Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

World’s widest Sarel Roller at BTME

World’s widest Sarel Roller at BTME: GreenTek will be displaying their 5.4m wide Multi-Sarel at the BTME show in Harrogate. In recent years, golf courses have been working hard to raise the turf quality of their fairways.  This follows a similar pattern to the great advances in greens care equipment, and consequently turf quality, that […]

BASF choose BTME for new launch

BASF choose BTME for new launch: BASF will launch Attraxor®, a new plant growth regulator (PGR) at BTME in Harrogate on January 21st, 2020. The product is new to the UK market and features the powerful active Prohexadione calcium. Attraxor reduces the longitudinal shoot growth of grass which lessens the frequency of mowing and the […]

World’s widest Sarel Roller at BTME

World’s widest Sarel Roller at BTME: GreenTek will be displaying their 5.4m wide Multi-Sarel at the BTME show in Harrogate. In recent years, golf courses have been working hard to raise the turf quality of their fairways.  This follows a similar pattern to the great advances in greens care equipment, and consequently turf quality, that […]

BASF choose BTME for new launch

BASF choose BTME for new launch: BASF will launch Attraxor®, a new plant growth regulator (PGR) at BTME in Harrogate on January 21st, 2020. The product is new to the UK market and features the powerful active Prohexadione calcium. Attraxor reduces the longitudinal shoot growth of grass which lessens the frequency of mowing and the […]