Tag Archive for: ICL

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver: Stuart Hogg, Course Manager at The West Lancashire Golf Club, believes that ICL’s products and Agrovista Amenity’s service help to keep course standards impeccably high.

Founded in 1873, The West Lancashire Golf Club in Liverpool, is one of the 9 oldest clubs in England. It is currently ranked 28th in Golf World Top 100 in England; 49th in Golf World Top 100 Links GB & Ireland; and 23rd in National Club Golfer Top 100.

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver

The West Lancashire has also recently been selected by The Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A) as one of four renowned golf clubs to stage final qualifying for The Open.

Stuart, who has been at the club since 2015 and manages a team of seven members of staff, underlined the importance of keeping up standards at such a highly regarded club.

“It certainly puts pressure on us to deliver,” he admitted. “As a business, we have grown massively, and so has the reputation. We have to keep standards high and constantly need to deliver high-end surfaces and to do that we need to rely on proven, quality products.

“For example, when we first started using ICL we quickly realised that the products being developed and launched were matching where I wanted to go, and they were making it easier to achieve our goals.”

Stuart sources all his ICL products through Agrovista Amenity – an ICL distributor, and he has recently reported excellent results from Qualibra wetting agent and Sportsmaster WSF SMX 20-0-0 – a beneficial nitrogen source in the form of ammonium sulphate coupled with SMX – an effective and sustainable seaweed concentrate.

Commenting on his use of Qualibra, Stuart said: “We’re now using Qualibra across the whole course because over recent years we’ve developed a huge amount of trust in the product. The standards and expectations here are so high that I need to be using market leading products. I like the fact that its widely tank-mixable with other products and I can buy it in bulk, ensuring we keep within budget.

“We always make sure that we get plenty of applications of Qualibra throughout the course by the end of May, so we are prepared for any further dry spells ahead of us,” he continued. “I like to do a simple test when I’m concerned about the soil accepting any rainfall or irrigation and that’s to simply pour some water over the treated area to see if the water is absorbed or just sits on top. This tells me that everything is in place to accept any irrigation or rainfall. I am currently very happy with the results this product gives me and can’t see any reason to change currently.”

On SMX, Stuart said: “After some trial work with ICL we started to incorporate WSF SMX 20.0.0 into our programme and it has been a great product. I like the makeup of it because it is environmentally friendly, and it is in line with traditional greenkeeping. It’s delivering sufficient nutrition and helping mitigate stresses on the turf which is hugely beneficial because we are quite a stressful site.”

As well as being impressed with the products, Stuart underlined the importance of working with both the manufacturer and distributor.

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver

ICL products and Agrovista service deliver

“Ask anyone – Agrovista Amenity and ICL provide the same level of service to the local club down the road as they do to some of the biggest sporting clubs in the world. Both companies’ values align with my own values.

“I buy the products through Agrovista Amenity, and I have their support, but I also have the back up from ICL. I believe all Course Managers need to trust the companies they deal with in product deliveries, and I have never had any issues at all.

“Having two of the industry’s biggest companies working in partnership together helps our golf course – that’s for sure. There is absolutely no reason to move away from ICL and Agrovista when everything works incredibly well for us.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-growingsolutions.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL launches new website

ICL launches new website: ICL has announced the launch of its new website at www.icl-growingsolutions.uk.

The new look website serves as a comprehensive resource for detailed information on the wide range of ICL products including important technical data and application information.

ICL launches new website

ICL launches new website

What sets the website apart is the introduction of the new Knowledge Hub. This interactive section of the website hosts a wealth of resources covering a broad range of topics, from detailed articles and videos on golf course and sports pitch management to in-depth information on disease control, industry regulations and much more.

ICL’s new website is live now. Visitors are invited to explore the extensive product pages and delve into the unique content available.

For more information, please visit www.icl-growingsolutions.uk

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL helps Rhinos through busiest year

ICL helps Rhinos through busiest year: Ryan Golding, Head Groundsperson for Leeds Rhinos, claims that a range of ICL products has helped the club to successfully navigate the busiest year on record.

He may have been at the club for nearly two decades, but Ryan has just witnessed the busiest ever year, in terms of pitch usage, at Headingley Stadium. In addition to the multitude of standard games and events, Headingley was also the most used pitch at the Rugby League World Cup last year.

ICL helps Rhinos through busiest year

ICL helps Rhinos through busiest year

With such heavy usage, Ryan explained how he and his three members of staff quite often have to go against the agronomical rule book and push the boundaries.

“We are one of the most highly used surfaces in professional sport and so we have to do things a little differently at times,” he said. “For example, we may need to apply a conventional fertiliser just before the snow comes because we need cover. There will also be times when we need to apply products in what might normally be considered to be less than ideal conditions. Unfortunately, with the time scales involved, we have to complete tasks whenever we can.”

Ryan knows that using the correct products is key to success.

“The response, quality, longevity, and variety of ICL products has allowed us to push our usage and quality of surface, as well as allowing us flexibility in the types of events that we can host.”

Ryan loosely follows an ICL integrated turf management programme but due to the unique situation at Headingley, he takes a somewhat relative approach as to when he applies products.

He pin-pointed three ICL products which have made a significant impact in the past year.

“ProTurf 15-5-15 (a controlled release fertiliser) always provides us with a good base. The longevity we get from the feed, and the colour and the response are first-class. It also gives us the room to apply a conventional whenever we need it.

“That’s where the Sportsmaster NK 12.0.9+Fe (a phosphate free compound fertiliser) comes in. It’s an old-school product, which I like, and the response we get from it is rapid. The colour it provides is fantastic and it is an ideal product for match preparation or recovery. How often we apply it really depends on the pitch, but I like to think of it as giving an athlete who is very tired a can of Red Bull.

“We’ve also used H2Pro TriSmart wetting agent,” continued Ryan. “We’ve seen great results from it retaining the moisture and it has had a good effect on our root depth, especially in being able to manage movement of the moisture throughout the profile.”

In addition to the good results he has reported from using the ICL products, Ryan was also keen to emphasise the importance of receiving excellent customer service.

“I’m given extra confidence by the support ICL show to both me and the club. I’ve been using ICL products ever since I took over as the Head Groundsperson and the communication from them has always been fantastic. That is throughout the whole organisation – whether it is the man on the ground like Craig Lalley who comes in and sees me, through to Ed Carter, Andy Owen, or Henry Bechelet – it is all of them that go above and beyond.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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New Syngenta and ICL agreement

New Syngenta and ICL agreement: Syngenta and ICL have signed a new  agreement to continue and enhance the strong relationship that has brought great innovation, investment and service to the turf industry.

The move reinforces the close working relationship of ICL’s unparalleled nutrition expertise, industry support and technical field force to deliver Syngenta’s world leading technical R&D products and services over the past 15 years.

New Syngenta and ICL agreement

New Syngenta and ICL agreement

It will also ensure the continued investment and development of research and technical innovation that has pioneered many of the advanced Integrated Turf Management techniques now successfully implemented by turf managers.

The extended agreement comes at an exciting time for both companies introducing ground-breaking technological advances. That includes the launch of ICL’s eqo.s® controlled release fertilizer technology and Syngenta’s new fungicide, herbicide and biocontrol products, along with Acelepryn and NemaTrident integrated solutions for turf soil pest control in 2023.

Announcing the new agreement, Syngenta Commercial Head, Daniel Lightfoot said: “The combined strength of ICL and Syngenta has, over the past 15 years, pioneered the products and the techniques to deliver huge advances in the management of high-quality turf and amenity landscapes.

“We are delighted to forge stronger links between the two companies that together can better help our customers to meet the current challenges, as well as develop further in the future.”  The agreement includes the launch of new products, along with digital technologies and technical communication strategies.

Stephen Squires, ICL Regional Business Lead, added: “We have built an incredibly strong strategic alliance with Syngenta, this agreement underlines the strength of the relationship.

“Together we will continue to deliver and build on the full value of our world leading product portfolios, our technical innovation and our industry knowledge and technical advice to our customers.”

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ICL introduces revolutionary biodegradable CRF technology

ICL introduces revolutionary biodegradable CRF technology: ICL introduces a revolutionary biodegradable coating technology for its controlled release fertilisers (CRF) in the turf market: eqo.s® technology.

The new coating for nitrogen is compliant with future (EU) fertiliser regulations, helping turf managers to improve their nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and will provide a solution for future sustainable turf management programmes.

ICL introduces revolutionary biodegradable CRF technology

ICL introduces revolutionary biodegradable CRF technology

With its patented eqo.s release technology, ICL takes the lead in providing a fully biodegradable coating that breaks down faster than existing coating technologies. The innovation will be introduced in ICL’s CRF portfolio for the turf segment, starting with the premium ranges Sierrablen and Sierrablen Plus.

In order to meet expected market demand, ICL has invested $20 million in a new production line for eqo.s release technology at its Heerlen facility in the Netherlands.

CRFs with eqo.s technology ensure optimal turf performance. The innovation is thoroughly tested in the field and has proven to be as reliable as current coatings, thus maintaining the high quality you can expect from ICL products. eqo.s release technology shows consistent and predictable nutrient release patterns while also limiting environmental impact by reducing nutrient losses and by increasing the NUE. After all nutrients are released, the coating degrades faster than ever before.

What turf professionals need to know

CRF products with eqo.s technology have the same advantages for turf professionals as current coating technologies as they improve the NUE and nutrient uptake by the plant. In addition:

  • Field trials with s prove similar, significant reduction in nitrogen leaching, volatilisation and denitrification.
  • s shows improved growth and quality with reduced fertiliser inputs, as fewer applications are required versus conventional fertilisers.
  • s shows the same consistent, reliable nutrient release for optimal growth.

Our CRF products are of the highest possible quality, and the technology we introduce today, eqo.s, works similar to the previous coating technologies, but with some key improvements”, confirms Dr Andy Owen, ICL lnternational Technical Manager Turf & Landscape. “The application rates and high quality results will remain, and even the look of the product is comparable. It is good news for turf managers and greenkeepers as their CRF products will give the same high performance as before. What makes it revolutionary is that the fully biodegradable eqo.s coating breaks down quicker and is completely compliant with future fertiliser regulations.”

Spreading the eqo.s revolution

Though eqo.s technology will first be introduced into ICL’s premium CRF ranges of Sierrablen and Sierrablen Plus in 2023, ICL is confident that by, mid-2026, when the new biodegradability requirements will take effect on the EU market, the company will be able to provide fast biodegradable coatings for all its CRFs in the turf and landscape market.

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL tank mix improves greens

ICL tank mix improves greens: In less than a year, an ICL fortnightly tank-mix has radically improved the greens at Houghwood Golf Club according to Head Greenkeeper Michael Abbott.

“When I show people photos of the greens last September compared to this September, they cannot believe it,” said Michael, who has worked at Houghwood for an incredible twenty-two years.

ICL tank mix improves greens

ICL tank mix improves greens

Michael has seen the young course develop into one of the best in the area. Based in Lancashire, the course is an 18-hole, par 71 (6388 yard), private, parkland golf course and was the creation of two farmers in 1994.

Michael and his team of three have their challenges – particularly with some parts of the course which consists of heavy clay. He admits that his small team can feel stretched at times, and it is for this reason that he likes to be as prepared as possible.

“We’re a small team but we believe we can tackle any task put in front of us and I feel our experience is invaluable,” he said. “From a management point of view, I like having a plan in place and ICL has given me a superb integrated turf management (ITM) plan to follow.”

Houghwood Golf Club’s ITM programme was devised by ICL Technical Area Sales Manager Rob Ainscough and was based on the results of soil testing.

As part of the programme, Michael applies a fortnightly tank-mix on his greens which consists of Sportsmaster WSF Spring & Summer 28-5-19+TE, H2Pro TriSmart, Vitalnova Links and Primo Maxx II.

The 4-way tank-mix offers balanced nutrition for responsible growth and plant health through the playing season, residual wetting agent to allow consistent dry down of surfaces and avoid dry patch development; growth regulator to improve turf density and wear tolerance; biostimulants in the form of seaweed and carbohydrates to promote increased rooting, improve stress tolerance and increase microbial activity to improve nutrient cycling in the rootzone.

“Since using this tank-mix, I’ve noticed improved playability,” said Michael. “There are no bare areas, no moss, just a nice, lovely coverage with great colour throughout all the greens.

“It gives us consistency throughout the year with no flushes of growth and applying it fortnightly saves us time – which is another major reason for using the mixture.

“The water-soluble dissolves really well – within seconds; there is no residue at all, and I don’t get any blockages on my jets whatsoever.

“It’s also very cost-effective for us but most importantly, it works. The members have loved the improvements.”

Michael also revealed that he has full confidence in the support he receives from ICL.

“I really trust Rob Ainscough’s (ICL Technical Area Sales Manager) advice because of his greenkeeping experience. He has done the same job as me and has faced the same challenges. This played a part in me choosing ICL products to be honest.

“Having the technical back up and the practical experience is a big plus for me.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL trio work in sustainable approach

ICL trio work in sustainable approach: The Course Manager at Hesketh Golf Club has revealed how three ICL products play a significant role in his sustainable approach to golf course management.

Peter McVicar has been the Course Manager at Hesketh Golf Club for fifteen years after initially learning his trade on the west coast of Scotland. In creating the majestic course at Hesketh, Peter has been committed to taking a sustainable approach to greenkeeping.

ICL trio work in sustainable approach

ICL trio work in sustainable approach

“It is no secret that over the years there have been less and less regulated products available for greenkeepers to use and there will be even less soon,” he said.

“We’ve not used a fungicide in over 12 years. Yes, we get a bit of disease every now and then, but we accept it, and the members are on-board with this approach too. Communication with them is so important because we need to tell them what we are doing and why we are doing it.”

As part of the sustainable approach, Peter relies on three ICL products in the form of H2Pro TriSmart wetting agent, Vitalnova Links biostimulant and Gronamic Golf 6-2-4 – an organo-mineral fertiliser.

He explained how these three products benefit the course.

“We apply Gronamic around March, which gives us a nice gentle boost at the start of the year without any excessive growth which we are keen to avoid – it just makes everything healthy. I like the fact it has a turf proven seaweed incorporated as well as a recycled phosphorus source in the form of struvite to help keep everything ticking over.

“Initially we just used TriSmart on the greens but based on the results we decided to roll that out to other areas such as tees, fairways and approaches, as well as the greens. The results have been especially impressive on the fairways, and we are managing to keep them healthy going into winter. We have good coverage, and the difference has been down to TriSmart.

“Last but certainly not least is Vitalnova Links which is a very special product in my eyes. It has the unique seaweed extract SMX combined with the carbohydrate based biostimulant Blade, which is two products we used to apply so to have that together in one formulation is very beneficial from both a cost and practicality point of view.

“These are all products that I like to always have in my arsenal,” continued Peter. “With price increases going up all the time you need to be using products that perform, and these ICL products do exactly that.”

Peter admits that taking the sustainable approach is not without its challenges and that the ever-changing weather conditions will continue to make life difficult. He believes it is imperative that greenkeepers start looking towards the future.

“Temperatures will continue to change, and we have to keep looking forward to both practises and products that can futureproof the course as much as possible,” he said. “I think with the research that is happening, particularly from companies like ICL, there will effective be solutions available.

ICL trio work in sustainable approach

ICL trio work in sustainable approach

“The good thing about ICL is that you always feel that they are on your side. You talk and you walk; you tell them what you are thinking, and they help you out along the way. Rob Ainscough (ICL Technical Area Sales Manager) knows our story and what we are trying to do.

“The relationship with Rob is very good – he is an ex-greenkeeper, and he has my respect. He takes the time to ensure that all the members of staff know exactly what the products do and why they are applying them. In turn we then relay that knowledge to our members.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch

ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch: An ICL integrated turf management programme is helping Millwall Football Club’s new stadium pitch get off to the best possible start.

Steve Chalk has been at Millwall FC for nearly 12 years and in that time he has worked his way up to the position of Grounds Manager. Steve oversees all three of Millwall’s sites, and works alongside Stadium Head Groundsman Charlie Burrage, Steve explained the importance of having a new pitch installed.

ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch

ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch

“With most pitches now being hybrid, we felt we were falling behind,” he said. “We would be OK until late October / November time but then the majority of grass coverage would be gone during the winter period.”

Two years ago, a new hybrid pitch was installed and Steve saw this as an opportunity to explore and implement new products.

“We thought the time had come to bring everything under one umbrella and just use products from one supplier,” said Steve. “For us it was about making things as simple as possible and using one company seemed the best way forward. We decided that this company would be ICL and therefore we worked with Craig Lalley (ICL Technical Area Sales Manager) to devise a bespoke integrated turf management plan.”

Many turf managers have benefitted from an ICL ITM programme and Steve is no exception.

“With the new stadium pitch, we wanted a ITM programme that ticked all the right boxes. It helps us with moisture management and rooting, base feeds, and conventional fertilisers.

“All the products are proven and tested, and quite simply the programme makes our lives easier,” continued Steve. “It is peace of mind, and we know that we will have no problems with the products. I’m not saying products from other manufacturers are bad, but we just know that the ICL products have a proven track record. We use them and we know what we get from them.

ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch

ICL ITM programme kick-starts new pitch

“For us, we wanted someone with the knowledge and experience to advise us on a suitable programme – we get this from ICL. When we speak to Craig we know he is going to give us the best advice for our situation.

“Furthermore, it is nice for the Millwall Football Club board to see the great results and see the pitch in an excellent condition. They put their faith in us and back us with investment, and in turn they have been rewarded.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL is the one for Chart Hills

ICL is the one for Chart Hills: Neil Lowther, Course Manager at Chart Hills Golf Club, has revealed how utilising a range of ICL products has resulted in vastly improved fairways and greens.

Situated in Kent, Chart Hills is the first signature Sir Nick Faldo-designed golf course in Europe. Dramatically undulating fairways, numerous water features, Europe’s largest bunker and complex greens present a challenge to all levels of golfer.

ICL is the one for Chart Hills

ICL is the one for Chart Hills

However, it is safe to say that the club has experienced mixed fortunes over recent years, but new owners have signalled an exciting new era.

“From my point of view, I would like to be 20 years younger – it certainly has been a roller coaster,” said Neil. “Our new owners are passionate about making improvements and they are investing in all the right areas so it is nice to have their full backing.”

Neil admits that a lack of investment previously prevented him from using the products that he wanted to, but the new owners gave him an opportunity to reassess exactly what he needed.

“After looking at all the nutritional products we were previously using, we decided that there was no reason to keep chopping and changing,” he said. “We felt that going with fewer manufacturers was the way to go, certainly in terms of consistency and results.”

Neil credits Craig Brisley, Sales Director at Collier Turf Care, for suggesting ICL products and says that he was sold on them following a trial with Sierrablen Plus Turf Starter 5.28.0 which features Pearl technology to aid early establishment.

Through independent trials, data has revealed significantly increased rooting when Sierrablen Plus with Pearl technology is used as part of a seedbed preparation and during turf-laying.

Furthermore, there was a 2.5 x increase in rooting when compared to another existing high-performing product.

“Craig advised Sierrablen Plus Turf Starter because he felt the product would help us establish as quickly as possible,” said Neil “So we tried it on a trial area to start with.

“What I like about this product is that you are incorporating it into the top part of the rootzone and you don’t lose any nutrients. No matter how much irrigation you put on, you won’t lose the product. Also, with Turf Starter being a slow release fertiliser that releases its nutrients over a 3+ month period, it gave us more time to concentrate on other jobs without worrying about getting more nutrition on.

ICL is the one for Chart Hills

ICL is the one for Chart Hills

“It had a great impact and members were saying they had never seen grass establish so quickly. We seeded the area on 21 May and were cutting regularly on 21 July.

“This process allowed us to demonstrate what was achievable in that amount of time to the owners and from that point onwards all our products have been ICL.”

Neil continues to use a range of ICL products from the Sierrablen Plus range and says Sierrablen Plus Stress Control 15-5-22 fertiliser helped his fairways recover after a Red thread disease outbreak and loss of coverage at the end of 2021. As part of his ICL programme, Neil also relies on products such as Sportsmaster Spring & Summer 9.7.7, Sierrablen Plus Mini 37.0.0, H2Pro AquaSmart wetting agent on his fairways and a range of SierraformGT products on the greens.

As well as the support he receives from Craig at Collier Turf Care, Neil also has regular communication with Andrew Pledger from ICL.

“I really like the technical back-up from both Andrew and Craig,” he said. “They’re very knowledgeable and they take the time to explain how the products work. This is essential because I want to know how it all works, and in turn I want to explain it to my members of staff.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

For more news and insightful views, you can follow ICL on Twitter @ICL_Turf

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ICL helps to modernise Warrington Wolves

ICL helps to modernise Warrington Wolves: From seed to nutrition – an ICL integrated turf management programme is helping Warrington Wolves modernise its grounds department.

Before taking the position of Head of Grounds at Warrington Wolves Niall Hazlehurst had always been involved in football grounds management having worked at Bolton Wanderers FC, Rochdale A.F.C. and Fulham FC.

ICL helps to modernise Warrington Wolves

ICL helps to modernise Warrington Wolves

However, the job at Warrington Wolves, a Rugby League club signalled the prospect of a new and exciting chapter which would allow him to put his own stamp on the project.

“I had a chat with the management team, and it became apparent that I would be working with a blank canvas,” said Niall. “There were so many old machines and so we cleared everything out and started fresh. It was time to modernise the department and also the pitch.”

With the full backing of the owners, Niall got to work, and his first action was to investigate new grass seed options at the Halliwell Jones Stadium. After recommendations from fellow groundstaff at Doncaster FC and seeing it perform well at other venues, Niall decided to go with ICL’s ProSelect 1 Premium Pitch.

Combining four top-ranked perennial ryegrasses and with rapid establishment, it provides a fast-recovering, dense, hard-wearing surface.

“My plan was to use ICL’s nutritional products, so I thought it made sense to use the seed as well,” he said. “I liked the fact the cultivars in ProSelect 1 rank very highly in the BSPB ratings. Last season we scarified as much as possible and overseeded with the ProSelect 1, and we had really good results.

“It helped keep Poa at bay, and the germination and establishment are quick. What stands out to me is how well the pitch plays. Now the seed has had a chance to establish we no longer get those big divots when the rugby players all come together.”

After seeing successful results from the seed, Niall and Phil Collinson, North West Key Account Manager for ICL, started to explore the possibility of introducing ProSelect Sport TRT into the seeding programme.

“We took the next step, and we are now using a combination of ProSelect 1 Premium Pitch and ProSelect Sport TRT,” said Niall. “ProSelect Sport TRT is a hard-wearing creeping ryegrass mix and will bring a lot of benefits to a pitch that doesn’t have full surface removal each year.”

Phil offered his thoughts: “By using a combination of both seeds, you get the high ranked cultivars from ProSelect 1 Premium Pitch along with the benefits of Torsion – one of the cultivars in ProSelect Sport TRT. We all crave that dark green colour that we see so much on TV and with Torsion in Sport TRT genetically being a darker variety it gives you an advantage over some of the other cultivars. And when you consider its wear tolerance then it makes sense to introduce it to a situation like Niall is managing.”

With confidence in the seed, Niall’s focus quickly turned to nutrition and specifically a feeding programme.

“I wanted to move away from a scenario where the pitch was getting fed when it looked like it needed to,” he said. “I felt we needed a more pro-active approach which would avoid peaks and troughs. This pitch needs to be always ready and playable because the club can agree to put a game on at any time – it brings in revenue. This is fine now because the pitch is continuously good, and I think ICL’s Sierraform GT Spring & Summer CalMag14.0.7 fertiliser has played a part in this.

“Because of its micro granulation, you can use low rates more frequently, fortnightly for example, to help level out that nutrition and avoid lots of lush growth. With it being predominantly slow release, we can rely on it to give great longevity out of the product and the colour it provides is unbelievable.”

Niall also revealed that a tank-mix consisting of Greenmaster Liquid CalMag at 20 L/ha and Vitalnova Stressbuster at 20 L/ha is playing an integral part in his maintenance programme.

“We like to apply this 48 hours before a game,” he said. “It gives us everything we want, including outstanding presentation and great recovery. Since we have been using this tank mix there has been very little to no damage to the pitch under play. At the end of the day, it’s similar to the way you would prepare a player before a game – the pitch is a living thing too.”

Commenting on the progress Niall has made, Phil said: “It is a unique situation here at Warrington Wolves with very high usage and high pitch demands. A bespoke plan was needed, and Niall is working brilliantly towards taking the pitch in a new direction – it is evolving all the time.”

Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.

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