No Excuses Now!

Scotland’s new Performance Centre gives the country’s sporting elite (and aspiring elite) the chance to maximise their potential
There may not be any conclusive evidence so far when it comes to the round ball game, but it would not be too much of a stretch to attribute some of the improvement in Scotland’s oval ball performances to the wonderful new Oriam National Performance Centre, based on the Heriot-Watt University campus in Edinburgh, and opened late last summer.

There had long been a frustration among Scottish sports’ supporters that the nation which had produced the likes of Jim Baxter, Denis Law, Kenny Dalglish, Gordon Brown, Andy Irvine and Gavin Hastings was punching well below its weight when it came its national teams. Lack of high quality facilities were identified as one of the hurdles preventing genuine progress and, with envious eyes cast south of the border to the magnificent FA St George’s Park, plans were drawn up which matched the needs, within proportionate revenue restrictions, for Scottish sport.

While the £120 million St George’s Park was very much a FA complex, with opportunities for other sports, including rugby, to utilise the facilities, the new Scottish Performance Centre was always destined to be much more universal, with a number of sports having equal status, while it was also to give members of the public the opportunity to share the same facilities as that the country’s sporting heroes.

With a budget of £33 million made up largely from the Scottish Government, with valuable contributions from sportscotland, Heriot-Watt University and City of Edinburgh City Council there was a sufficient pot of money available to ensure that a facility worthy of the sport’s mad Scottish nation would be built.
Once contracts and contractor had been agreed construction work got under way in March 2015 and was finally opened in August of last year.

And what has been achieved silences those many armchair critics – Scotland has more than its fair share – who were deriding the concept as a “White Elephant” even minutes after the ink on the blueprints had had time to dry.

With the country’s dodgy weather often used to explain why silky skills are not as easily achieved in Scotland as they are in sunny Rio de Janeiro or on the hard running pitches of Australia and South Africa the key facility is the massive indoor pitch – the biggest in all of Europe.

The 116 metre by 76 metre dimensions are the same as those at Hampden Park while the 28 metre high roof, 15 metres at its lowest, can accommodate a Stuart Hogg up and under without risking a visit from the glaziers.

Either side of the pitch there is the strength and conditioning, medical and rehab centres and hydrotherapy pool on one side and the public and student facilities on the other.

Outside there is a full sized artificial pitch and seven grass football and rugby pitches.

The team did visit St George’s Park, in Burton, Staffordshire, as well as other English Premier League clubs, to see what has been achieved but there is great pride taken from the fact that there are elements within Oriam which are superior to other facilties. Not least the indoor pitch which, in addition to being large, has been built in such a fashion that natural light is in abundance.

The new pitch came from GreenFields, who already had history with Heriot-Watt having installed two pitches on the campus, and installed by Allsports Contruction and Maintenance.

“We were delighted that Oriam selected our GreenFields woven premium product for all three of their sports pitches. GreenFields MX TriMension is a high quality 3G woven product offering exceptional playing performance and has been selected and endorsed by many top clubs around the world including Arsenal, Celtic, Charlton, PSV and Vitesse,” said Paul Milton, Commercial Director for GreenFields.

“Our triple W-weave technology results in an extremely high tuft bind making the fibres stand much straighter resulting in a highly resilient pitch. We find many more organisations are opting for our woven technology as they find the play it enables is much more natural and the pitch looks aesthetically pleasing throughout the year with long lasting upright fibres,” explained Paul.

“GreenFields offers a full design and installation service in both England and Wales, however, in Scotland we work with our strategic partner, Allsportscm, widely known as accomplished pitch constructors, who have worked on a number of high profile projects with us.”

The various pitches were installed over a period of time, to fit around other work which was being carried out at the time.

“The pitches were installed at different times, the small indoor pitch took three weeks, the outdoor pitch took eight weeks, as that was extended, while the indoor main pitch took four weeks after the area was handed over by the main contractor,” explained Gordon Thompson, Allsports Managing Director.

“We were delighted to be associated with this project to add to our reputation of delivering high end football installations for professional teams in Scotland. Other projects we’ve worked on include Celtic’s Training Ground, Alloa and Falkirk football clubs, as well as Petershill for Glasgow Life and Kelty Hearts all of which were GreenFields MX fields.

“MX has been a well-received product and a number of clubs and facilities have shown interest in installing the product going forward. It has a reputation of being a top surface to play on and with Allsportscm relationship with GreenFields we will continue to deliver high end facilities for sport.”
The customer, Oriam, was more than satisfied with the playing surfaces produced by GreenFields and Allsportscm.

“We are absolutely delighted with the quality of the surface delivered by GreenFields. The feedback we have had from performance groups, such as Scottish Rugby and the Scottish FA, echoes our sentiments,” Ross Campbell, Director at Oriam.

“The feedback on the synthetic pitches has been excellent since opening. Feedback from all levels of play from recreational to performance has been that it is the best synthetic pitches that they have played on in the country.

We have a full range of users from the Senior National Rugby team to our local Currie FC youth groups. The range of customers has been a real benefit to the centre.

The additions of the indoor slick system and green crumb have been an excellent addition to the facility.

“We have been very pleased to work with Allsports through the installation and on-going maintenance of the facility. The service has been very professional.”
The sight of Scotland’s rugby stars training at Oriam became extremely familiar during the Six Nations and the opportunity to rehearse moves and perfect handling in perfect conditions cannot do anything but be beneficial in the long run.

It must be hoped by the Tartan Army that similar opportunities are grasped with both hands by the football team too!

Working in a Winter Wonderland

It’s a myth which needs exploding. Sports turf professionals do not hibernate in the winter. Nor do they spend their time playing darts or three card brag in the Mess Room. Sports turf professionals do an inordinate amount of work during the winter months, work which often makes the quality of the surfaces so much better in the main playing seasons.

So, hours may be shorter because of reduced daylight but greenkeeping and groundsmen teams work hard all year round. Turf Matters spoke to two high profile sports turf professionals to highlight just what does get done in the winter. Master Greenkeeper Greg Evans consultants to several golf courses across the UK including Ealing and Fulwell Golf Clubs, and Andy Fogarty, Head Groundsman at Headlingley and ECB Groundsman of the Year.

Greg Evans MG

Turf Matters: At what point do you identify what you will be winter programme?

Greg Evans: Late spring early summer. You are thinking ahead working with the Board what is the priority but also you get a bit or residual because you always have a winter programme but you probably only achieve about 75% of that. There are always things which are a priority and there are always things which are secondary. You have the essential work and the desirable stuff.

I laugh because we are always working to a five year plan but we always seem to be on year one of the plan – you never get to the end of it. Every year there is another priority that crops up and that can be because of environmental conditions or new Board philosophies. It is always evolving and because there is residual every year you never get 100% of what you’d hoped for finished. There is always jobs which you postpone and which then come higher up the to-do list when you do your next programme.

TM: Do you differentiate between regular work which needs done and major construction work?

GE: I always try to have two teams going. One on projects and other focusing on the golf course. I try and give people a project. Make someone Project Manager and then keep them on that project until it is completed. We might give someone else the responsibility of the next one. When you are doing a project you do want to focus 100% and get it done.

The big challenge, particularly for parkland courses, is the time of year. There is so much time you must spend clearing leaves from ditches and jobs like that. It really becomes a bit of a balancing act keeping everything going.

TM: There is a false impression that winter is the down time for sports turf professionals – the dart board gets used a little bit more often.

GE: I think the days of playing brag are gone. When I came into the industry it was definitely the down time but now expectation and intensity has gone through the roof so you’ve got to keep going. At Ealing we’ve just completed a major drainage project which we carried out all in-house, while at Fulwell we’ve have had one drainage project and we are on a tee project which has to be completed before Christmas as well as maintaining the course. There is definitely no down time.

TM: It is obviously weather dependant but do you usually have a timetable set for winter work?

GE: Your winter programme will include jobs for all weathers. For instance we’ve just come through two weeks of frost so that has meant that we’ve been able to do some tree work. If you’ve got a wet mild winter you might do out and do some drainage work. That is why you never get 100% of your objectives fulfilled. Weather will dictate so much and you will have your jobs and evolve those jobs and put the resources in to match the weather. You have to have flexibility in your approach.

TM: At what point do you feel that a project is too big for the in-house team and that you would need to bring in some contractors? Or do you try and do it in-house wherever possible?

GE: I think you plan ahead for that. Before you start the job you assess the staff’s capabilities and evaluate the machinery requirements. Before you do that there can be a combined approach too. When you are planning the project you are looking at what you’ve got and you might do 100% in-house, or you might go 90%-10% in-house-contractor. With in-house it is slower but I do feel you get quite a good job and it is more cost effective – probably less than 50% the cost of a contractor – but if you want to move on very quickly you do get a contractor to do it because you just don’t have the resources. It can depend upon what the club finances are and how ambitious they are.

TM: Do you have one winter project that you’ve done for which you’ve been particularly proud and which stands out in your mind?

GE: Not really winter, funnily enough, but summer. At Ealing we did a chipping green in the summer of 2014. We hollow cored some greens and used the cores to create the rootzone for the green and it was a great success. What I stress to the guys is that every week you’ve got to make a difference. Whether that be planting a couple of trees or taking some trees out, or some drainage work. You have your winter programme and then you micro manage that down to a weekly schedule. At members’ clubs they want to see a difference. If they go out and don’t see anything happening for a couple of weeks they are going to be on your back. So keep making a difference. That has always been my philosophy in winter.

TM: Do you think weather patterns have changed and that may have impacted on the type of winter work that gets carried through?

GE: We’ve had a hard five years. This winter has actually been very good, cold and very dry, but the five previous winters have been incredibly wet which highlighted the drainage issues. Ealing Golf Club pre-five years ago we were out renovating bunkers but the last five years we’ve basically just been laying pipe. Conversely when you get a hot and dry summer it will highlight any deficiencies in your irrigation system. Weather will show the weakness of the golf course whether it be drainage, irrigation, turf quality and bring it to the forefront.

TM: Has machinery development in recent years assisted with winter programme work?

GE: Yes. You’re buying trenchers, you’re buying excavators, you’re buying lasers, not just cutting equipment. If you are going to do work in-house you have got to have the machinery to do it and often the hardest thing is to hire in the specialist kit – even a single thing like a tilting bucket for an excavator. You just can’t get them really. But this comes back to pre-planning and talking to your Board, getting your business plan right. You’ve got to make sure you’ve got the budget to do it and the machinery to do it too.

TM: What mistakes do you see being made with winter programme work?

GE: If the planning is not quite right they go into a job then don’t have the budget to finish so there are short cuts taken. Little things like not putting drainage or irrigation into a tee or shallowing off the rootzone just to save a thousand pounds. It will bite them back. You do see that sort of thing a lot but it is getting better.

I do believe that contractors have lifted construction jobs to a new level. This has meant that the in-house stuff has improved. Really good companies doing fantastic work and you think we can do that too and that is the standard that is being set. When you are working on an area you are boarding in and boarding out to avoid mess.

Personally I do love construction work. I get quite excited about it, I just love the challenges that it sets. I also find drainage incredibly interesting. You spend huge amounts of money on it but the members don’t ever get to see it. You get an issue with drainage and a member might talk about the wet fairways and keep on mentioning it. So you go in and solve the problem and you never get a congratulations or thanks from them – they just move on to another problem. Silence is quite a good thing. If they are not talking about an issue you’ve obviously done quite a good job. Drainage is costly, very labour intensive, dirty work and you never get any thanks!

Andy Fogarty

Turf Matters:
How wide is the window you have to carry out your winter programme work?

Andy Fogarty: We don’t have much time because we have a lot of 20twenty cricket nowadays which reduced the available time and obviously a lot of Championship cricket as well. Our last fixture is on the 28th of September so we try to get all our work carried out by the second week in October simply because we don’t know what the weather is going to do. This year it has been really mild and you can grow grass but in the past years we’ve had a nightmare at the end of the season – bypassing autumn and straight into winter. So we get it done as early as possible but at the same time ensuring that we do it right. It is a very important time of the year and we make the most of it. We can be here up to nine o’clock in the evening still doing our reseeding work.

TM: What are or will be your winter projects over the next few years?

AF: We have four projects lined up for the next four years, starting this year. We’ve built a brand new net area which stretches from the edge of the cricket square to the edge of the Western Side. We’ve already got eight nets either side of the First Class pitches on the square and this new facility will give us another 10.

Work was carried out in the last week in September. The area was excavated, the same soil as used for the cricket square was brought in. We dug out to a depth of 15 inches, added a layer of stone then put the soil on top of that and reseeded and it sits nicely proud above the outfield. It is like a brand new square.

Next year, at the end of 2017 season, we will do exactly the same thing on the edge of the Eastern side which takes it more or less to the boundary. So in theory the square will go from one side of the boundary to the other side of the boundary, with another 10 nets on that.

We do have two indoor facilities at Headingley. One under the East Stand there are four nets on indoor lanes and we have an indoor school which is across St Michael’s Lane which is adjacent to the Cricket Ground.

In 2018 the outfield will be Koroed. We installed the outfield in 2006, and we have a few areas which require some work – a few dips which we need to address. Ideally I’d have Koroed it a little bit earlier and do it once every four or five years and then completely reseed again. It is similar to a football pitch and in an ideal world it should be done at least every two years.

TM: What’s the split between work in-house and that with contractors and what is the deciding factor?

AF: Anything which involves heavy plant we do tend to get contractors involved. Take the excavation for these new nets, we have contractors there because it involved excavating 250 tonne of soil and then replacing it. It was easier to get a contractor in to do this for us.

TM: What’s the biggest winter project you’ve undertaken at Headingley?

AF: Apart from the outfield, which was done by a contractor anyway, we had a training ground which we installed back in 2002 which was a net area with a 30 yard run up and floodlit, so that was one of the bigger things which we’ve done here.

TM: How have you found that machinery has improved and helped your cause over recent years?

AF: There is new equipment being developed year in, year out, and not just for cricket,for football, tennis, golf, rugby you name it. It makes our life 10 times, 100 times easier. When I first started in 1982 mopping up equipment like waterhogs didn’t exist. We didn’t have anything like that the water was just tipped from sheet to sheet until we got to the boundary rope. The tractors, the attachments spikers, scarifiers etc have all been updated and are fantastic pieces of equipment and they make our lives and our jobs 10 times easier.

TM: Have your found weather patterns changing in recent times?

AF: The weather has certainly been much more unpredictable. Years ago the winter almost started on the first day of November. You’d get frost and a little bit of snow and that carried on through December, to January and February time and then we might have some good weather in March. So the weather must have changed because it is so unpredictable now. Even in the summer time, when you get the downpours, it’s not just rain it is torrential.

We’ve seen those poor villages and towns being flooded and I can’t remember this sort of thing 30 years ago.

TM: Do you view your winter work with the same pride as you do the summer work when the matches are being played, or do you see it as two sides of the same coin?

AF: They are both just as important as the other. The work which is carried out in the winter time sets you up for the season ahead providing it is carried out properly and provided that you look after your pitches and maintain them once your grasses are established. You take care you take an eye on them for diseases. It is really important to help with preparing pitches in the summer time.


IMG_4844In a Turf Matters exclusive, Leicester City FC grounds manager John Ledwidge, speaks openly about his iconic pitch designs, raising the profile of the industry and hits back against the criticism.

In one of the greatest sporting stories of all time, Leicester City were crowned champions of the 2015/16 Premier League title. However it was not just the players that received all the plaudits – the level of groundsmanship put into the pitch at the King Power Stadium certainly matched the efforts of the team itself. In fact, John Ledwidge and his team’s pitch designs and artistry week on week, amazed both fans and media across the country and beyond.
Social Media became a frenzy with delighted spectators praising the intricate designs – with some calling for John to receive a knighthood; one Twitter user posted a Tweet which read, “Forget Vardy, Mahrez and Kante – the head groundsman at Leicester is the real hero of their season”; another claimed that the groundsmen were a “group of artists and the pitch had been their canvas all season.”; while one disgruntled Manchester United fan believed that it was “Sad how the Leicester City ground staff have more creativity than the entire United team.”

“It was a fairytale story for all concerned and we were part of that,” says John. “For me I felt that it presented an ideal marketing opportunity. We’re on the biggest stage in the world in the Premier League, we’re at the top of the league, and we’re making this fairytale story so why shouldn’t groundsmanship be part of that? We got a mention in the New York Times recently, and the fact that groundsmanship is being recognised within a published article about the club and its successful season – is great in my opinion.”

It’s hard to disagree with – without groundsmen the players wouldn’t have their stage to perform on in front of millions of adoring fans. It is also worth considering the amount of work that goes into these pitches to ensure that multi-million pound players can complete a 90 minute game on a safe surface. Holidays and time off is somewhat of rarity in the groundsmanship industry. More than often, groundsmen are the first to enter the premises in the morning dusk and the last to leave as daylight is fading. Then there is Christmas to consider – while most of us are wrapped up warmly in dressing gowns and slippers opening presents with our loved ones, the majority of groundsmen will be out in the frost preparing pitches for the notorious Boxing Day fixtures.

Therefore, it seems onlWestminster-Stone-LCFC-Pitch-Blog-02y right that groundsmanship is commended and recognised as part of the beautiful game. However, for all the positive comments about Leicester City’s pitch designs, there has also been crumbs of negativity – mainly from fellow groundsmen. Their main gripe was in suggesting that John has too much time on his hands and that perhaps the grounds team are over staffed. Others suggested that it might put un-necessary pressure on groundsmen to produce the same kind of pitch designs and there were some who even claimed that it could cause a hindrance to referees and linesmen.

“The pitch designs have had more negativity within our own industry which I found really surprising,” says John. “I believe that the pitch has been in good condition and it consistently was throughout last season when we were doing the designs. My lads are a creative bunch and if the main core of the pitch is in good shape then I have no objections at all to patterns. It’s got people talking about the industry and that was always the goal.”

“The goal isn’t about me and it isn’t about the football club – it’s about putting groundsmanship on more of a platform and you only have to look at the media coverage that we received to see that it did its job. What I didn’t want it to be was a “look at me” exercise, I wanted it to showcase what a groundsman is capable of. I saw the opportunity for us to market ourselves and market groundsmanship on the back of the team’s success, and surely that’s just forward thinking.”

“People are quick to moan about salaries and this and that but if we don’t have a presence in the media and have people talking about us – then things will never change.”

According to The Guardian, the average salary for a Groundsman is £17,061 per year, which some would suggest is incredibly low for the amount of work that goes into groundsmanship. Mark Perrin, former head groundsman of Crystal Palace once said, “If I had £1 for every time someone asked me if I just watch the games and cut the grass, I’d be worth a fortune.”

Of course, ensuring that the pitch is playable remains the main task, including renovations each summer whicgroundsman-in-a-mission3h is not helped by the club holding hospitality events on it as well as pre-season friendlies. Then there are also plenty of other integral jobs which include keeping the grass the correct length, watering and rolling it, and ensuring it doesn’t freeze or dry out. The job is as much about turf nutrition as it is anything else. Groundsmen need to have the ability to know when and what fertiliser to use, aeration, microbial activity and grass seeds – to name but a few. Unfortunately Mark Perrin’s comment hits the nail on the head and perhaps more work is needed to show that being a groundsman is as much about being a scientist as he is a ‘grass-cutter.’

“We need to push ourselves more,” argues John. “Although patterns aren’t necessarily pushing ourselves more, because people have been doing it way before me and people will long continue to do it after I’ve finished my career, but the fact of the matter is that we have to think of ways to make people talk about what we do in a positive way.”

“Behind all the patterns, and what people may consider as showmanship, is a lot of hard work – a lot of pumping the message to a lot of people about groundsmanship and the patterns have opened the door for me to do that and to champion groundsmanship. In turn it has gained more respect, gained more professionalism and over time, hopefully it will put us on a platform where people are willing to pay us more money.”

“If all these little things help the cause then we will continue to go and put patterns on the pitch. Sometimes if we’ve had a lot of games then we might not have the time to do it, but if we can then why not?”

“I think some people think that I’ve made it harder work for them, but I always think it is how you look at situations. Some people will say ‘“we’re at a local authority or a school and we want a pitch like Leicester’s.”’ For me, that isn’t a bad thing because then I’d go and say that “to get a pitch like Leicester’s you need to give me some more money,” and therefore can you invest in some money for your department and if that extra money gets you drainage work or some feed then it’s had a positive effect.”

“The bottom line is, we put a pattern on the pitch and people think it looks good which helps when you ask for more budget. If that’s what it takes to get the money then so be it. It’s worked here because year on year, we’ve had substantial investment. Since I’ve come in we’ve spent over £3m on constructing pitches at the training ground, we’ve spent over half a million on machinery and we’ve restructured the whole department, we’ve put a new organisational structure in and everyone’s had a pay rise. So is it working? You ask yourself the question.

“I’m not saying it’s all because of patterns – what I’m saying is that all these things contribute to us being held in a higher regard. I don’t do it for me, I do it for thegroundsman-in-a-mission4 department and then in turn, do it for the industry.”

“Groundsmanship in this country is held in very high regard all over the world, regardless of pitch patterns, but I think it’s been escalated by what we did last year and the media coverage we received. If the team hadn’t have won the league, maybe we wouldn’t have had as much coverage but even still I think there’d have been an escalation of interest.”

“I think the problem is, that a lot of groundsmen don’t have that attribute of seeing an opportunity and seizing it and in turn raising the profile of the industry. When you’re portraying yourself in public you need to put the best foot forward so that you create an image and a reputation for yourself and the industry that’s going to make us better.”

Some will agree, some may not, but one thing is certain – John is extremely passionate about the industry he works in. From facilitating educational days for school children to working alongside the Young IOG (Institute of Groundsmanship) board of directors in encouraging young people into the industry – John is a proud and pro-active groundsman.

It is inevitable that some will point to showmanship. If ever there was a case of a celebrity groundsman then John fits the bill – aside from a large social media following, the public are starting to point and recognise John as he walks the high streets of Leicester. Although autographs and ‘selfies’ are not, as of yet, part and parcel of his role, how much of this new found fame plays a part in John’s pitch patterns?

“Of course there is always an element of wanting to put myself and my team on the map – I’m ambitious and so are the guys I work with,” says John. “Ultimately I am doing it for the greater good: it’s not about me, it’s about all of us.

“I think the more that groundsmanship evolves, the more we need to drag ourselves out the doldrums of years gone by and push ourselves into the 21st century. We need to realise that we’ve got to capitalise on opportunities that are put in front of us, and not sit there moaning about what everyone else is doing around us.”


amexWe look at the development of the all-purpose, multi-use stadium, and how they have become part of the fabric of modern day society.

The vast majority of stadiums in this country were built for football clubs to enable spectators to watch the country’s most popular game. The football calendar wasn’t quite so crowded in days gone by and most matches were played on Saturday at 3pm with the odd cup replay, or European tie for those few clubs involved, slotted into a Wednesday evening.

What that meant was the invariably the biggest stadiums in the country were only really used every other Saturday and, then, only during the football season which ran from August to May. Big stadiums require big upkeep and that requires resources which require funding and so the ability to use stadiums more than for just the 25 times a year, became imperative.

And so the multi-use stadium was born and we could all enjoy traveling to our favourite stadiums (or even those of our deadliest footballing rivals) to watch a diverse range of events.

Wembley Stadium was one of the early adopters of such a policy and there are two events which stand head and shoulders above others in highlighting how well Wembley, in particular, and multiuse stadia in general can be utilised.

In 1963 Wembley was the venue for a boxing match between the great British hope, Henry Cooper, and the American superstar, Cassius Clay – soon to become Mohammad Ali in front of 35,000 fans. Henry downed Clay with a thunderbolt left hook and, many say that it was only a controversial delay in the start of the next round to repair a split glove (rumoured to have been done deliberately by his corner) which bought Clay time to recover his senses.

The other iconic “alternative” event at Wembley was Live Aid, the charity concert in 1985, which saw all the music superstars of the time performing, either at Wembley or simultaneously in Philadelphia in the States, to raise money and awareness for the Ethiopian famine.

Etihad-Stadium-Photo-From-TopOrganised by Bob Geldoff, acts including Queen, U2, Phil Collins, David Bowie, Paul McCartney and The Who. It was the first of what has become many charity inspired music events all over the world which have raised millions for diverse causes.

Without Wembley there is a fair chance that it may have not been possible to stage an event – at such short notice – and that the large scale charity concert concept may not have been given such a wonderful start.

Since then stadiums have been the option of choice for many concerts and George Michael, Bon Jovi, Madonna, Coldplay, Oasis, Take That, Ed Sheeran and AC/DC, as well as the charity Concert for Diana and Live Earth events, have graced Wembley while similar events and big names have become regular attractions at national stadia and club stadia up and down the country.

On a sporting front boxing has been joined by as diverse pursuits as American Football; Baseball; Speedway; Greyhound Racing; WWF Wrestling Formula 1 – turning Wembley into a short, exciting racing circuit Race of Champions would you believe Ski Jumping? While not forgetting of course, perhaps the most diverse use of Wembley of all time – Evil Knievel’s attempt to jump over 13 London Buses in 1975

Stadiums are now built with multi-use in mind and, to maximise the number of days a stadium is in use, is a key element of balancing vast budgets at the end of the year. The Millennium Stadium – now Principality Stadium –in Cardiff opened in 1999 and is another example of a stadium built to ensure that it doesn’t sit idle for most of the time.

In addition to being the National Stadium for both the Wales football and rugby teams, its retractable roof gives added adaptability which has been embraced by so many different events and disciplines.

More recently the Olympic Park has also shown it genuine adaptability and has now just begun its new life as home to West Ham United. While the Hammers’ fans may feel they are a little further away from the action than at their beloved Upton Park, because of the famous athletics track, the upside is a large capacity, state-of-the-art stadium the like of which the Gold brothers and Dame Karen Brady could not have dreamt of funding from scratch.

aerial_coventryFrom day one the Olympic Park showed its versatility with the mind blowing 2012 Opening Ceremony, complete with giant chimney stacks and parachuting monarchs, preparing the way for Usain Bolt and his colleagues to showcase their sporting prowess to the world. With spectator seats equipped with flashing lights a stadium is now expected to play a full interactive role in proceedings and the Olympic Park did that.

It has since gone on to host the annual Anniversary Games, international football matches; hosting games in the Rugby World Cup on 2015 and has added immensely to London’s stable of outstanding multi-use sporting venues, to which you can add Twickenham, and the top football venues in the city at Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, not to mention those slightly further afield in the shape of the Madejski Stadium in Reading and Stadium MK in Milton Keynes – new modern, sensibly sized stadiums.

Around the country new stadiums are being built of existing ones adapted to ensure that they are kept busy all year round and if it is not for events on the playing area it is in lavish new corporate entertainment facilities overlooking the playing surface. Companies can hold seminars and conferences knowing that the attraction of a Stadium Tour will bring in the normally reticent client.

Wedding receptions are also on the increase with supporter couples keen to mark their nuptuals with never to be forgotten pictures featuring the club logo and pitch as a backdrop.

Indeed the proportion of top flight football clubs in England to have moved to new stadia since the Taylor Report proposed all seater stadiums following the Hillsborough Disaster in 1995, given the odd change as a result of promotion and relegation, is around 50%

theiprostadiumEvery part of the county is now catered for and the names, if not exactly tripping off the tongue, becoming more and more familiar to us. The Riverside Stadium; The Ricoh Arena; The Amex Stadium; the Macron Stadium; the Vitality Stadium; the Ipro Stadium; the Keepmoat Stadium; the KC Stadium’ the King Power Stadium; the Ethiad Stadium; the Kassam Stadium; St Mary’s Stadium; the Britannia Stadium; the Stadium of Light and the DW Stadium are just a few, and all in England. Add to that those in other parts of the UK – Murrayfield, in Edinburgh, to name but one – and add in the cricket grounds which are now authentic options for rock concerts and, in the case of Lords, wonderful archery venues, and you have a plethora of multi-use venues which didn’t exist 20 years ago (excluding Lords, of course!).

But the elephant in the room is always that major events outside of the core use of the stadium can impact on the playing surface and it is the job of the Head Groundsman or Facilities Manager to avoid the headlines, or pundit’s critique, when the quality of the pitch for the next home game is not what they have come to expect. It says much for the fact that despite the increase in usage of pitches for alternative sporting, and entertainment events, the quality of pitches in the UK has continued to improve and the skill of the professionals tasked with ensuring top quality playing conditions remain in place all of the time.

Pitch lighting; the emergence of the DESSO Grassmaster pitch; the ability to relay an entire pitch, and have it playable in weeks rather than months and new pitch covering methods have all become reality in recent history, but without the highly developed skills of those who have to implement the new techniques we would still be facing issues.

So let us applaud the fact that just a short time after 30,000 Bruce Springsteen fans were “Dancing in the Dark” on the Etihad pitch earlier this year, that Sergio Aguero could very easily have been finishing off a sweeping Manchester City move to send the light blue fans into raptures.


12th Hole.. Royal Troon Golf Club. Hole Name.(The Fox)..length 427 yards..Par 4

12th Hole.. Royal Troon Golf Club. Hole Name.(The Fox)..length 427 yards..Par 4

Following a spate of adverse weather conditions, Royal Troon is gearing up to host the world’s greatest golfing tournament…

Wouldn’t we all love to have a superpower? What would be yours? Time travel? Invisibility? Superhuman strength? Ability to fly? For me, it would be the ability to get inside the head of all referees in charge of Scotland matches – in all sports – and ensure even handed fairness.

Now I have no trouble in working out what superpower golf greenkeepers would wish for. One hundred percent it would be the ability to control the weather.

I also have no doubt that the first volunteer to be the controller of the weather gods would be Billy McLachlan, Course Manager at Royal Troon which hosts The Open in mid-July, because he has seen weather on his little patch of west of Scotland coast which he has never experienced during his 35 years at Troon.

Let Billy explain just why those weather controlling powers would have been such a valuable part of his tool kit over the last nine months or so.

“The rain started in November and just kept falling. We had flooding on about a dozen areas around the course, as a result of the water table being so high and it just wouldn’t go away,” explained Billy, for whom the 2016 Open will be the third time he has been in charge of preparing a course for the greatest golf championship in the world.

But while King Canute had suffered from similar well documented issues in the past, the Troon team knew that they had to make every effort with preparation time for July’s Open being reduced all the time.

“We had to be seen to be doing something so that we couldn’t be accused of just sitting back, but every course in the area was suffering just the same – it was nature at work – and we just hoped there would be a turnaround in the weather.”

troon_preparationWhen it got to February with no improvement Billy and his team decided that drastic times required drastic measures and they started pumping.

“I’m not exaggerating. We must have pumped millions of gallons off the course, sending it onto the beach about 200 yards out, but we weren’t making any headway. The guys really were getting frustrated. They would pump out an area and make a bit of a difference and then go back the next day and it was almost as bad as before,” said Billy.

“I’d never seen anything like it in all my time here at Troon. My other two Opens enjoyed good weather in the run up and it was a straight forward case of not doing anything silly and we enjoyed excellent Opens. This was different.”

One thing he has learned over the last 20 years was above all to keep up a calm exterior at all times.

“I was telling people not to worry, we’ll be fine, but deep down I was concerned. It was very unusual, puddles were sitting for weeks, if not months, and in all honesty we just didn’t know what was going to happen. I remember a weekend at the beginning of April at a time when I thought we were finally getting on top of it, when we had some really heavy rain on a Friday night.

“I went out to look at the 11th fairway, where we had lost quite a bit of grass. We’d had to sit on our hands because it wasn’t ready to re-seed, but the boys had finally got in and done a really good job.

“I remember creeping round the corner, scared to look in case the rain had caused us more problems, thinking please don’t be puddled. But there it was – a huge puddle. I won’t tell you what I muttered under my breath, but I was thinking, ‘Here it is back to haunt us again’,” revealed Billy.

Fortunately a dry spell followed and the team were able to get their preparations back on schedule and the contractors, who build what can now rightly be described as a massive temporary city, were able to get on site.

“It wasn’t ideal as it was still soft and we had to put tracking down to enable them to build up the stands around the 18th.”

In the 12 years since Billy and his team last prepared for an Open much has changed. The tents – temporary buildings would be a better name for them – are much bigger. Everything is much bigger while the R&A has also changed. Even at the top, and Martin Slumbers, who took over the reins from Peter Dawson as Chief Executive, will be in charge for his first Championship.

theopen-troon“He has been here on a number of occasions and has gone on the official course walks to see how preparations are progressing.”

Billy has also seen a change in the management structure within the R&A when it comes to running The Open.

“Since the 2004 Open I have found that the R&A now have individuals dealing with individual areas of responsibility. Last time I dealt with one person on a number of different areas.”

Since his first Open in charge – Justin Leonard’s win in 1997 – Billy has also evolved as a Course Manager.

“When we started taking scientific readings around the course to identify bounce levels, hydraulic conductivity etc, I’m not sure if I liked the idea. I felt that I was putting my neck on the line. Now I test for everything, even if it is just to reassure myself that my instincts are correct. It’s a little like when mobile phones came out. I didn’t like them as they often meant dropping what I was doing at the time whenever the phone goes off. Now, if I leave my mobile in the house I panic.”

Other changes to course maintenance have been helped by the improvement in machinery over the last 20 years which has enabled more procedures to be carried out quicker and more efficiently.

“We do a lot more sanding now than before. Richard Windows, of the STRI, is a massive help to me and he suggested that we put much more sand on the fairways and that has raised the quality to the extent that they are now very good links fairways. It has a made a real difference.”

Another change that he has introduced has seen the winter months utilised for top dressing.

“I used to top dress in the summer or the spring but now I do 90% of our top dressing from October to March – greens, fairways, tees, everything.”

theopen-troon2Speaking six weeks before the first tee shot is hit in the Open, Billy was deep in preparation mode and keen to ensure every base was covered.

“I’m living and breathing it every minute of every day. I wake up thinking of things I need to get done and those which I should have done the previous day. There is apprehension. I know there are many greenkeepers out there who would love to do The Open but it does take over your life. So I will be relieved when we get to the end of the week – although the Monday after it finishes is as hectic as the rest of the days.”

He does see himself very much part of a team and knows that every cog in the wheel is as important as the next.

“Richard (Windows) has been absolutely brilliant. He is a huge help, while the guys – there’s a team of 17 including himself and seasonal workers for the 45 holes at Royal Troon – have done a fantastic job. They really have been putting every last bit of effort into their work for months now.”

So it is fair to suggest that Billy would make sure he was at the front of the queue when those superhero powers were being allocated and that, given his first choice, life might be that much less stressful for the next Royal Troon Open Championship.

Ordering up an extended spell of sunny warm weather with occasional overnight rain from his mobile phone would be just the job.