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Spring timing for Overtake weed control

Spring timing for Overtake weed control: With spray application opportunities proving to be at a premium between the rainstorms this spring, Greenkeepers can take advantage of the easy and quick to use formulation Overtake herbicide for effective broad-leaved weed treatment in turf.

Research has shown Overtake delivered highly effective results when applied in a water volume of 200 l/ha using the Syngenta XC nozzle, enabling operators to cover more area in any available spray window, compared to application at 600 to 1000l/ha typically used with some other broad-leaved herbicides.

Spring timing for Overtake weed control

Spring timing for Overtake weed control

Soil temperatures have also warmed up that would have encouraged weed seeds to germinate, at a timing when they are best controlled by herbicide application, advocated Sean Loakes, Syngenta Technical Manager. “Spring timing is best to target weed control strategies and get good results with Overtake.

“The temperature and soil moisture has been highly conducive to plant growth; which is optimum for Overtake uptake by weeds. The combination of its two herbicide actives together will be quickly translocated to the root for faster results,” he advised.

The Syngenta Turf Advisor app has shown Growth Potential rates consistently in excess of 15% over the past two weeks for most of the country, significantly above the historic seasonal two-week average. The app shows a visual forecast of local conditions for the coming seven days, as well as the previous seven days that will indicate how plants are growing now.

“Although the Growth Potential figures in Turf Advisor are calibrated for cool season turfgrass species, it is a good indication that conditions are good for weed activity and herbicide application,” Sean advocated.

“Strong turf growth in spring will help the sward to knit in and give quick coverage of bare earth where weeds are removed, to maintain surface quality and shade out further weed colonisation.”

Turf Advisor also gives a seven-day forecast of available spray windows, with conditions for any applications.

For spraying on greens Sean recommends use of the purple 025 Syngenta XC Nozzles, which will consistently deliver 196 l/ha at the optimum 2 bar when travelling at 5 km/hr. For treatment on fairways the red 04 XC nozzles will apply the same 196 l/ha at 2 bar when spraying at 8 km/hr. The XC Nozzle has been designed to optimise application of spray on turf and minimise the risk of drift.

Overtake is distributed in the UK and Ireland by ICL Ltd. www.icl-growingsolutions.uk

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New Overtake spring clean for turf weeds

New Overtake spring clean for turf weeds: The new herbicide, Overtake, from Syngenta gives the chance to clean out broad-leaved weeds in turf this spring.

Now available for golf course, sports turf management and amenity areas in the UK, the unique combination of two herbicide actives gives consistently reliable results in more variable spring conditions, against a wide spectrum of problematic weeds.

New Overtake spring clean for turf weeds

New Overtake spring clean for turf weeds

Furthermore, Syngenta application trials have shown optimum results with treatment at a water volume of just 200 l/ha, giving significant savings in time and reduced interruption in play, compared to herbicide treatments typically applied at 400 l/ha or more.

Syngenta Technical Manager, Sean Loakes, reported Overtake has shown outstanding turf safety in more than 70 trials across nine countries. Trials at STRI recorded no adverse phytotoxic effects across 19 cultivars of all key cool-season turf grass species, even at more than double recommended application rate.

“Weeds compete with turf plants for light, moisture and nutrients. Removing weed competition early in the season ensures more of the inputs you put on are better utilised for turf growth – creating stronger more resilient turf and better playing conditions,” advocated Sean.

Overtake targets most of the problematic broad-leaved weeds in turf grass. Early treatment in the spring enables vigorous turf recovery to fill gaps and minimise risk of weed reinvasion.

“In addition to greater reliability in a wider range of temperatures and conditions, the two different modes of action in Overtake reduces the risk of weed resistance developing,” he added. Overtake is a Syngenta optimised formulation to target broad-leaved weeds.

To get the best from Overtake, Sean advised application in spring when weeds are actively growing and the leaves are dry. Treatment should be made at a rate of 2.0 l/ha, applied in 200 l/ha water volume, using XC025 or XC04 nozzles to better target the leaf area and minimise risk of drift. Turf should ideally be left for three days after application before mowing.

Overtake is approved for use in the UK on amenity grassland, managed amenity turf and lawns.

Syngenta Turf Business Manager, Daniel Lightfoot, added: “Overtake is the first of several exciting new turf products from Syngenta that are planned to launch this year, including new fungicide, insecticide and biocontrol options.

“The commitment to R&D investment in turf is crucial to give us a full range of options for a truly Integrated Turf Management approach and support for greenkeepers and sports turf managers.

“Customers will be pleased that Overtake also qualifies for Turf Rewards, where purchases gain points that can be redeemed for turf management tools and services.”

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