do come, this often leads to standing surface water and waterlogging.

Terrain Aeration injects polymer

Terrain Aeration injects polymer

Suffolk-based Terrain Aeration has specialised in one-metre deep soil aeration to relieve compaction, panning, and waterlogging nationally for over thirty years. While that takes care of the drainage and aeration when it’s very wet there remains the opposite problem of grass and tree roots not getting enough water in periods of drought. It’s a problem addressed by the same machine, Terrain Aeration’s Terralift system, that aerates the soil at depth by releasing compressed air via its one-metre depth probe. As that fragments the soil to create fissures and cracks to allow drainage and aeration, the probe can also inject water-storing polymer. Once in place, the polymer will expand one-hundred fold with rainwater or irrigation water which it stores for the turf or tree roots to take up as needed. It’s a one-way system, so the polymer does not take water from the roots.

In this way, we will be able to make better use of what water we have and it’s a very long-term process as the polymer takes a long time to degrade. Spreading the polymer on the surface is not practical, as when it rains it turns into a gel, making the area dangerous to walk and play on. Injecting it into the ground using the Terralift machine offers the best, most beneficial, and wholly cost-effective method, says the company. Terrain Aeration is the only operator of the Terralift in the UK and the treatment has proven itself since 1985. There are different versions of the machine to treat large open spaces such as sports grounds, golf courses, and avenues of trees to narrow accesses onto bowling greens and gardens. Anywhere from airports to zoos.

Terrain Aeration www.terrainaeration.co.uk  01449 673783

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Terra Spike GXi8 HD helps Woolley Park advance aeration

Terra Spike GXi8 HD helps Woolley Park advance aeration: Playing ‘catch up’ is a necessary evil for many turf professionals. Whether juggling weather windows, staff availability or extended playing schedules, quite often something falls behind.

Happily for the team at Woolley Park Golf Club, Wakefield, the delivery of a new Terra Spike in November, and four months of constant hole punching, has them ahead of the curve with their advanced aeration programme.

Terra Spike GXi8 HD helps Woolley Park advance aeration

Terra Spike GXi8 HD helps Woolley Park advance aeration

The West Yorkshire club is a family run business which features a challenging 18-hole course, and a measured Par 3 course, in the spacious and peaceful setting of an old deer park. The site is beautifully landscaped and ringed by trees.

This season, John Rowbottom and his team of four greenkeepers and apprentice, retired their long-standing greens aerator and separate fairways machine selecting the Wiedenmann Terra Spike GXi8 HD to replace both.

John Rowbottom, head greenkeeper, said:

“Over the last 8 months aeration across both our courses was taking too long to complete. Being a 27-hole golf centre, we need speed on the greens. Previously to get around them all could take 3-4 days; and it was a job no one wanted.

“In seasons past, we tried a shallow aerator, which was quick, but didn’t give sufficient depth. Last year with Balmers GM, Wakefield, we looked at what was on the market, favouring the ’two birds with one stone’ option and happened upon the GXi8 HD, with its access all areas credentials.

“We knew it was fast and incredibly smooth and were excited for its great results and minimal disruption, so reducing the impact of maintenance work on our golfers.

“All in we have 22 hectares of fairways and 3 hectares of greens.  Since November, we have achieved an aeration pass on the greens in each of the four winter months, varying depths as we’ve gone. We’ve also covered the fairways twice. During the last week of November, we hired an additional GXi8 from our dealers, Balmers to take best advantage of a weather window: completing one full rotation. We’ve been out with Our Terra Spike pretty much every day since, and have now two full circuits across booth courses.

“Our whole ethos is investment into the golf course. Our greenkeeping team are resourced with the machines they need for task.  Through sheer volume of work we’ve got through ten sets of tines, but the upside is we’ve an exceptional volume of holes in the ground. We’ve literally hammered holes in every square inch of this place but we are better for it. It’s helped no end to get that little bit of extra depth.

“The Wiedenmann has revolutionised the way we aerate. If we set our minds to it, with an early start and a late finish we can get all 27 greens done in a day, rather than the three to four days it took previously.

“Covering fairways used to be a two-to-three-week job and if you got bad weather in and amongst then heaven help you!

“Now the job is much less frustrating and takes less than a week. The team feel they are making real progress rather than plodding at a slow speed.

“On the fairways ideally, we only want to work the soil up to 15 cm. Ninety-five per cent of our land is built upon coal measures sandstone so we are just hoping to prick through the top soil and then let the stone layer do its thing. We have the off fairway where we know we have a clay pocket. On those we’ve been able to drill down to full depth; getting as deep as we can to help mother nature.

“In our part of Yorkshire we’re the last golf course to shut for rain and the first one to reopen after it.

“Aeration really is essential. With wetter winters and golfers wanting to play longer into the season, the GXi8 just brought us straight back up to speed. Keeping the surface open and, keeping it free draining in combination with managing footfall really helps.  The Wiedenmann is a real eye opener and fantastic piece of equipment.”

Darren Barker, Sales Director, Balmers GM said:

Thank you to John, Philip & Jane Rowbottom and the team at Woolley Park Golf Club for their purchase and positive feedback. We knew this machine would work hard and be put through its paces. The Wiedenmann is all about speed, reliability and increasing aeration productivity.”

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