Tag Archive for: Wiedenmann

East Renfrewshire chooses Wiedenmann

East Renfrewshire chooses Wiedenmann: Course Manager, Barry Nichol, at East Renfrewshire GC in Glasgow’s southside has been twenty years at the club; ten years as deputy course manager, and the last six months in the top job.

One of his key tasks moving into his new post was to identify an aerator to target historic deep-lying compaction on greens. The club, a notable moorland course, designed by James Braid, celebrates its centenary this year and has traditional clay push up greens, many plateau style.

East Renfrewshire chooses Wiedenmann

East Renfrewshire chooses Wiedenmann

“Most have an ash layer about ten inches (24 cm) down, so we needed something to hit and go through that to break compaction,” said Barry Nichol. “We’ve been redraining two or three every year, and you can see progress, but regular deep aeration is essential.”

After discussion with Rob Hogarth Regional Sales Manager, and Stuart Cameron, Area Demonstrator, from local dealer, Fairways GM, exclusive Wiedenmann UK dealer for Scotland, Barry Nichol opted for a new Terra Spike XP6, the deepest machine in the Wiedenmann UK fleet.

“You always get good advice from the GM team as many are former course managers and greenkeepers themselves. The ability to go to 14 -16 inches (35-40 cm) with wider tines was required.”

The XP6 arrived at the beginning of December, enough for several outings before Christmas, all using 20 mm diameter tines and around 5° of heave,

“Deep compaction layers need a bigger tine to break them up. It is great to shard through the compacted layers of the soil’s profile to allow air, water, and nutrients through, and while it would have suited us well to get more done before the year end, we made a good start.

“The XP reaches so far down, leaves a clean hole and does exactly the job we need. The 1.6 m width suits us as we have a few tight spots to turn.”

East Renfrewshire GC is set 500 feet above sea level and its distinctive moorland credentials ensure it is always busy.

“When you are talking greens, even in winter, we have to be mindful of disruption to the surface” continued Barry, “Tining up to three times in the off season will probably be enough. In the playing season, aeration must be discrete. We still need to break up compaction layers just below the surface to keep it loose for drainage, so we will only ever pencil tines to a depth of 120-150 mm, but you could have a particularly wet or dry summer, so the knack is to choose when to go if the conditions are right.”

Barry is supported by a team of six greenkeepers. Wiedenmann UK’s lead demonstrator, Andy Kerr, was on hand for installation and user training.

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Portlethen GC chooses Wiedenmann

Portlethen GC chooses Wiedenmann: An Aberdeenshire golf course has added a 4.05 m winged Wiedenmann Terra Brush to its fleet at the same time as updating its Terra Spike GXi8 HD.  Portlethen GC, six miles south of Aberdeen, made the double investment during early summer. Neil Sadler, head greenkeeper since 2009, had no hesitation in opting for both machines.

“Our GXi8 HD was a ‘like for like’ purchase.  We’d got one of the very first at launch ten years ago and it’s literally given hundreds of hours of neat aeration.  We part exchanged and the new one took over from where we left off …  it is superb, so versatile, with many tine choices.   It has considerably improved the surfaces of our tees, greens and approaches. If our fairways weren’t as rocky, it would be used there, too,” said Neil Sadler.

Portlethen GC chooses Wiedenmann

Portlethen GC chooses Wiedenmann

Built just over 40 years ago, Portlethen GC, offers golfers two challenging parkland circuits of nine holes and the option of four different courses, all with an abundance of natural features. Course development has seen the planting of around 21,000 carefully selected trees, restoration of a drystone dyke, construction of stone bridges, new tees at several holes and a pond at the short fifth.

Neil leads a team of three, supplemented at times by two seasonal staff. In summer, their day begins at 05.00 am giving them three hours to work on the course ahead of first tee off at 08.00 am.

“The more we do ahead of play the better. Once the golfers catch you up, it can be a dangerous sport,” continued Neil, who unfortunately ended up in A&E twice last year, after being struck by a golf ball.

“Our club is supportive. They appreciate we need kit that helps us do the job efficiently and quickly. The Terra Brush was another easy decision.  I’d seen the Wiedenmann demonstrated and remembered it. Our previous brush had given good service but had only one row of bristles on the wings. The Wiedenmann has four rows of bristles across its entire extended width; the row pattern is a mixture of straights and diagonals.  The bristles, therefore, are more consistent and connect better with the turf, even on undulations, so really stand the grass up or work the top dressing in harder. We chose medium firm bristles.

“September through to October, the brush is out first thing every day, brushing dew from fairways and approaches. A quick pass keeps the fairways clear of debris, the removal of the moisture leaves the grass plant drier and we follow on with a clean cut.  Later on, when not cutting as much, brushing just keeps the presentation levels high. It is fantastic for sward refinement and standing the grass tall.

“We’ve only top dressed a few greens since it arrived, but I know it will work well.”

Neil already has a Wiedenmann Mega Twister blower with a 230° swivel capability and a Wiedenmann 1.7 m Terra Rake in his fleet.

“I’ve not quite got the full Wiedenmann set.  The Super 500 is on my wish list but that will have to come later,” joked Neil. “No surprises, we need a strong blower to manage our leaves. They are quite a job; the Mega Twister is sufficiently powerful and its twisting spout allows the tractor to keep moving, avoiding frequent stops to turn around and re-position.

“We take the Terra Rake through semi rough before we cut it, to clear it out and remove thatch. It gets run through the fairways a couple of times during the season. We rake the leaves as well plus lots of other uses. So far, we’ve neither had opportunity nor time to work our Wiedenmann machines in combination, but once the season quietens it’ s only a matter of time,” concluded Neil.

John Morton, Area Manager at Fairways GM, the Scottish dealer for Wiedenmann UK, and Wiedenmann UK’s Andy Kerr were on hand to install both machines.

Portlethen GC hosts the Scottish Men’s Amateur Championship jointly with Murcar Golf Links from July 25-26 followed by the Scottish Men’s Match Play on July 28-29, 2021.

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Wiedenmann dealers introduce STrac 700

Wiedenmann dealers introduce STrac 700: Occasionally an ingeniously simple machine comes along which becomes instantly indispensable. Welcome the Maredo STrac 700, a pedestrian power unit which supports four different groundcare operations – scarifying, aeration, seeding and fraise mowing with more to come.

The ‘access-all-areas’ STrac 700 is light, fast and versatile. Suddenly, even on difficult undulations, there is scope to provide uniformity of care and presentation across a whole site. It can be used on all turf surfaces from bowling greens to full size pitches and for challenging areas like the collars of a golf course, or, where a tractor is too heavy.

Wiedenmann dealers introduce STrac 700

Wiedenmann dealers introduce STrac 700

Brought to you via your local Wiedenmann UK dealer, the STrac 700 has easy controls on the guiding handle and a set of inter-changeable heads. A very short turning radius means the rear wheels can adopt  a variety of operating positions, while the tools connect effortlessly, cassette style.

Maredo offers four tool types each purchased separately with working widths of 65 cm:

  • The ST200 Flex-Verticutter scarifies to 25 mm using carbide tipped blades with tool free adjustment. The blades counter rotate against the direction of travel so material is lifted tidily out the way rather than dragged into the slits.
  • To relieve compaction down to 60 mm in stressed turf, the ST210 Vibe-Spike Aerator allows for expert following of undulations or making curves as required. Unlike conventional spike aerators, the spike tools vibrate to crack the soil, punching holes to let air and nutrients through.
  • The ST170 FlexFrase-Mower targets problem areas by stripping off the top layer of turf to a maximum depth of 20 mm, leaving a perfectly flat and smooth surface ready to overseed. It is also ideal for removing bumps and undulations on goal mouths, tee boxes and gardens.
  • Finally, the ST418 VibeDisc-Seeder head uses unique technology to plant the seed right where it should be and protect it against all kinds of outside influences. This is a slit seeder which can dose seed from 0 to -15 mm at as low as 2 g/m ² to 15 g / m². The seed box contains up to 6 kg of seed with disc seeder slit spacings at 42 mm. Coming soon is a new dimple seeder head which will create a pattern of dimples where the seeds will be placed.

Rob Hogarth, former Course Manager of Remedy Oak, the England top 100 club in Dorset, and now Regional Sales Manager of Fairways GM, has demonstrated the STrac units extensively since they arrived in the UK.

He said: “The STrac 700 is revolutionary.  When I think back on worrying about transitions and worn collars, I would have traded my left arm for the scarifier and seeder cartridges. The YouTube videos of the STrac in action don’t do it justice.

“The wheel positions are insanely good. Literally, you put the rear wheels where they do their best work, so put them beside the pull along handle, at the back or a combination.  It just means you guide and pivot the STrac into virtually any position, so up close to edges, on changing levels, really, anywhere… Right now, clubs across the country are in the middle of renovations. The beauty of the STrac set up to fraise mow, is how it goes around sprinkler heads.  I don’t think I’ve seen a neater job.

“In the US, these are painted orange as a Wiedenmann machine, while over here they still have the Maredo label.  You just need to go through your Wiedenmann UK dealer to see them.

“Maredo has really thought these out. Hydrostatic front wheel drive and 9 Hp mean they are manoeuvrable and fast. Whatever head you choose is mechanically PTO driven and hydraulically lifted.  They go forward at a decent walking speed of 6 km/hr and 4 km/hr if you go backwards. The factory has more heads for more operations in development. The versatile size and carbide blades make the STrac 700 unlike anything else.”

www.maredo-bv.com  Twitter  @GroundProUK  @WiedenmannUk @Maredo

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Wiedenmann gives Worsley GC smooth start

Wiedenmann gives Worsley GC smooth start: Every buyer of a Wiedenmann Terra Spike receives bespoke instruction about how best to set it safely and optimally for local conditions. Almost always the installation training is given by one of the Wiedenmann team themselves, supported by a dealer representative.

This commitment to customer service began nearly 30 years ago, when Wiedenmann UK started trading, and it is still an integral part of the company’s sales package.

Wiedenmann gives Worsley GC smooth start

Wiedenmann gives Worsley GC smooth start

Not unsurprisingly, the installation session emphasises all Health & Safety considerations that need to be respected; everything from making the working vicinity safe to learning the right way to couple and uncouple the Terra Spike.

The Wiedenmann team member cuts the PTO shaft to suit the tractor/ machine combination, ensuring it doesn’t split on the longest point or bottom out at the shortest point, and, if required, they set the clutch on the PTO shaft.

Next, comes a comprehensive run through of the correct procedures: the dos and don’ts associated with starting, stopping, appropriate revs, depth and heave settings and, of course, the required maintenance.

Course Manager, Tim Johnson, at Worsley GC, a parkland course just west of Manchester, took delivery of his GXi8 HD in October.  He said: “This kind of H&S training session is hugely appreciated. Everyone is instantly knowledgeable, aware and confident.  The machine can go into service from day one with everyone using it properly, and I know we as a team, are doing our bit to maximise the lifespan and longevity.”

“We’ve had our machine nearly six months and its totally smooth, clean and fast.

“The other day we got three greens done in 40 minutes.  As a course manager, it makes life so much easier, planning and delegating tasks because you can deploy the machine for just a short time, but still achieve a lot.  We’ve had our fair share of wet weather so when the conditions are right, we’ve revisited areas of the course that need a little more TLC, and already you can see we’ve got a lot less lying water as we’ve removed some of the compaction.”

Kevin Pickering at dealers, Turner Groundscare, supplied the team with their machine and Wiedenmann UK’s, Andy Kerr led the safety briefing.

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Wiedenmann agreement with John Deere

Wiedenmann agreement with John Deere: Wiedenmann announces an agreement with John Deere for their golf and sports dealer network to sell and support the line of Wiedenmann aeration solutions. Through the agreement, John Deere customers can purchase Wiedenmann products at their John Deere dealer, providing easy access to a full range of best-in-class turf maintenance products.

*Please note this only applies to John Deere’s Region 4 at present, ie the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand

“Our customers face demanding conditions, and we are committed to providing the equipment, technology, and support they need to overcome any challenge they experience on the job,” said Manny Gan, director, global golf sales & marketing, John Deere. “Through this strategic relationship, we are delivering on that commitment while also providing customers with streamlined access to the industry’s top solutions through their John Deere dealer.”

Wiedenmann agreement with John Deere

Wiedenmann agreement with John Deere

As of the 1st of February 2021, select golf and sports dealers sell and support the Wiedenmann line of products, in addition to the existing line of John Deere golf solutions. The strategic agreement will help John Deere provide the industry with the top of the line products and support they need to maintain best-in-class courses and fields.

“John Deere has a reputation for delivering quality products and providing outstanding service, aligning with the Wiedenmann values and making this relationship a natural fit. Through this agreement, we’re offering our aeration solutions to a wider range of customers, in addition to our existing distribution and dealer network, making it easier for them to acquire the products they need,” said Uwe Wiedenmann, Managing Partner, Wiedenmann Corporation.

To learn more about John Deere and its line of golf and sports equipment and technology solutions, please visit www.johndeere.com/golf.

About Wiedenmann

Based in the South of Germany, Wiedenmann (www.wiedenmann.com) is a family-owned world leader in offering state-of-the-art solutions for professional turf care and regeneration. Golf courses and soccer fields around the world are finished to perfect shape with machines developed and manufactured by Wiedenmann, the inventor of the turf sweeper.

About John Deere

Deere & Company (www.JohnDeere.com) is a world leader in providing advanced products, technology and services for customers whose work is revolutionizing agriculture and construction — those who cultivate, harvest, transform, enrich and build upon the land to meet the world’s increasing need for food, fuel, shelter and infrastructure.

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Karl Wiedenmann Retires

Karl Wiedenmann Retires: BTME and Saltex regular for the last 24 years, Karl Wiedenmann has retired.  Even though his remit was heading up worldwide sales for Wiedenmann Gmbh, Karl made it his business to make as many UK trade shows as possible.

For the last two and a half decades Karl has helped expand the Wiedenmann fleet beyond Terra Spike aerators into other areas such as  collecting,  sweeping, seeding  and artificial turf maintenance.

Karl Wiedenmann Retires

At a special farewell at Wiedenmann UK’s HQ, David Rae, Wiedenmann UK’s managing director said that Karl’s influence was everywhere in the Wiedenmann brand.  “Not only is he expert in logistic and technical matters, Karl’s dependability to ‘do the right thing’ shines through. Dealers and customers up and down the UK got to know him and valued his opinion. Every business needs a Karl.”

Even Karl’s legendary reliability at client functions came in for special praise.  David Rae quipped “Karl could be last to leave the bar and put the lights off at 04.00 am yet be first up, fresh and ready for breakfast at  06.00am.  We, his colleagues, loved him for that alone. He was great to have on the team.”

Karl Wiedenmann Retires

After accepting a presentation of an engraved quaich and Scotch whisky, Karl acknowledged the UK has become like a second home.  However he reserved his warmest tribute to Wiedenmann UK chairman, Alistair Rae, crediting him for generously passing on the education that enabled Karl’s smooth transition from agriculture to sports turf in the 1990s, saying it was on Alistair’s solid foundation he built his Wiedenmann career.

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Wiedenmann To Exhibit At BTME

Wiedenmann To Exhibit At BTME: Wiedenmann UK’s popular rough management duo,  the Super 500 and the Terra Rake,  give Wiedenmann Terra Spikes a run for their money when it comes to  greenkeepers’ wish list kit.  Fortunately all three machines will be well represented on stand Red 218 at BTME 2019.

“For rough management, it’s the combination of time saved plus their unrivalled versatility that makes them so popular,” say Wiedenmann UK.

Wiedenmann To Exhibit At BTME

“If you have ‘traditional ridge and furrow’ undulations the Super 500 follows contours easily without scalping and produces a consistent height of cut, whether scarifying or flail mowing. It also is a very thorough leaf collector. The Terra Rake will work in tandem. It scarifies, pulls out thatch and can help us with a long list of other tasks.”

With 11 separate Terra Spikes it’s the class leading Terra Spike GXi8 HD that will get the nod for Harrogate.  Superfast, efficient and precise the 1.8 m wide GXi8 HD can potentially access all areas at depths to 250 mm.

Wiedenmann To Exhibit At BTME

Look out, too, for the Terra Float Air pneumatic seeder and the 230* swivelling Mega Twister blower. It’s a great opportunity to see these up close and appreciate the simplicity and excellence of their German engineering.

For more information, visit: www.wiedenmann.com

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Wiedenmann A Time Saver

Wiedenmann A Time Saver: Two new kit arrivals for a busy Middlesex grounds team are saving up to five working days a month.

The Wiedenmann Terra Spike GXi8 HD and the Wiedenmann Super 500, delivered in October, are significantly reducing time spent on aeration, collecting and scarifying.

Wiedenmann A Time Saver

Chris Lynch, Grounds Manager at John Lyon School, Harrow-on the-Hill and his two assistants, Mark Chandler and Joe Naughton now have breathing space to tackle different projects. The site, at Sudbury Fields in North West London, has four full size football pitches, three junior size pitches, 4 training zones and three cricket squares. On any given afternoon up to 200 pupils and PE staff from the independent boys’ day school, make full use of the playing facilities.

“Other than our 1st team football pitch, each pitch and training zone can get used up to nine times per week,” said Chris Lynch.

“With our previous aerator, we could expect to cover all 28 acres, minus the cricket squares, in five to six working days. Now with the GXi8 HD, the sports fields with the cricket squares included can be done in less than three days.

“We’re also saving at least two days a week with the Super 500.  Just last week all pitches were raked quite roughly to take out dead grass. Lots of material came out. We took the Super 500 across and in one pass it picked everything up.  I was beyond impressed.  All 28 acres collected with one pass in just over two days.”

“In terms of time saved and work quality these machines are fantastic. All of a sudden productivity is increased by a week per month.  Over a year we’re talking about an extra month to do other work across the site.  Any Head Greenkeepers or Grounds Managers reading this with a similar amount of usage every day will know how invaluable that kind of time is to absorb the extra work given to us. I am very fortunate to work for a school that backs me with the machinery needed to keep the surfaces at their best.”

The Terra Spike will run at least once every three to four weeks, typically, September through until April or May.

“On 20 mm tines we will comfortably get down to 250 mm as no complex pipework lies beneath any of the pitches. The Terra Spike will not only help repair and replace levels but keep air and water moving through the profile,” continued Chris Lynch, who took up his role 2.5 years ago after a 15 year spell at The Harrow School.

“Another key benefit will come during March/April, when 400 tonnes of sand is put down to help aid pitch recovery as part of our renovations. The Terra Spike’s efforts will also assist the way we deliver chemical and fertiliser products required for the turf. Sand aids in unlocking positive nutrients locked up in the clay and the Terra Spike will allow the sand to work down into the clay to aid this process. “

“For me the Terra Spike is the easiest machine on the market to use.  Its set up is really simply.  If you are not happy with something it’s a small quick adjustment to the depth or the heave.

Wiedenmann’s Super 500 is a three-in-one sweeper, collector, scarifier known across the industry for its versatility and 2.5 m³ capacity. The John Lyon team has seamlessly incorporated the Super 500 into their weekly routine.

Wiedenmann A Time Saver

“We have the largest collection of oak trees in the neighbourhood and need to lift leaves before they contaminate the turf surface so the Super 500 is out on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. We cut on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and mark everything on Fridays, weather dependent of course” explained Chris Lynch.

“The Super 500 has been set up as a scarifier which just tickles the surface as we work. We don’t want to go into hard, as leaf collecting is the priority for now.  When I joined, one of the biggest problems I inherited was thatch and there is still some thatch level in our pitches.   The Super 500 given time will help alleviate that, stopping debris working its way down through the surface.  In this instance, it’s not necessarily what you see on the top that causes problems, it can be what’s down below. I am looking forward to getting this into the surface far more aggressively come renovations time next spring”

Area Sales Manager, Grant Buckingham, from Wiedenmann UK dealer, Ernest Doe & Sons, at Esher, was on hand throughout the sales process.

The John Lyon School was founded in 1876 for the education of local boys by the Governors of Harrow School, in keeping with the wishes of John Lyon, the founder of Harrow. Now it takes 650 pupils with sport being central of importance. In particular the school has a tailored sports mentoring programme which helps nurture and develop elite sports performers and selected sports scholars.

For more information, visit: www.wiedenmann.com

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Increased Wiedenmann Fleet

Increased Wiedenmann Fleet: South Wales contractors Peter Villars Sportsgrounds Maintenance (PVSGM) have doubled their aerator fleet. In January the Cwmbran-based family business added a Wiedenmann Terra Spike XD6 to their current Wiedenmann Terra Spike GXi8 HD.

Director, Iestyn John said: “We need to cover lots of ground fast. Clients want you in and out so they can get on with their business. Even at speed the Wiedenmanns can be relied upon do a neat and tidy job.”

Increased Wiedenmann Fleet

Ahead of the season launching Easter meeting at Bath Race Course, PVSGM spiked the whole race course easily within a normal working day.

Iestyn working with his father, Steve John, said because of relentless poor weather it was the first occasion they had the machines in tandem.

“The Bath track is about 7 hectares. We started in the home straight with the tractors facing separate directions.  Tine holders on the legs of XD are slightly further apart than the GXi8 so hole patterns weren’t strictly identical but matched closely. Both were set to 150 mm deep with heave at 10° as the roots are quite shallow and there’s a base of Cotswold stone beneath. We kept to a steady 3 km / hr.

“Last year the same job took us two days. Now with the extra Terra Spike when we see a weather window, clients will get the benefit. We can get the jobs done faster. “

PVSGM have been operating in South Wales and the South West for over 30 years. With several race courses on their books they also maintain and renovate bowls, tennis rugby, cricket and football surfaces as well as helping a host of synthetic customers.

For more information, visit: www.wiedenmann.com

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Golf Club’s New Wiedenmann XF

Golf Club’s New Wiedenmann XF: A golf club based in Hertfordshire has replaced its existing Wiedenmann Terra Spike XF with a newer version after 14 years of success.

Craig Betts, Course Manager of Aldwickbury Park GC, Harpenden, said he had no hesitation in making a repeat selection: “Our original machine never let us down. Knowing the machine could deliver all we wanted made it a straight forward update.”

Golf Club's New Wiedenmann XF

“Aside from additional tines, we’ve only needed to replace the bearings on the rollers. Running costs matter so I know first-hand we’ve had versatility and value.   Mark House at our dealer Ernest Doe in Benington sorted the switch, so here’s to another 14 years.”

Changes to the XF in the interim include hydraulic depth control giving infinite depth adjustment from the cab as well as a two piece heave bar system bringing additional shock absorbers.

With vistas across the Lea Valley, Aldwickbury Park’s two busy courses – the 18 hole ‘Manor’ and the par 3 ‘Park’ – both open 365 days a year. Craig Betts and his team don’t leave aeration to chance.   Slots to deep tine all tees, greens and approaches are timetabled to cause least disruption.

“We start early and keep our heads down.  We know the XF to be quick and that’s what we need.  This past month we’ve gone to 275 mm deep but we vary it according to the time and conditions.”

Aldwickbury Park shares its Terra Spike XF with fellow Burhill Golf & Leisure Group club, Redbourn GC, also Harpenden.

For more information, visit: www.wiedenmann.co.uk

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