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Bayer & CALM encourage turf professionals to talk

Bayer & CALM encourage turf professionals to talk: Suicide prevention charity, Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) will be joining Bayer Environmental Science at exhibitions throughout 2022, starting with BTME in March, as the partnership between the two continues for a second year.

With 125 lives lost every week to suicide and 75% of all UK suicides being male, Bayer wants to help spread awareness amongst turf professionals that there is someone to talk to if they ever find themselves in need of support. CALM offers a free confidential support line from 5 pm to midnight 365 days a year to anyone that needs it.

Bayer & CALM encourage turf professionals to talk

Bayer & CALM encourage turf professionals to talk

Tim Peeling, Head of Marketing at Bayer Environmental Science says, “At Bayer we recognise we have a duty to protect and support those working in our industry, as well as the platforms to allow us to raise awareness of key issues.

“We are so happy to support CALM for a second year. Our joint attendance at exhibitions gives us the opportunity to drill CALM’s message home – that there is support available and someone to talk to, so no one has to feel like they are alone.”

In 2021, BIGGA reported that 80% of greenkeepers were worried about the mental health of someone they worked with.

Tim adds, “It’s doubtful that many people were left unscathed from the last two years in one way or another. As the research suggests, people’s mental health was certainly affected, and it continues to be. But there can be any number of reasons why people struggle and it can be incredibly hard to voice these issues, let alone seek out support for them, so the more we can amplify what CALM does, the better.”

Maria Kuzak, Senior Philanthropy Manager at CALM says, “We are so excited to be working with Bayer for another year. Despite further lockdowns we reached a huge number of people in greenkeeping in 2021 and got to be part of some really thought-provoking conversations about looking after your mental wellbeing and the pressures in the industry.

“Attending events with Bayer has allowed us to reach an audience that is not only struggling but has heart breaking stories about those lost to suicide. We hope our efforts to show people they can turn to CALM will mean less of these stories and more open discussions about mental wellbeing in greenkeeping.”

CALM’s helpline and webchat is open 5pm to midnight 365 days a year and can help with all of life’s problems.

Call 0800 58 58 58 to speak to someone on the phone or webchat at https://www.thecalmzone.net/

Or visit Stand 338 in the Green Zone at BTME (22-24th March at Harrogate Convention Centre) where CALM will be on hand, giving away signposting materials and helping companies to better support employees.

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Bayer raise awareness of mental health at BTME

Bayer raise awareness of mental health at BTME: Bayer is celebrating a successful 12-month collaboration with mental health charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) at BTME this year, with a representative from the charity on the Bayer stand for the event’s duration.

Timothy Peeling, Bayer product manager, says that with suicide being the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK, Bayer is committed to raising the awareness of mental health in the typically male dominated turf and amenity sectors.

Bayer raise awareness of mental health at BTME

Bayer raise awareness of mental health at BTME

“Taking the time to listen and understand what people are going through is incredibly important. By listening you could be helping far more than you’ll ever know.

“Attendees at BTME will be able to talk to CALM in confidence, as well as find positive practical solutions to deal with mental wellbeing, which resonate with practically minded people,” he explains.

“I encourage anyone who needs someone to talk to pop by the stand, or alternatively use their online service.” Find out more about CALM here: https://www.thecalmzone.net/.

As well as raising the profile of mental health, the Turf Solutions team will be on hand to talk about all things Harmonix® Tri-Nema.

Colin Mumford, Bayer technical manager, says chafer grub and leatherjacket populations have been on the rise over recent years, with limited solutions to control them.

He explains how Harmonix® Tri-Nema is different to any other nematode solution on the market.

“Harmonix® Tri-Nema offers three different modes of activity in one solution, by utilising a unique blend of three entomopathogenic nematodes, providing a more effective distribution through the soil profile, leading to more consistent results,” he says.

For more information visit the Turf Solutions team in the green zone on stand 338 at BTME, alternatively visit www.environmentalscience.bayer.co.uk, call 00800 1214 9451, or email turfsolutions@bayer.com.

Understanding glyphosate

Register now for our ‘Understanding glyphosate’ seminar at BTME. On the 25 January at 2pm our technical manager Colin Mumford will provide all of the latest updates on glyphosate, regulations surrounding the active, as well as advice on best practice when using it.

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Bayer launch new ‘Glyphosate Hub’

Bayer launch new ‘Glyphosate Hub’: To support the use of glyphosate in the amenity sector, Bayer has launched a new amenity specific ‘Glyphosate Hub’ to empower contractors by providing them with relevant information about this vital active ingredient.

Freddie Bendall-Brown, digital marketing specialist at Bayer Environmental Science, explains that after surveying amenity professionals last year, the company believed it was important to help amenity professionals sort fact from fiction when it comes to glyphosate.

Bayer launch new ‘Glyphosate Hub’

Bayer launch new ‘Glyphosate Hub’

“This is why Bayer has developed the ‘Glyphosate Hub’. It provides amenity contractors with the references and information they need to respond to queries from the public and colleagues alike,” he says.

“The hub also emphasises that there’s few alternative tools out there to control such a broad spectrum of weeds, especially with such a good safety profile backed by years of research and scientific study. Something many people outside of the amenity sector are not aware of.”

Freddie adds that historically, the focus on glyphosate has been centred around agriculture.

“This is why we’ve developed this bespoke amenity hub, so relevant factual information for amenity contractors is in one place..”

“The hub also provides glyphosate specific information on UK and EU regulations, best practice guidance and independent research and resources from organisations such as CRD, the glyphosate renewal group and DEFRA,” he adds.

To visit the ‘Glyphosate Hub’ click on the link below: https://www.environmentalscience.bayer.co.uk/turf-management/glyphosate-hub

[Box-out] Have your say…

With your help the ‘Glyphosate Hub’ will continue to evolve and grow over time, so that it provides up-to-date and relevant information to support amenity contractors in their role. Have your say on what you need to justify your weed control programme and provide feedback by emailing amenity@bayer.com.

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Bayer to strengthen leadership team

Bayer to strengthen leadership team: Bayer today announced a series of decisions to accelerate the strategy implementation of its Crop Science division. In order to focus on its core agricultural business, this includes the intent to divest the company’s Environmental Science Professional business.

It is a global leader offering environmental solutions to control pests, disease and weeds in non-agricultural areas such as vector control, professional pest management, industrial vegetation management, forestry, and turf and ornamentals. The Environmental Science Professional business had sales of approx. 600 million Euros in 2019.

Bayer to strengthen leadership team

Bayer to strengthen leadership team

To further drive performance and growth in the division’s most important commercial region, Bayer has named Dr. Jacqueline M. Applegate to lead the Crop Science North America region effective March 1, 2021. She currently heads the division’s Environmental Science and Vegetable Seeds businesses and has a strong track record of commercial execution and of driving transformation. In addition to her appointment, the company named Dr. Jeremy Williams, currently Global Head of Plant Biotechnology at Crop Science, as new head of the Climate Corporation and Digital Farming, and Tom Armitage from Mondelez as head of Global Communications for Crop Science. Both are effective March 15, 2021. All three leaders will join the Crop Science Executive Leadership Team and will play key roles in accelerating the division’s transformation.

In addition, Bayer appointed Gilles Galliou, currently head of commercial operations for Bayer Vegetable Seeds Americas, to lead the Environmental Science business and the planned divestment. The global Environmental Science business will be headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, effective June 1, 2021. Inci Dannenberg, currently head of global strategic marketing for Vegetable Seeds, was also appointed to run the Crop Science global Vegetable Seeds business, which is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Both appointments are effective from March 1, 2021.

“With the announced portfolio and leadership changes, and important new product approvals for soybeans, corn and cotton in the Americas, we are now shifting gears from integration to growth acceleration. We are laser-focused on commercial execution and on transforming agriculture through innovation that benefits farmers, consumers and our planet,” said Liam Condon, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and President of the Crop Science division. “Like farmers everywhere, we have faced challenges in the past few years; however, I am very excited about the outlook for our Crop Science business. The global coronavirus pandemic has made it clear how important agriculture and a sustainable food system are, and the crucial role science can play in solving difficult problems. Driving innovation, accelerating the digital transformation of agriculture and helping decarbonize the food system are at the core of our vision to feed a growing population without starving the planet.”

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New Bayer launch at BTME

New Bayer launch at BTME: Bayer has launched a new unique patent protected biological nematode control to help greenkeepers and groundsmen to maintain quality playing surfaces.

Harmonix Tri-Nema brings together the latest nematode technology to effectively tackle leatherjackets and chafer grubs.

New Bayer launch at BTME

Neil Pettican, Bayer head of sales, says the unique solution targets the damaging pests during two critical periods of the greenkeeping season. The treatment contains three specifically selected nematode species, which each use a different method to control turf pests.

“Additionally, they become more aggressive as they try to out compete each other to become the dominant species, increasing the effectiveness of the application and its capability to control the pests.

“Over recent years, chafer grub and leatherjacket populations have been on the rise, resulting in significant damage to turf playing surfaces. But Harmonix Tri-Nema provides one solution with three different modes of activity.

“Collectively the three species provide more effective distribution through the soil profile, leading to more consistent results,” he says.

“With regulatory changes putting pressure on chemical solutions, alternative options will be fundamental in maintaining high quality turf. However, this nematode control solution will slot into an integrated approach, while helping reduce pesticide applications and therefore resistance.”

Pest activity

Neil explains that both chafer grubs and leatherjackets have different peak seasons, due to their lifecycles, so it’s important to monitor for activity carefully to ensure infestations are identified and treated at the right timing, before significant damage is done.

“Chafer grubs emerge from their eggs in the summer months, so treatment for this pest is recommended between May and August.

However, to achieve successful control over leatherjackets, the best application window is between late August and November, whilst the leatherjackets are still at a juvenile stage, ,” he says.

Application method

He adds that it is important to consider application conditions as well as recommended timings.

“Our research for both chafer grub and leatherjacket control shows that for heavy infestations the best results are seen when 250,000 nematodes/m2 are applied to the affected area, with a follow up treatment two weeks later. This maximises the ability for the nematodes to penetrate, attach and infect newly hatched eggs.

“For areas that are not severely infested, one application at the normal rate of 500,000 nematodes per m2 would be sufficient.”

Neil adds that it’s also important to apply nematodes in moist conditions, and in low light so ideally this should be early in the morning or the evening when soil temperatures are above 12⁰C.

“With limited chemical options available for controlling these pests, this new biological solution provides an alternative tool for greenkeepers that fits within an integrated approach.

“It helps avoid turf damage from pests during peak seasons, improving turf consistency and playability,” he concludes.

For more information, head to stand 338 in the green hall at BTME and speak to the Turf Solutions Team or email turfsolutions@bayer.com.

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Bayer Set To Invest $5.6 billion

Bayer Set To Invest $5.6 billion: Bayer has announced it plans to invest about $5.6 billion of its research and development budget on alternatives to its glyphosate weed killer over the next decade, according to an article by Bloomberg.

The German company, with U.S. headquarters in Whippany, New Jersey, acquired Monsanto, St. Louis, the maker of Roundup, for $63 billion last June. Roundup was the first glyphosate-based weed killer but is no longer patent-protected and many other versions are now available.

Bayer Set To Invest $5.6 billion

This announcement comes as the company faces more than 13,000 lawsuits claiming its herbicide causes cancer. In May, Bayer lost its third straight trial over claims that exposure to Roundup caused cancer.

“While glyphosate will continue to play an important role in agriculture and in Bayer’s portfolio, the company is committed to offering more choices for growers,” according to a statement by Bayer on June 14.

The $5.6 billion (5 billion euros) in spending on new herbicides over the next decade is part of Bayer’s existing 2.5 billion-euro annual budget for crop science research and development, Bayer spokesman Tino Andresen said.

A U.S. judge overseeing federal lawsuits has appointed mediator Ken Feinberg to lead settlement talks over the herbicide litigation. The next case is set to go to trial in August in St. Louis, Missouri.

Click here to read the original article

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Bayer To Appeal Glyphosate Ruling

Bayer To Appeal Glyphosate Ruling: Bayer shares continued to fall on Tuesday after a California jury on Monday awarded more than $2 billion in damages to a couple who alleged that the company’s glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup caused their cancers.

The third successive loss by Bayer in US courts and highest award to date by a jury after finding glyphosate to be carcinogenic highlights the legal risks and mounting cost to the company of the burgeoning litigation it faces over its widely-used herbicide.

Bayer To Appeal Glyphosate Ruling

Bayer, which acquired Roundup maker Monsanto for $63 billion last year, denies the allegations, saying decades of studies and regulatory approvals have shown glyphosate and Roundup to be safe for human use.

But the company faces more than 13,400 similar US lawsuits and shareholders have rebuked Bayer’s top management over its handling of the Monsanto acquisition and the litigation it inherited. Adverse jury verdicts have wiped more than 40% from Bayer’s market value since August.

Bayer on Tuesday said the litigation will take some time to conclude as no case has been subject to appellate review to assess key legal rulings in the trials. The company has vowed to appeal or already has appealed the verdicts.

The following is a summary of upcoming dates in the US glyphosate litigation:

– The first Roundup jury verdict, a $289 million award in San Francisco state court last August, later reduced to $78 million, is currently on appeal before California’s Court of Appeals, First Appellate District. Bayer in late April asked the appeals court to throw out the judgment, saying there was “no evidence” glyphosate could cause cancer.

Plaintiffs and Bayer will file additional briefs over the next few months and oral arguments in the case are unlikely before the second half of 2019, with a decision likely in the fourth quarter at the earliest.

– Bayer is still waiting for US District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Francisco, who oversaw the first federal Roundup trial, to enter final judgment of an $80 million verdict in March. Following that formal legal step, the company has 28 days to ask the judge in post-trial motions to reverse the verdict or order a new trial.

The case before Chhabria was unique for its structure, limiting the amount of evidence the plaintiff could present in a first trial phase. Bayer had hoped the trial structure would focus jurors on the strong scientific evidence showing Roundup to be safe rather than on company actions or behavior. The jury decision against Bayer upended that strategy.

– Bayer said it will appeal Monday’s $2 billion jury verdict in Alameda County state court in Oakland, California. In a first step, the company is expected to ask Superior Court Judge Winifred Smith, who oversaw the trial, to reverse the verdict or order a new trial.

Smith is likely to reduce the massive award as rulings by the US Supreme Court limit the ratio of punitive to compensatory damages to 9:1. The jury awarded a total of $2 billion in punitive damages and $55 million in compensatory damages.

– The next glyphosate trial is scheduled in Missouri state court on Aug. 19, the first such trial outside of California. The trial, involving a single plaintiff, will take place in St. Louis County, where Monsanto’s former headquarters and research facilities are located.

– Another federal trial could take place before US District Judge Chhabria in August or September. Chhabria currently oversees some 900 federal cases consolidated before him. The trial would mark the second bellwether, or test trial, to help determine the range of damages and define settlement options for federal cases.

Chhabria in April ordered Bayer to pursue mediation with the plaintiffs and said he will determine which cases should be dismissed or sent to other courts for further proceedings. He scheduled a status conference for May 22.

Click here to read the original article

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New Residual Herbicide From Bayer

New Residual Herbicide From Bayer: Bayer has brought a new residual pre-emergence herbicide to the UK market, adding another product to the amenity contractor’s armoury.

Lewis Blois, Bayer national account manager, says Valdor® Flex (MAPP:19033) contains a unique new formulation. “The pre-emergence herbicide contains two active ingredients, that prevent the emergence of a broad spectrum of weeds for up to four months, reducing the frequency of traditional herbicide applications.

New Residual Herbicide From Bayer

“The product provides excellent residual control for even the hardest to manage weeds on a wide range of surfaces, including open soil, gravel and industrial areas.”

Resistance management

Lewis explains that because of the combination of active ingredients, Valdor® Flex acts as a valuable tool for resistance management within the weed control sector.

“The herbicide provides good control of numerous weeds, while the two active ingredients, diflufenican and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium, help to minimise the risk of resistance with two different modes of action.”

Flexible applications

“Valdor® Flex can be used as a stand-alone application on bare ground before weed emergence. But if weeds are present it can be mixed with glyphosate, which provides the initial knockdown, while Valdor® Flex will provide residual control preventing subsequent weeds emerging for up to four months.”

Lewis says the correct amount of product should be mixed to cover the given spray area for that day. However, he explains Valdor® Flex is stable in water for at least 24 hours, so if for some reason there is any spray solution left in the tank it can be used the following day.

“It’s easy to mix in a knapsack or tractor mounted sprayer with very little dust given off, providing improved operator safety,” he says.

“Valdor® Flex is also available in a range of pack sizes. The 10g sachets are the ideal dose to be mixed in a knapsack sprayer with 10 litres of water. However, for contractors requiring larger quantities, the 500g bottle may be more cost effective to use in a tractor mounted sprayer.

“We’re always working hard to bring new innovative formulations and sustainable solutions to the amenity sector, and the launch of this product will help contractors continue to manage weeds at a time when many products are being lost from the market,” concludes Lewis.

Alan Abel, from Complete Weed Control, put the herbicide to the test on a heavily weeded gravel site at an international airport.

“Valdor® Flex stood out for us due to the long-lasting residual control and its low risk of resistance. In practice these features impressed with great results.

“Herbicide resistance is an increasing issue for the amenity sector, so the fact that new products are coming to the market is certainly a positive, helping us to complete jobs efficiently,” says Alan.

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Bayer To Show Glyphosate Studies

Bayer To Show Glyphosate Studies: Bayer announced Nov. 21 that it will soon include safety study summaries of glyphosate on its dedicated transparency platform.

The company said this next step will mark the first anniversary of its Transparency Initiative, which was launched on Dec. 7, 2017.

Bayer To Show Glyphosate Studies

“Our commitment to transparency remains core to our mission as we move forward as a combined company,” said Liam Condon, member of the Bayer AG board of management and president of the Crop Science Division. “We recognize that people around the world want more information around glyphosate, and we are eager to offer access to our glyphosate-related safety data on our dedicated transparency platform. This platform has set new standards of accountability and responsibility in the sector; we pledge to use it as a springboard to continue to share science-based information with the public.”

Bayer said its platform demonstrates how transparency regarding crop protection safety studies can help the company achieve its commitment to sound science and the safe use of its products while at the same time maintaining confidential business information.

In addition to the glyphosate study summaries, which will be made available on Dec. 7, 2018, access to the underlying safety study reports — owned by Bayer and submitted for the review that led to the European substance renewal decision in December — will be enabled next year.

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of health care and agriculture. In fiscal 2017, the group employed around 99,800 people and had sales of 35.0 billion euros.

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Bayer Braced For Roundup Lawsuits

Bayer Braced For Roundup Lawsuits: Industry analysts have warned that Bayer is bracing itself for thousands of future claims, after the successful lawsuit against Monsanto in California in August in which a jury ruled that a former groundskeeper’s cancer was caused by Roundup, and that the company knowingly withheld information about the carcinogenic properties of glyphosate.

German-based acquired Monsanto earlier this year for $63 billion and according to Reuters, the company faces years of legal activity with some 8,000 lawsuits currently being brought against Monsanto, much higher than the 5,200 cases previously disclosed by Bayer in June.

Bayer Braced For Roundup Lawsuits

“The number of plaintiffs in both state and federal litigation is approximately 8,000 as of end-July. These numbers may rise or fall over time but our view is that the number is not indicative of the merits of the plaintiffs’ cases,” Bayer’s chief executive Werner Baumann admitted to analysts in a conference call.

The lawsuits are also pulling in food manufacturers, with General Mills having to remove a claim about the use of ‘100% natural whole grain oats’ in its Nature Valley brand cereal bars.

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