Tag Archive for: Standard

GMA Reaccredited to Department for Education’s International Quality Standard

GMA Reaccredited to Department for Education’s International Quality Standard: The Grounds Management Association has once again been accredited to the matrix Standard, a Department for Education-owned international standard for services delivering high quality information, advice, and guidance.

Reaccreditation to the matrix Standard confirms formal recognition of the GMA’s achievement in delivering industry-wide information, advice, and guidance, and further enhances the GMA’s reputation as a leading provider of education and development within the grounds management industry.

GMA Reaccredited to Department for Education’s International Quality Standard

GMA Reaccredited to Department for Education’s International Quality Standard

Following an assessment of GMA staff and services, the matrix Standard reported that the GMA had ‘excelled in several areas of its delivery of services’.

The matrix Standard ensures that all areas of the GMA hold the skills needed to support members of the grounds management community with their development. Statements from the matrix Standard’s report highlighted that the GMA has developed a strong culture around encouraging continuous professional development (CPD) for all members of staff – this will in turn benefit members, learners and all others who engage with GMA products or services.

The variety of formats for the delivery of information, advice and guidance from the GMA was also commended. Offering education through a wide range of formats ensures that there is a way to learn and develop that suits everyone’s needs – the matrix Standard commented that the combination of formats ‘come together to give an overall and cohesive understanding to the recipient/learner.’

Another highlight was the GMA’s positive impact on providing learners with long-term development of skills which can aid career progression. The report noted that GMA learners reported that their experience helped them to ‘appreciate progression opportunities in line with career aspirations’, showing that the GMA helps learners not just improve their knowledge, but also helps them to understand what opportunities they can pursue throughout their career.

Roger Chapman, Head of the matrix Service for The Growth Company said:

“This is a fantastic achievement for the Grounds Management Association and I would like to congratulate the team on their success. We believe that at the heart of high-quality advice and support services are strong leadership, excellent service and a focus on continuous improvement, all underpinned by effective use of the resources available.

“The matrix Standard is designed to benchmark organisations against best practice in these areas. With their accreditation success, the Grounds Management Association is working to provide the best possible support to their clients.”

Dan Prest, Head of Technical and Learning at the GMA, said following the reaccreditation:

“I’m delighted that the GMA has again been reaccredited to such a well-respected standard. It’s a strong indication that the level of information, advice and guidance offered by the GMA is of a high standard and meets the needs of today’s industry.

“Reaccreditation to a prestigious Department for Education standard, proves that we are continuing to provide top class support for individuals looking to develop their knowledge, as well as other essential skills needed to succeed in the sector, like problem solving, time management and communication.”

Following another successful reaccreditation, CEO of the GMA, Geoff Webb is full of praise for the GMA team

“The matrix Standard recognises the important work that goes into delivering information, advice, and guidance across the whole of the GMA, from the Technical and Learning team to the Pitch Advisory Service, so it really is a testament to the hard work of staff across the whole organisation that the GMA is recognised for the exceptional service offered by all departments.

“With workforce development being a key strategic pillar of GMA activity over the coming years, ensuring that we are continuously meeting high standards in the delivery of services is essential. The Department for Education’s matrix Standard offers a benchmark to measure ourselves against, so to meet the high standards expected in reaccreditation gives us confidence that we’re doing the right things to better support the sector.”

For more information about the GMA’s education and career development opportunities, take a look at the GMA’s Learning Prospectus or contact the Learning team at Learning@thegma.org.uk.

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Updated standard for greenkeeping apprentices

Updated standard for greenkeeping apprentices: The Greenkeepers Training Committee (GTC) has released information about a new qualification that will provide golf greenkeepers and other sports turf apprentices with advanced knowledge as they work to produce exceptional playing surfaces from grassroots through to professional levels.

The Level 3 Advanced Sports Turf Technician apprenticeship has been approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and is now available for delivery.

Updated standard for greenkeeping apprentices

Updated standard for greenkeeping apprentices

Sponsored by the Department of Education, IfATE is an employer-led organisation that supports employer groups in the development of world-leading apprenticeships and technical education systems. During 2020, IfATE undertook a review of apprenticeship standards within associated industries. The Advanced Golf Greenkeeper Apprenticeship had been approved for delivery in January 2020 but as a result of the review, the Greenkeeper Trailblazer and Sports Turf Trailblazer groups were approached by IfATE to develop a Level 3 Standard and End-point Assessment Plan (EPA) that could sit across both disciplines.

Trailblazer groups are responsible for developing a new apprenticeship for an occupation and then revise the apprenticeship as needed. Both groups understood it would be challenging to develop an apprenticeship that aligns comfortably across greenkeeping and the various other sports turf disciplines, but after many months of discussions between employers, training providers and IfATE, the Level 3 Advanced Sports Turf Technician apprenticeship has been produced and approved.

Improvements to the apprenticeship include more comprehensive assessment of knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs), which are undertaken through a written test, the creation of a project that must then be presented and a professional discussion and facility walk.

The Standard and End-point Assessment Plan can be accessed on the IfATE website.

Les Howkins MG is chairperson of the Golf Greenkeeping Trailblazer Group. He said: “It is great that we have been able to come together and work with the Sports Turf Trailblazer Group to develop a comprehensive Level 3 apprenticeship that we feel works across all disciplines within the sports turf sector and provides a career progression from the well-established Level 2. Following a lot of hard work alongside the Sports Turf group, we believe the Advanced Sports Turf Technician apprenticeship delivers what employers and apprentices in our sector need.”

Delivery director at IfATE, Robert Nitsch, said: “We are pleased to announce that the Advanced Sports Turf Technician Level 3 apprenticeship has been approved for delivery. The Sports Turf and Golf Greenkeeping Trailblazer groups have worked together to develop a standard suitable for sports turf technicians across a wide range of settings. This apprenticeship will form part of a suite of sports turf and golf greenkeeping apprenticeships and will provide a progression route for those previously achieving Level 2 qualifications. The apprenticeship will become the recognised standard for all advanced sports turf technicians.”

The Advanced Golf Greenkeeper apprenticeship will continue to be offered until it is decommissioned in 2023. The latest start date for apprentices will be 31 August 2023. There is no impact on those already registered on that standard.

The following employers all contributed to the creation of the new standard, along with support from training providers and End-point Assessment Organisations: British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA), Crosfields School, Edgbaston Stadium, England Golf, Frilford Heath Golf Club, the GTC, Gaudet Luce Golf Club, Grounds Management Association, Highfield Sports Ground, Leicester City FC Sports Turf Academy, Leyland Golf Club, Portmore Golf Centre, The Richmond Golf Club, Trentham Golf Club, Myerscough College, Kings School, Nottingham University, Oaklands College, Whitgift School.

For more information on the Advanced Sports Turf Apprenticeship, contact The GTC’s Fiona Lyttle on (01347) 838 640 or fiona@the-gtc.co.uk

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Gold standard for the white cliffs

Gold standard for the white cliffs: With a patch that covers 123 square miles, it’s no surprise that Dover District Council opted for Reesink Turfcare’s ReeAssure maintenance scheme for ultimate peace of mind.

Dave Terry, supervisor at Dover District Council, simply couldn’t afford to have his Toro fleet out of action – especially since each mower was required to be in operation for 25-30 hours each week.

Gold standard for the white cliffs

Gold standard for the white cliffs

Having Gold cover meant that Dave could expect routine maintenance and servicing along with unlimited call outs for vehicle breakdowns or repairs.

Dave explains: “When you’re working with machinery it’s inevitable that from time to time you’ll experience glitches or need to make repairs – it happens. Yet whenever I need assistance, I know I’ll have a Reesink representative on the doorstep the next day.

“We probably rely on them a couple of times each month and the security of having dependable, high-quality support more than pays for itself.

“If you don’t opt for cover then you could be subjected to hundreds of pounds of maintenance on a totally ad-hoc basis and we can’t take that risk or threaten having machines out of action for long periods of time.”

This is why the Reesink maintenance plan is so integral to large grounds teams or estate management organisations, as Peter Clarke, service manager at Reesink’s Sheffield Park branch, explains: “A monthly fixed-cost means there’s no hidden extras and with three packages to choose from – gold, silver and bronze – there is something to suit all budgets.”

Dave and his team at Dover District Council opted for the Gold maintenance plan and they continue to value the relationship they have with Reesink more than four years on.

Dave continues: “Reesink is a proper dealer. They don’t cut corners and they’re reliable and professional. When you have lots of public space to take care of, be it green spaces around housing estates or parks in the district, it’s important for us to partner with an operator we can trust.”

Thanks to Dave’s relationship with both Peter Clarke and Peter Biddlecombe, aftersales manager at Reesink’s Sheffield Park, he has peace of mind that his teams are able to do their job as efficiently as possible.

Reesink take care of everything from winter servicing, replacement parts or general upkeep. Knowing that components such as labour and parts to consumables and disposal fees are all covered within the cost of the Gold package provides straightforward cost managing and budget control.

With Reesink’s ReeAssure plans there’s the option for warranty programmes and the guarantee that buying Toro comes with buying into a support network like no other. The parts backup is second-to-none and as a Toro customer you are never more than a maximum 72-hours away from the part you need, for minimum downtime and maximum productivity.

Call 01480 226800 or go online at reesinkturfcare.co.uk to find out more.

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Setting the Standard

Setting the Standard: Amenity management is the description encompassing all aspects of the management of public and sports spaces, keeping them safe, healthy and fit for purpose.

It includes parks, green spaces, transport networks, domestic lawns, and golf and sports surfaces. Those employing organisations for amenity management and those using and enjoying such spaces quite rightly look for assurance that those undertaking the operations are at a UK recognised professional level just as if they were employing an electrical or similar trade contractor. In terms of weed, pest and disease management, the Amenity Standard provides that assurance. It indicates that the organisation responsible for that work is a member of an approved assurance scheme ensuring operators are fully qualified, committed to best practice and updating and using authorised products and equipment.

The UK Amenity Standard was launched in January 2020 and has rapidly developed with many now insisting that the Standard is met to provide full assurance of professional standards. It is a UK Standard and is independently managed and overseen by the Amenity Forum. Given below are some comments from the sector about the Standard. If you require more information please go to the website www.theamenitystandard.co.uk or contact Kate at admin@amenityforum.net

Setting the Standard

Setting the Standard

Tom Arnold, Vice Chair of the UK Lawn Care Association (UKLCA) says ‘’ We became involved in the Amenity Standard as part of a programme of continuous professional development in the lawn care sector.  Our main use of plant protection products is in the area of selective weed control within lawns and this is a critical tool in improving people’s lawns that is impossible to achieve effectively by other methods. Our members are already qualified to apply products via the Government’s recognised qualifications and the Amenity Standard offers us a UK recognised way of  showing that our members engage with a recognised assurance scheme ( in our case Lawn Assured) that demonstrates their professionalism and that they are upholding the high standards we expect of them. The UKLCA is pleased and proud to promote the Amenity Standard.’’

Steve Hodgson, CEO of the Property Care Association says ‘’ The public is right to be cautious about the use of plant protection products and need assurance that they are being applied by trained, qualified and highly skilled individuals who will utilize them in a measured and targeted way. As a responsible Trade Association, we share this view.  The Amenity Standard empowers professionals and consumers to recognise and choose organisations that operate far beyond basic legal requirements. In so doing we make visible those who have demonstrated their operational track record and a willingness and to work safely, sustainably and responsibly. Property Care Association and its members have welcomed the creation of the sector wide Amenity Standard. Our members are proud to be amongst the first to adopt the Standard and display this independently assessed accreditation. We hope that it soon becomes the Standard that all those who control plants and pests in our open spaces will be forced have to measure up to’’

Duncan Jones, Director at Hortech says ‘’Hortech where the first company to gain the Amenity Standard and we are very proud of that. For me it is vitally important that Hortech can demonstrate to clients and the general public that we are working to the highest possible standards.  When it comes to undertaking vegetation management, whether by cultural means or using herbicides there is no room for error or complacency. The Amenity Standard ensures that we maintain those high standards year on year. It is my hope that all procurement teams across the UK set the Amenity Standard as a must have for tender pre-qualification’’    

Ian Graham, MD of Complete Weed Control says ‘’ Complete Weed Control for decades has aimed to deliver the highest of standards within our service provision, key in that endeavour is the support of the organisations that exist to improve the industry as a whole such as the Amenity Forum. The Amenity Standard is without question the single most important initiative. The Amenity weed control industry has never been under greater scrutiny than currently. Spraying operations that take place in public places are naturally and quite properly questioned. Being able to demonstrate that operators conform to a recognised and well-structured Standard is extremely important. The sooner that organisations are compelled to meet the Amenity Standard the better.

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Look for the Standard

Look for the Standard: Following its launch, the Amenity Standard is receiving widespread and enthusiastic support from all sides of the amenity sector and is already being incorporated into tender documents and specifications going forward.

The Amenity Standard, when held and displayed, demonstrates that all operational activities undertaken are at the highest professional standards and fully comply with all regulations, code of practice and good practice guidance.

Look for the Standard

Look for the Standard

The key reason for introducing this UK wide standard is to provide assurance to the public and all users of an amenity space. Displaying and holding the Standard means that the organisation and individuals undertaking the operations are members of an approved assurance scheme. The assurance scheme is audited fully before being recognised by the Amenity Standard. Holding the Standard demonstrates that all the work undertaken is of the highest professional level and meets all legislative requirements and fully follows the code of practice and good practice guidance.

Currently not all aspects of amenity management have assurance schemes recognised but work is on going to ensure this will be the case very soon. Seeking out the Standard provides reassurance on quality standards and confidence that the essential work being done is at a professional level with safety as a key objective.

Professor John Moverley, Independent Chairman of the Amenity Forum said ‘’Our aim is to ensure that all involved in amenity management operations meets the requirements of the Standard and we wish for all involved to look for The Standard and its logo to provide full assurance of the quality of operations and commitment to best practice. As I often say, what happens in amenity management impacts upon every UK citizen every day and the introduction of the Standard provides assurance to the public of adherence to requirements to provide safe, healthy amenity areas fit for purpose.

We are delighted with the way those involved have welcomed the Standard and it has strong support from all national governments in the UK. Integrated approaches are core to this, making use of all methods available to achieve optimum results’’

Alan Abel from Complete Weed Control, said ‘’We are proud to hold the Amenity Standard and show our commitment to best practice, integrated approaches and meeting all requirements. We urge all seeking to employ operators to ensure the organisation involved meets the Standard requirements and is a full supporter of the Amenity Forum.  The Amenity Standard is designed to give assurance to all who use such facilities that operations are carried out to the highest professional levels of best practice giving assurances equivalent to seeing the Red Tractor when buying food’’

For further information about the Standard, visit the website, www.theamenitystandard.co.uk . Public facing information on what happens in amenity management and how it is done can be found at www.getbritainmoving.uk

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Amenity Standard a game changer

Amenity Standard a game changer: At the 2019 Amenity Forum conference and exhibition, the new Amenity Standard was introduced, prior to its full formal launch in 2020. This Standard is akin to the Red Tractor in food and agriculture.

Those operating to the Standard and displaying its logo will demonstrate their adherence to recognised assured standards in all tasks undertaken.

Amenity Standard a game changer

There is much greater public and political interest related to weed, pest and disease management, especially linked to chemical use. The reasons why chemicals need to be used, as part of a fully integrated approach, in seeking to provide safe, healthy amenity spaces and sports surfaces, is not always clear to the public and stakeholders.

The wider public users of amenity spaces need to have clear assurances that all those involved in creating and maintaining safe, healthy sports grounds and other amenity spaces, operate at the highest professional standards; and whether using chemical or non-chemical methods, such operations are undertaken by competent, trained personnel following well designed and managed plans.

The introduction of the Standard has already generated widespread support including from the national governments of the UK. It will be formally launched in Scotland by a senior government minister at a conference in early February and a similar event is planned for Wales with on-going discussions in England and Northern Ireland on how best to promote and support.

Speaking about the Standard, Professor John Moverley, Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said ‘’We feel this to be exactly the right time to introduce this Standard which we hope will be sought and demanded from all who operate in amenity management. It will give assurance that work undertaken is of the highest professional standards by those committed to best practice in every aspect of operations. Those who work in amenity management undertake important and essential operations seeking to create safe and healthy amenity and sports spaces fit for purpose. Introduction of the Standard is we believe a major step and demonstrates once again the high levels of professionalism to be found in our sector’’

“This initiative from The Amenity Forum has been set up by the industry for the responsible use of chemicals. Endorsed by regulatory trade bodies and completely voluntary, we are delighted to be one of the first foundation partners to join. PCA members can also use the new Amenity Standard logo to demonstrate their adherence to recognised assured standards in the use of chemicals.”Steve Hodgson, CEO, PCA.

The Amenity Standard is a bespoke quality management standard that has been developed, as a partnership, by all sides of the amenity sector. Those operating to the Standard will be committed to an integrated approach to amenity management and to the highest professional standards. They will be members of an approved assurance scheme recognised by the Standard. The cost of operating the Standard is covered by fees from providers of these recognised assurance schemes and there will be no extra cost to individual organisations.

The Amenity Standard is designed to:

• Provide an industry benchmark
• Provide a basis for continuous improvement
• Focus on quality as an objective
• Provide assurances about the quality of the approved organisation and maintenance of the amenity space
• Ensure that quality assurance scheme operators recognised under this Standard use auditors with technical knowledge and experience of the sector concerned
• Promote confidence in organisations operating and providing resources in the amenity sector by provision of a robust and transparent standard

The Amenity Standard will be operated by the Amenity Forum who will maintain, review and regularly update matters as required. They will audit each scheme operator to quality assure that they are operating to agreed standards. In turn, the scheme operators audit their members and approved organisations to assure that they are meeting the requirements of the Amenity Standard. At its launch, three Assurance Schemes are to be recognised by the Standard – the Property Care Association Scheme for Invasive Weed Management and two schemes offered by BASIS Registration, Lawn Assured and Amenity Assured. The aim is for more schemes to be recognised as the Standard develops so that all sectors of amenity are covered.

The need to move quickly on this is recognised by the sector. Clearly embedding the Amenity Standard will need time; it is not a quick fix. Its introduction will need to be accompanied by a communication strategy both externally and internally. However, if this step is not taken, the great progress made to date in increasing the recognition of the professionalism within the amenity sector may be threatened. It will not always be easy, but it is the right step, at the right time.

Hopefully the logo will soon appear on amenity areas across the UK and be upheld with pride by operators. For more information contact Admin@amenityforum.net

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BASIS Launch New Standard

BASIS Launch New Standard: BASIS, an independent standard setting and auditing organisation, have launched a new standard aimed at the professional domestic lawn care sector. The Lawn Assured Standard will help to ensure a consistent and high level of practice within the professional lawn care sector. 

Lindsay Smith Boam, BASIS logistics manager, explains that all individuals applying pesticides are expected to work sustainably, effectively and efficiently, in order to protect themselves, the general public and the environment. BASIS Launch New Standard

“The new voluntary standard has been launched in response to industry demand, and aims to help domestic lawn care contractors demonstrate that they’re operating in a responsible manner to both the public and the regulatory authorities,” she says.

“The benchmarking standard will also help remove any variability across the sector, ensuring a consistent level of performance, as well as improving business credentials,” adds Lindsay.

“BASIS is encouraging, professionals to use the accreditation to prove and promote the quality and value of service to new and current customers.”

To become certified as a Lawn Assured, an organisation or company is expected to complete a self-audit, which covers key areas related to training and certification as well as health and safety regulations, and documentation, such as risk assessments.

Following completion, an on-site audit is required to verify the documentation and check compliance, and that the operator is working in a professional manner, in line with best practice.

Lindsay explains that although BASIS is not an enforcement body, the organisation aims to help companies to meet legal, regulatory and best practice standards. “Our assessment team is highly experienced and can advise and assist as part of the independent site-visit.”

To register for the new standard, or find out more please contact the BASIS office on 01335 343945 or visit the website at www.basis-reg.co.uk.

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