Tag Archive for: Gardener

Gardener Charged For Using Mobile

Gardener Charged For Using Mobile: gardener is thought to have become the first person in Britain to be charged with using a mobile while operating a lawn-mower after being stopped outside a police station.

The 47-year-old council gardener faces a fine of £200 and six penalty points if he is found guilty of using his phone at the traffic lights outside of police station in Ely, Cardiff on Tuesday.

Gardener Charged For Using Mobile

The man was followed by South Wales Police officers who spotted him allegedly using his mobile while driving along Cowbridge Road West.

Cardiff Council confirmed that he was a member of council staff and that he could face disciplinary action at a later date.

It added: “The council will be following up this matter in line with council policy and procedure.”

Accused of illegally using a phone at the wheel on a public road, the gardener is to appear at a a magistrates court later this month.

It has been illegal for a motorist to use a mobile phone while driving since 2003.

This includes handling the device, sending a text or following a map, even when the car is waiting at a set of traffic lights, as the engine is still running.

In 2017, stricter phone driving laws came into force in a bid to deter people from breaking the rules.

Motorists who are caught are liable to pay a fine of £200 or have six penalty points placed on their licence.

Around 1,200 drivers have been disqualified since the introduction of these stricter penalties.

Neil Smith, Imperial Cars’ operations director said: “Breaking the habit of touching your phone whilst in the driver’s seat can be challenging, especially with the technological advancements that come as standard on most mobile phones, but the risks you impose on both yourself and others when distracted behind the wheel are really not worth it. Unfortunately, the number of drivers still opting to ignore the law is scarily high.”

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Eden Project’s Robotic Gardener

Eden Project’s Robotic Gardener: The Eden Project, a popular visitor destination, has added a new member to its horticultural team this spring.

Husqvarna Automower®, a robotic lawnmower which works unassisted throughout the day and night, has been installed at the Cornwall site to maintain the grounds surrounding the famous iconic bubble-like Biomes.

Eden Project's Robotic Gardener

Nestled in a huge crater the size of 30 football pitches, the Eden Project Horticultural team have a job on their hands keeping the lawns in immaculate condition all year round. To help save time, the team turned to Husqvarna for an eco-friendly solution.

Kevin Ashmore, Husqvarna Professional UK Manager said: “With sustainability at the heart of the Eden Project it was important that whatever solution we provided was as eco-friendly as possible and Husqvarna Automower® fits the bill.”

With over one million visitors a year, the Eden Project was impressed with Husqvarna’s battery ranges and the low noise and zero-emission features of Husqvarna Automower®.

Kevin added: “One of the key decision makers for the Eden Project was that Automower® could be programmed to run through the night so as not to impact on any visitors during the day.”

Niki Hall, Specialist Horticulturist at the Eden Project said: “Husqvarna Automower® brings fantastic benefits to our team. The arena is now in top condition and this allows more time for the horticulture team to spend in other areas rather than cutting the lawns. It is quiet and unobtrusive, though very funky – like a Formula One mower. It has no emissions and low energy consumption. It can also be used in all weathers.”

How does it work?

Husqvarna Automower® works via the installation of an electrical boundary wire around the desired cutting area. With a range of models capable of managing lawn sizes up to 5,000m² in any weather, Husqvarna Automower® can tackle even the most complex of lawns, including those with rough terrain and slopes up to 45%. For areas above 5,000m² more than one machine can be used to increase area coverage.

Cutting just a few millimetres of grass at a time, Automower® keeps lawns neat and healthy by distributing small grass clippings back into the lawn to act as a natural fertiliser. This means there is no need for the collection and disposal of grass clippings.

Husqvarna has been the world leader in robotic lawnmowers since it pioneered the technology in 1995, constantly refining and improving its machines to fit the needs of consumers. Today’s Automower® can work in rain or shine, day or night. Its clever system allows it to cut the lawn in random directions, making sure that each square foot is covered. When the mower’s charge runs low, it returns to its charging bay unassisted, meaning lawns become a hassle-free environment, affording you spare time to do other things.

To learn more about the Husqvarna Automower® range, visit: http://www.husqvarna.com/uk/products/robotic-lawn-mowers/

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