Tag Archive for: Suppliers

Suppliers team up to host Surface Management Workshop

Suppliers team up to host Surface Management Workshop: A number of leading suppliers from across the industry are joining forces on Thursday 1st June 2023 to host the first Surface Management Workshop.

Taking place at Stamford AFC, the one-day event consists of talks, trade displays and working demonstrations aimed at grounds professionals responsible for both natural and artificial sport surfaces.

Suppliers team up to host Surface Management Workshop

Suppliers team up to host Surface Management Workshop

DLF, GKB, Iseki, British Sugar TOPSOIL and Vanmac are among the list of brands signed up to support the day, offering advice and practical guidance to those working on surfaces – be it natural or synthetic – from all corners of the sporting sector. The venue, Stamford AFC in Lincolnshire, has been chosen to provide ease of access to visitors and the opportunity to watch a range of equipment in-action on the club’s natural turf football pitch and artificial surface, used by the club and the students at the neighbouring Stamford College.

The free-to-attend workshop will commence at 10am with an introductory presentation covering key maintenance do’s and don’ts, followed by an opportunity to get hands-on with a range of products and machinery that is key to the upkeep of sports surfaces. Experts will also be on hand throughout the day to offer advice and answer your technical questions. Following lunch and a closing Q&A, departure will be at approximately 3pm.

“With advice available and a wide variety of products on show from seed and soil, through to a vast selection of maintenance machinery, we’re excited to be able to offer something to all types of turf professional – from those working within schools and colleges, cricket grounds, through to contractors and winter sports venues from grass roots to top-flight level” explains Tom Shinkins of GKB Machines. “The aim is to discuss some of the major industry issues and give attendees sound tips and ideas to take away and implement at their own facilities.”

Those interested in attending can confirm their place with an email to Samantha Hodge on samantha.hodge@britishsugar.com

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New regulations for plant protection product suppliers

New regulations for plant protection product suppliers: The Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020 (the 2020 Regulations) have recently been issued with a policy statement.

These apply to the whole of Great Britain and supplement existing regulations that govern the sale and use of plant protection products or PPPs. The Northern Ireland Executive has put in place its own legislation implementing and enforcing official controls for PPPs.

New regulations for plant protection product suppliers

New regulations for plant protection product suppliers

The regulations are in place to:

  • allow regulatory authorities to enforce legal requirements that apply to the placing on the market and use of PPPs throughout the supply chain
  • explain the action enforcement authorities can take where non-compliance is identified or suspected

The 2020 Regulations also apply to components of PPPs such as active substances, synergists, co-formulants and to adjuvants.

Under the Regulations, businesses concerned with the placing on the market of PPPs authorised for professional use, and/or the placing on the market of components of PPPs are required to notify competent authorities of their details and business activities by 22 September 2021. This includes businesses that produce, manufacture, process, import, distribute and sell those products. Information will be requested about company details and contact information, product types, storage and capacity.

Similarly, all users of PPPs in a professional capacity will need to follow a similar process by 22 June 2022. Further information is to be provided for these businesses over the coming months. The HSE will operate controls and enforce the 2020 Regulations in Great Britain, taking a proactive, risk-based approach. It is also expected that Local Authorities will have a role. Enforcement of existing PPP regulations will remain unchanged.

Defra, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are finalising the details of the control programme. These will be provided in communications over the coming months and the Amenity Forum has already engaged with all involved in such discussions. As further information comes available, the Forum will issue further releases. These control measures come at a time of significant policy change when the UK Government is already preparing its revised and refreshed National Action Plan in relation to weed, pest and disease management.

A key element of the Amenity Forum conference will be a focus on policy change and how it impacts on the sector. The conference is to be held at the Pirelli Stadium in Burton on Trent on October 21st. Registration for the conference and associated exhibition is now open and further information can be obtained by contacting Kate at admin@amenityforum.net . Given support from the sector, this allows ticket price to be maintained at 2019 levels of £95 with early bird discounts for registrations prior to September 1st.

Professor John Moverley, Chairman of the Amenity Forum, said ‘’this issued policy statement is highly significant for our sector. However all operating to professional standards has nothing to fear and such controls chime well with the introduction of the UK Amenity Standard, providing full assurance to all involved that organisations are meeting requirements seeking to create safe and sustainable amenity and sports spaces fit for purpose.

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Water Suppliers – Assessing Options

Water Suppliers – Assessing Options: It’s been almost a year since Greenkeepers in England have been able to choose who supplies their water. Almost 92,000 supply points have so far switched, with more in the pipeline, and many companies have renegotiated a better deal with their existing provider.

If you’ve never explored the options, you could be missing out on benefits including:

  • The convenience of dealing with a single supplier, reducing administration time and cost.
  • Lower prices.
  • Better customer service, specified to your needs.
  • Water efficiency services to cut the amount of water you use, saving money and waste.

Water Suppliers - Assessing Options

To help Greenkeepers understand the market and how to assess their options, independent water specialist The Water Report has produced a short guide. It explains the new arrangements and includes a supplier directory to help customers shortlist potential retailers from the 20+ companies licensed to compete.

The Customer Guide to the New Water Market is available FREE to download at http://www.thewaterreport.co.uk/guide

Karma Loveday, author of the Guide and editor of The Water Report said: “The market turns a year old in April. This is a good time for customers to look at whether they could benefit from switching, because first mover risk has passed but potential benefits remain. It can be hard to know where to start though. The Water Report has been following these developments since the beginning. We have produced The Customer Guide to the New Water Market to provide businesses with independent, high quality information to help them find their way in the new environment.”

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