Tag Archive for: Terrain

Terrain Aeration launches Housebuilder’s Division

Terrain Aeration launches Housebuilder’s Division: Over many years, major house building companies have called on Terrain Aeration to decompact back gardens and community areas of new-build developments.

During building, the unavoidable combination of diggers, dumper trucks, bulldozers, concrete mixer lorries and parked vehicles take their toll on the soil, flattening the air out of it. Eventually, the areas that become the gardens and shared grass areas, which may already have a sub-soil layer of rubble, old bricks and general landfill waste, becomes overly compacted. The result is waterlogging and panning requiring very deep aeration to cure the problem.

Terrain Aeration launches Housebuilder's Division

Terrain Aeration launches Housebuilder’s Division

Terrain Aeration has provided the solution to this for some of the UK’s biggest builders including Barratt, Taylor-Wimpey and Persimmon. The Terrain business has grown in the sector to the extent they have formed their Housebuilder” Division, headed by Elly Fletcher.  Three new staff join her to form the specialist team that will concentrate on the house builders’ needs. Terrain Aeration’s Managing Director, David Green, has built different types of machine to enable access to the gardens through single gates and garages. He says:

“Our Terralift machine has proven itself over the last 30 years in aerating and decompacting soils. It is the ideal way of getting oxygen back into the soil structure, non-invasive and no mess. This does not replace the: “no need for drains issue” but it is cost effective and works. Putting in new drains will still leave you with compaction panning in-between the drains, so using Terrain Aeration in the first place is a step in the right direction. Once a garden has been aerated using Terrain Aeration’s machinery, nature will be able to help with the rejuvenation of the soil structure – so this treatment would not be required again.”

Under normal circumstances, Terrain Aeration works nationwide and their teams are available, subject to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, to carry out deep aeration relief for waterlogging and flooding for house builders, sports grounds, amenity areas, golf courses and public spaces. Enquiries from house builders are welcomed with a new email address: aerationterrain292@gmail.com and by calling Terrain Aeration 01449 673783 www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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Terrain deep penetration aeration for trees

Terrain deep penetration aeration for trees: We tend to take trees for granted, in our parks, estates and gardens, as a natural part of the landscape.

All too often they are subjected to stress as a result of a number of factors such as nutrient shortages in the soil, surface compaction due to foot traffic and waterlogging where water drains off hard surface pathways. Armed with a number of solutions, Terrain Aeration have been treating trees in all types of situation for over twenty-five years, from back gardens to large estates right through to Royal Parks.

Terrain deep penetration aeration for trees

Terrain deep penetration aeration for trees

The Terrain Aeration Terralift machines comprise a probe which reaches one metre depth, deeper than the roots of trees (other than the major tap roots which grow straight down).  Breaking up the soil around the roots, and beyond, means that excess water will drain away from the roots to help stop anaerobic conditions and rotting of the root system.  The probe is then used to inject dried seaweed which helps keep the fissures open and backfilling the probe holes with aggregate provides a semi permanent aeration/ventilation shaft.  Terrain Aeration aerate around the roots using two-metre spacings – on most occasions one-metre inside and one-metre outside the canopy drip line, as this is where the growing roots lie.  Decompacting around the roots and injecting air into the soil increases the percentage of uptake of oxygen into the root system.

In one particular situation it was found there was a magnesium deficiency coupled with low overall soil fertility around trees in a park. This was determined using new technology to measure light transmission through the leaves on the trees to gain a reading of chlorophyll levels. The likely cause of the problem was that leaf litter is always removed and had been for a century, taking with it the natural nutrients from decaying leaves. There was also severe compaction of the surface around the tree. A tree feed mix containing slow release general nutrients and magnesium was injected, using the Terralift’s ability to inject granular material via its seaweed carrier, forcing it upwards into the root zone of the trees. This also avoids losing the nutrients to the grass which would occur with surface treatment. Two Terralift machines were used to carry out the process.

There are some products in the market place which advertise to be of help for trees with Phytophthora. There is a product which is applied around the tree roots via a watering can.  If the tree roots have been aerated by the Terralift machine, the product has a far better chance of reaching affected roots due to the soil being decompacted.  There are machines that will go shallower, but this does not have such an effective treatment as you would still need to get excess water away from laying stagnant around the roots. Terrain Aeration also recommend that root samples from good and affected trees, as well as tip samples be sent for full analysis from the Forestry Commission or any other Arboricultural advisor.  The samples should be labelled as well as being placed in separate plastic bags.  Photos of the location of the trees would also help, just in case there is a huge wall on three sides of the tree or something which could affect its well being. It’s best to give a complete “story” surrounding the tree. For more details on deep penetration aeration treatment for trees, sports pitches, golf courses and gardens:

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783

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New Terrain for UK ORV dealers

New Terrain for UK ORV dealers: BOSS ORV the distributor of Corvus, Europe’s first manufacturer of 4×4 utility vehicles, has completed the first stage of dealer development in the UK.

The landmark prompted a tour of dealers by Juan Jose Bernal-Quiros, Corvus Innova S.L. Managing Director and the Spanish company’s Export Director, Gabriel Motos. Accompanied by Phil Everett, BOSS ORV’s Managing Director, their visit began in Scotland at Kelso based Frank Gibson ATVs. Here they learned the dealer had had a gap in their product portfolio for a good quality Diesel SxS UTV. After extensive research, they chose Corvus to fill the gap due to the off-road performance, a particularly important factor in the challenging terrain of the Scottish Borders. BOSS ORV is distributing and supporting three Corvus models, the TerrainDX4 EPS, TerrainDX4 PRO EPS and TerrainDX4 CAB EPS. They feature a Euro 6 compliant 3-cylinder 993cc Yanmar Diesel engine which gives excellent fuel efficiency and range. The Terrain is homologated to T1b tractor regulation and has a top speed of 40mph/65kp/h.

New Terrain for UK ORV dealers

New Terrain for UK ORV dealers

After parting company with John Deere in an earlier re-structure, Johnston Tractors of Carlisle and Appleby were also looking for a quality UTV to add to their product line up. Howard Johnston told the Corvus visitors: “after thoroughly testing the Corvus product we decided it was the perfect vehicle to add to our range and we have not in any way been disappointed with Corvus quality and performance.”

The third dealership visited by the Corvus management was Tom Taylor ATV in York. Managing Director, Tom Taylor, says “ After seeing the Corvus Terrain DX4 on the ATV Services Scotland stand at last year’s Royal Highland Show and a good chat with Phil Everett, we decided to request a demo unit to enable us to properly evaluate the product on local land and to look at in more depth in our workshop. The whole team agreed that it was a very well- built unit using high-quality components and in particular the latest Yanmar Diesel engine. After this intensive evaluation, we had absolutely no qualms about adding the Corvus products to our product portfolio.”

Murray Boss of Ace ATV also arranged a customer visit for the Corvus directors where they learned the Terrain had been chosen due to an impressive demonstration and the fact it has the ability to take a full-sized pallet in the rear cargo box.

New Terrain for UK ORV dealers

New Terrain for UK ORV dealers

“Juan Jose and Gabriel were impressed with this first stage development of Corvus UK dealers,” says Phil Everett, “since we began in September 2019 we have achieved all our aims and we’re now actively looking to take on new dealers to expand the network, while maintaining the quality and level of our service and support of the Corvus brand in the UK.”

For more information about the Corvus Terrain range you can call 01597 810188

E-mail: sales@bossorv.co.uk  Web: www.bossorv.co.uk

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Terrain score points in Shropshire

Terrain score points in Shropshire: The market town of Church Stretton lies in the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Nicknamed ‘Little Switzerland’ in the late Victorian period for its landscape, the local geology has some of the oldest rocks in England.

Among the many amenities the town has to offer, Church Stretton Town Council provides facilities such as crazy golf, hard tennis courts, a bowling green and croquet pitches. The two croquet lawns at Sandford Avenue had been placed on a hard surface and over time, becoming so compacted, they developed severe waterlogging problems. Good management proving very difficult, the Council looked around for a solution and after a number of consultations brought in Terrain Aeration.

Terrain score points in Shropshire

“We chose to go with Terrain because we needed to open up the ground for better drainage,” says Michael Turner, the Council’s Amenities and Services Officer, “and with the ground being so hard it needed breaking up very much deeper than normal aeration.” The lawns are available to the croquet club and members of the public and the other reason for improving the facilities was the fact the town team won the West Midlands League and needed the lawns to match their prowess.

Terrain Aeration carried out the work over one and a half days, with their Terralift machine’s JCB hammer slicing through the compaction to allow the hollow probe to reach up to a metre under the lawns. Working on a staggered grid pattern, once the probe reaches the optimum depth, compressed air is released up to a maximum of 20Bar (280psi). The blast effect fractures the compacted soil to allow drainage and deep aeration, with the grid ensuring each shot interconnects the fissures and fractures. As the probe withdraws, dried seaweed is injected which expands and contracts with the moisture content in the soil to keep the fissures open. The probe holes are then back-filled with Lytag, an inert product which allows air and water to percolate through but is mower friendly.

Michael adds: “The whole process was very clean and professional and Terrain Aeration were nice people to work with. We’ve done a further piece of work with scarification and the combination of the two is bringing the results we wanted. We’re very happy with the work done.”

Terrain Aeration 01449 673783

For more information visit: www.terrainaeration.co.uk

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It’s Always Terrain When It Pours

It’s Always Terrain When It Pours: Enable Leisure and Culture (ELC) is a registered charity, contracted by Wandsworth Council to manage and develop the council’s parks, commons and playgrounds. Working in conjunction with sub-contractors such as idverde.

ELC takes responsibility for monitoring the grounds maintenance across a total of 200 sites. Enable also advises Wandsworth Council on its responsibilities with respect to legislation relating to biodiversity and best practice in the ecological maintenance of parks. Among the sites under their watchful eye are the sports pitches, of which there are 95 football pitches, 10 cricket squares, bowling greens and running tracks.

It’s Always Terrain When It Pours

“A lot of the sites are on made up ground and experience major problems with drainage,” says Andrew Green, Enable’s Parks Officer, Sports Provisions. “We have carried out aeration down to 300mm but it’s not enough to get to the pans.”

Andrew called on the services of Terrain Aeration whom he has used for around 20 years to deal with waterlogging problems, most recently for Tooting Common, with its six senior football pitches which became waterlogged in the winter season; along with Garratt Park and Fishponds Playing Fields. Terrain Aeration’s Terralift was brought in to apply deep penetration aeration to relieve the problem. The machine uses a JCB road breaker hammer to drive a hollow probe one metre into the soil. This is needed, especially on made up ground, because it is usually so compact at depth it requires the hammer to get through. Once the probe reaches the optimum depth, compressed air is released up to a maximum of 20Bar (280psi). This blast fractures the compacted soil to allow drainage and deep aeration.

It’s Always Terrain When It Pours

The probe is withdrawn and, in the case of the work for Wandsworth, the process repeated using one and a half metre spacings on a staggered grid pattern. This means each shot interconnects the fissures. On the tail end of the blast, dried seaweed is injected which sticks to the walls of the fractures and fissures. Over time, this expands and contracts with the moisture content in the soil to effectively keep the ground drained. At Wandsworth the 1½” probe holes created by the Terralift machine were backfilled with Lytag aggregate to provide a semi-permanent aeration/ventilation shaft, helping to keep the whole aeration process working. Put simply, Andy Green says: “We wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work. We find the Terrain Aeration process is a cost-effective solution, without the need to dig up pitches and lay drainage.

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